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The student expense information provided in this catalog is based upon the rates for the 2000-01 academic year. More current information may be obtained by contacting Business Services, Lommasson Center, The University of Montana-Missoula, Missoula, Montana 59812. (Phone 406-243-2223). The Board of Regents reserves the right to adjust fees at any time.

Students are encouraged to have funds on deposit in a Missoula bank for fees, board, room and other necessary expenses and be able to write a check for the exact amount during registration periods. Foreign and Canadian checks are not accepted. Canadian money is discounted. Credit card payment is accepted using VISA, Mastercard or Discover cards. A student's registration is not complete until fee payment/finalization has been processed by Business Services.

Fee Schedule

The fee schedules shown are for the spring semester of 2001. Students with WUE residency, graduate students, law students, unsubsidized residents, post baccalaureate and summer students will find different fee schedules applied. Contact Business Services for more information. These fees may change without notice.

Students enrolled for 6 credits or fewer have the option of paying an additional amount to cover the ASUM activity fee, campus recreation fee, health service, and athletic fee.

Permission is required by the undergraduate student's faculty advisor to register for more than 21 credits.

* Students enrolled for 6 credits or less have the option of paying additional amounts to cover Athletic, Activity, Campus Recreation, and clinical services provided by the Curry Health Center.

** Mandatory health ins. coverage with right of waiver is required for students registered for 7 or more cr & is available to students registered for at least 4 credits taken for traditional letter grade.

***At 12 credits Technology Fee $28; Computer Fee $36; Athletic Fee $30; Activity Fee $26; Kaimin Fee $2; Recycling Fee $1; Radio Fee $5 and Transportation Fee $4.

Note: Upper division resident undergraduates pay $9.40 more per credit.
Resident graduate students pay an additional $16.35 per credit.
Upper division nonresident undergraduates pay $23.15 more per credit.
Nonresident graduate students pay an additional $37.75 per credit

* Students enrolled for 6 credits or less have the option of paying additional amounts to cover Activity, Clinical Services provided by Curry Health Center.

** Mandatory insurance coverage with right of waiver is available to students registered for at least 7 or more credits and is available to students registered for at least 4 credits taken for traditional letter grade.

***At 12 credits Technology Fee $28; Computer Fee $36; Activity Fee $26; Kaimin Fee $2; Recycling Fee $1; Radio Fee $5; Transportation Fee $4.

Fee Schedule Explanation

Activity Fee
The activity fee is applied to the Associated Students of The University of Montana-Missoula, ASUM. It entitles students to use ASUM services (legal services, day care, tutoring services, etc.), provides support to ASUM activities, allows students to vote in elections and receive reduced rates to programming events.

Athletic Fee
This fee is used to help the Athletic Department maintain Division I status, and help bring them into compliance with gender equity laws. This fee entitles students to attend most UM-Missoula athletic events.

Building and Nonresident Building Fees
These fees are applied to the long term debt and used for the acquisition and renovation of buildings.

Campus Recreation Fee
This fee supports the services and programs of the Campus Recreation Department. It allows students to use the facilities at no charge, the Grizzly Pool at no charge at certain times, and to participate in recreation sports.

Computer Fees
Fee is used for the purchase or lease of computer equipment, software, maintenance, or related items which will benefit the instructional program.

Equipment Fees
This fee is applied to the purchase, lease and maintenance of equipment which will provide a primary benefit to the educational program, including library and other related capital acquisitions.

Health Services Fee (See Services - Curry Health Center)
The Curry Health Center (CHC) provides medical, dental, counseling, and health enhancement services to the students of the university. The Clinical Health Fee is mandatory for students enrolled for 7 or more credits and is automatically charged on the schedule bill. Students taking fewer than 7 credits that choose not to pay the Clinical Health Fee may receive services on a fee-for-service basis in some departments (See individual departmental listing for more information). More detailed information is available from the Curry Health Center. The campus programs health fee is assessed to all students.

Medical Insurance Fee (See Services - Medical Insurance)
All students are required to have medical insurance while attending the university. Students enrolled for 7 or more credits for either autumn or spring terms will automatically be charged for the student insurance plan on their schedule bill. Students have until the 15th class day each term to waive this student insurance coverage. Students who drop below 7 credits by the 15th class day, and have not specifically requested insurance enrollment either through the internet ( or completing enrollment forms, are automatically dropped from the plan and the premium amount is credited to the student's account. After the 15th class day, students may petition to waive the coverage. Proof of other insurance must be provided to the Student Insurance Representative located in room 111 of the Curry Health Center. No waiver will be granted after the end of the term.

The student insurance plan is offered to all students taking a minimum of four credits. Under limited circumstances, students enrolled for fewer than 4 credits may petition for insurance coverage. Contact Student Insurance Representative for petition details.

Waive or Add Insurance:

1. Students may waive or enroll for insurance each semester (excluding summer) on the internet at ro by completing and signing specific forms. These forms are available from and must be returned to Griz Central in the Lommasson Center or the Student Insurance office located in room 111 of Curry Health Center

2. Students are advised to carefully review their schedule bill to verify whether the student insurance premium is correctly waived or included on the bill.

3. Students enrolled in the insurance must also pay the Clinical Health Fee. These programs compliment each other and have helped to contain insurance premium increases. Note: Students taking seven or more credits are required to pay the Clinical Health Fee.

4. Non-U.S. Citizen Students are required to maintain adequate insurance while attending the University, regardless of the number of credits taken. Written proof of comparable coverage, in English, must be provided to the Student Insurance Office in order to waive the University plan. Since insurance is not offered on a public, government-sponsored basis, adequate insurance is vital in covering the highly technical and expensive health care available in the United States.

Radio and Transportation Fee
Students enrolled for 7 credits or more are assessed these fees. Radio Fee is used to support the student radio station. Transportation Fee is used to address transportation issues.

Registration Fee
Fee is non-refundable and applied to instructional costs.

Tuition Resident and Nonresident Fees
These fees are applied to instructional costs.

University Center Fees
The University Center operation fee is applied to the operation of the University Center. The University Center renovation fee is applied to renovation of the University Center.

Kaimin and Recycling Fees
The $2.00 Kaimin fee supports the student newspaper and the $1.00 Recycling fee supports the recycling program.

Academic Facilities and Technology Fee
The Academic Facility Fee was approved by students for the repayment of bonds. The proceeds from the bonds will be used to remodel classrooms and laboratories. The Technology Fee is used to support the technology infrastructure for Academic and Administrative Systems.

Other Course Fees
The Board of Regents may approve additional fees at any time. Fees frequently are assessed for selected courses in subjects such as: Accounting Technology, Art, Biology, Biochemistry, Building Maintenance Engineering, Business, Chemistry, Computer Technology, Culinary Arts, Curriculum and Instruction, Dance, Diesel Equipment Technology, Drama, Educational Leadership, Electronics Technology, Forestry, Geology, Health and Human Performance, Heavy Equipment Operation, Journalism, Legal Studies, Mathematics, Metals Processes, Microbiology, Military Science, Music, Nursing, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Resource Conservation, Respiratory Therapy, Science, Secretarial Technology, Small Engines, Surgical Technology, Truck, Welding, and Wildlife Biology. This listing may not be all-inclusive and does not preclude a specific fee from being assessed. Special fees are assessed for extended field trips in various departments. An Educational Service Fee is charged for the off-campus .B.A. and M.P.A. programs.

Audited courses are assessed the same fees as courses taken for credit.

A fee is charged for cooperative education internships.

Purchase of supplies, equipment, or tools may be required by certain programs.

Law School Fees
The 2000-2001 School of Law fees for 12 credits were approximately $1727 for autumn and $1707 for spring for an in-state student and $4648 for autumn and $4628 for spring for an out-of-state student. The Health Service fee is included. Health Insurance coverage is available to students for an additional charge. The 2001-2002 fees will be published July, 2001 and are likely to increase.

Law Special Fees
All persons who apply for admission to the School of Law must pay an acceptance fee of $300.00 ($150.00 is refundable if written notice is received by the due date if student does not want to attend) which is applied toward payment of fees upon entering and attending the School of Law in the semester for which application was made.

In addition to the above fees, Law School students must pay an additional $121.00 per credit which is applied to instructional costs.

All law students are assessed a $26.00 law activity fee for autumn and a $6.00 law activity fee for spring.

Summer Programs and Continuing Education
Fees, room and board costs for Summer Programs and fees for registration in Continuing Education are contained in separate publications. These publications can be obtained by contacting the Center for Continuing Education and Summer Programs, The University of Montana-Missoula, Missoula, MT 59812.

Refund for Withdrawal from the University

The withdrawal process (dropping all classes) begins at Griz Central located in the Lommasson Center. The date used in determining the amount credited to the student's account is the official withdrawal date as recorded by the University Registrar. No fees are credited after the fifteenth class day of the semester.

Students using the continuous deferred payment plan will have their withdrawal credit applied to their student account, but may still owe some or all of the deferred balance. All existing debts such as a deferred payment plan balance, library charges, health service charges, etc., may be deducted from any refund due the student. For further information, contact Business Services.

Financial aid funds may be returned to the funding source for students who have received aid the semester they withdraw. Consult the Financial Aid Office for more information.

Fees paid for room and board charges are refunded on a pro-rata basis. During the final two weeks of the term, room fees will be forfeited.

Medical withdrawals are granted for significant medical problems. Refunds for medical withdrawals initiated after the third week of classes are reviewed only if a significant medical problem originated in the first three weeks. This must be documented by a medical provider. This cannot conflict with Financial Aid guidelines.

#Providing Student is not withdrawing for Medical Reasons

Other Registration Costs and Policies

Late Registration
A student who does not complete registration, including payment of fees and finalization (returning the white copy of the schedule/bill to Business Services) or finalize via, during the scheduled registration period (see current Schedule of Classes) is assessed a late registration fee of $40.00. After the fifteenth class day, a petition is required to register and, if approved, an additional $80.00 may be assessed.


Dishonored Checks
A charge of $15.00 will be assessed on checks returned from the bank. Any check tendered in payment of registration fees and not honored by the bank upon which it is drawn may result in cancellation of a student's registration. The student will be assessed the late registration fee of $80.00 maximum in addition to the $15.00 service charge.

Fee Policy on Drop/Adds
Students must pay for all courses for which they are enrolled at registration. However, within the first fifteen class days, they may drop or add courses. The courses for which students are enrolled on the fifteenth class day will determine any fee adjustments (see fee schedule) or financial aid adjustments. Beginning the sixteenth class day, courses dropped will not result in a reduction of fees but courses added will increase credit hour enrollment and may result in an additional charge. Financial aid adjustments are not made for any activity after the fifteenth day of classes.

Drop/Add Processing Fee
A $10.00 processing fee will be charged for each course that is added after the fifteenth class day or dropped after the twenty-fifth class day. See the summer class schedule for summer session deadlines.

Continuous Deferred Fee Payment Plan
The Board of Regents of Higher Education have authorized a continuous deferred fee payment plan which provides for the payment of at least one third of the total fees along with a $30.00 administrative charge at the time of registration, payment of one third approximately 30 days after registration and payment of the full balance approximately 60 days after registration. Registration, Incidental, Health Service, Activity, Kaimin, Recycling, Academic Facilities, Computer, Equipment, Athletic, Campus Recreation, Radio, University Center and Building Fees, and Residence Halls and Dining Service charges less any Financial Aid may be deferred. The signing and adherence to the terms and conditions of a promissory note will be required and no fees may be deferred by any person who owes the University any fees, fines, loans or other charges or who has previously deferred fees and failed to make timely payments. A $15.00 fee will be assessed each time a payment is late. This plan is not available for the summer session.

Non Payment
No person who owes the University any fees, fines or other charges will be permitted to (1) receive academic credit or grades; (2) register; (3) secure any transcript, diploma or record; or, (4) access any University facilities or services, regardless of the relationship thereof to the amount owed, until the full amount due has been paid or satisfactorily adjusted with Business Services. Interest may be charged at the rate of 8% on the balance due from the day after the due date until the full amount has been paid and any attorney's fees or other costs or charges necessary for the collection of the amount owed may be added to the balance due. The University shall have the right to apply any portion of any amount it may owe such individual for any reason, including wages, to payment of the balance owed to the University.

Determination of In-State Fee Status back to top

The Montana University System classifies all students as either in-state or out-of-state. This classification affects admission decisions and fee determinations. The basic rules for making the classification are found in Board of Regents' Policy. It is each student's responsibility to secure and review a copy of the policy. Failure to be aware of the rules will not be cause for granting any exceptions to them. A copy of the policy is available from the Admissions Office or the Registrar's Office. It is important to bear in mind that each residency determination is based on the unique set of facts found in each individual's case. If you have questions concerning your particular case, be sure to contact the unit to which you are applying for admission or at which you are already enrolled. Generally, the Admissions Office or the Registrar's Office will be able to assist you.

With certain exceptions, in order to be eligible for in-state status, a person must meet a 12-month durational residency test. You will have to demonstrate a bona fide intent to become a Montana resident. The 12-month period does not start until some act indicative of an intent to establish residency is taken. Mere presence in Montana or enrollment at a unit will not serve to start this period. Sufficient acts to start the period are registration to vote, obtaining a Montana driver's license, registration of a motor vehicle in Montana, purchase of a home in Montana, filing of a resident Montana tax return. If and only if none of these indicators is applicable to you, you may file an Affidavit of Intent to Establish Residency in order to begin the 12-month period. Such an affidavit must be filed with the unit, and you should check with the unit to see if such an affidavit is applicable in your case.

After the 12-month period has commenced, you are expected to act in a manner consistent with Montana residency and to do all those things required by law of a Montana resident. Any actions inconsistent with or in contradiction of a claim of Montana residency may result in your classification as out-of-state. For example, voting absentee in another state, participation in our exchange program affecting fee status, e.g. WUE or NSE, and receiving financial aid based on non-Montana residency (such as a state scholarship) or receiving the majority of your financial aid from outside Montana (a minor or unemancipated person's residency is presumed to be that of the parents or legal guardian). It is presumed that any person who is registered in excess of one-half of a full-time credit load is present in the state primarily for educational purposes and such period may not be applied to the 12-month waiting period. A Montana driver's license should be obtained within the 12-month period. Close attention is paid to meeting the income tax filing requirements. All taxable income earned during the 12-month period must be reported. The policy lists various acts that are consistent with a claim of Montana residency.

In addition to acquiring in-state status based on residency, you may be eligible for in-state status based on one or more exceptions provided for in Regents' policy. Because they are exceptions, these additional means of acquiring in-state status will be strictly construed. It is important to note that in-state status under an exception can be lost if you no longer meet the requirements for the exception to apply. Consequently, if you can also meet the requirements for in-state status based on 12-month residency, it is to your advantage to be classified based on residency rather than on an exception.

All presently enrolled students have a classification, and applicants for admission will be classified by the appropriate college or university upon receipt of their applications. The initial classification can be appealed, and students are permitted to petition for reclassification at any time. In order to be eligible for in-state status for fee purposes, it is necessary to apply for and meet the requirements for such status on or before the 15th instructional day of the semester for which the status is sought. When a student petitions or meets the requirements after the 15th instructional day, a change in classification, if granted, will not be retroactive and will become effective for the next term. Reclassification is not automatic and will not occur unless the individual so petitions. It is your responsibility to meet any filing deadlines that are imposed by the appropriate unit of the System. All students should check with their appropriate unit to determine the time limits for filing. The appeal process is given in the Regents' policy.

Limits on State-Subsidized Tuition Rates

The Montana University System limits the number of credits undergraduate residents can attempt at state-subsidized tuition rates. After the limit has been exceeded, students will be charged full cost of education for additional credits until a baccalaureate degree is awarded.

The intent of this limit is to encourage students to complete their undergraduate studies in a timely fashion. To assist with this encouragement, warning letters are sent to students when they have attempted enough credits to be within 35 credits of the limit.

Students entering the Montana University System or the three publicly-supported community colleges of Montana will be limited to 170 semester credits of subsidized undergraduate tuition. Courses attempted prior to the autumn semester of 1991, credits earned in high school Advanced Placement programs or any program of challenge exams, or credits transferred from out-of-state or private institutions, shall not be counted in the 170-credit limit.

Costs of On-Campus Services back to top

Housing and Dining Services

Students living in University residence halls are required to contract for a meal plan with Dining Services. Room and board rates are the same for in-state and out of-state students. Occupants may select any meal plan to obtain the number of meals preferred and choose from a variety of room options.

Students who are approved to move out of the residence halls and terminate their meal plan contract will receive a prorated refund based upon the days remaining in the semester less the cancellation fee..

Residence Halls

*Increases are expected*
2000-01 room rates in University residence halls are:

Autumn/Spring Semesters

Double Room
Single Room
Double as Single
Pantzer Suite
Miller Suite.................................................................................................

Rates include telephone service and $6.00 per semester social fee.

Summer Semester

Penthouse/Pod-Miller Hall...........................................................................

Dining Services

Dining Services meal plan prices 2000-2001 academic year.
*The prices below are subject to approval by the Board of Regents and may change slightly

Meal Plan


Students living in residence halls are required to contract for one of the three meal plans. All meal plans are available to off-campus students, faculty and staff.

University Villages

*Increases are expected*
University Villages housing is available. A $250.00 deposit is required and application should be made to University Village Office, Elkhorn Court, Missoula, MT 59801.

Housing Apartment Rates (monthly)


Per Semester


Per Night


Autumn/ Spring Semester


Craighead and Sisson


Note: Utilities are included in Craighead and Sisson rents. All rates include a $2.00 per month social fee.



Vehicle Registration Fee

All vehicles parking on campus must display current campus vehicle registration between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, August through July. Students, staff or faculty may purchase window or hanger decals for $105 a year. Students have the option of purchasing semester decals for $52.50. Reserved parking is available on a first come, first serve basis for $315 a year. Car pools of three or more drivers may register for $10 per person for the year.

Motorcycles are issued "B" decals at $30 per year. Day passes, all day parking for $1.50, may be purchased from the Office of Campus Security or the University Center and are valid in all "A" decal required lots only. Hourly pay parking is available for $.75 per hour.

Partial refunds on decal are available only until the last day of semester late registration. No refunds will be given on motorcycle, car pool or half semester registrations.

If a vehicle is sold, transferred or destroyed, the parking decal must be removed and returned to the Office of Campus Security for replacement. There is a $10 replacement fee for all decals lost, stolen or not returned.

Other Campus Services

On campus there are other services provided such as the swimming pool, laundry facilities, locker rental, a full service bookstore, prescription pharmacy, testing programs, etc. The rates charged for these services are too varied to present in this publication. If more information is required concerning these services, contact the department providing the service.

Veterans' Benefits for Education Assistance Under Public Law 95-202 and Public Law 815

A veteran may be eligible to receive benefits under various GI Bills. When applying for educational benefits, it is essential that the veteran's status be known (Montgomery Bill, VEAP, Vocational Rehabilitation or Survivors or Dependents). Refer to the Veteran's Guide available in the Lommasson Center, 201. The veteran must be enrolled and pursuing an approved program of education or training to be eligible for benefits.

The following chart indicates the minimum credit hours for which veterans must be registered to receive benefits:



Fees only..................................................................................................

*Graduate credits only


Less Than 6


Less than 6

Additional information, minimum grade and credit requirements, advice on the benefits, or application forms may be obtained by contacting the Veterans' Coordinator, Lommasson Center 201.

Students who plan to attend the University on The Montgomery G.I. Bill should be prepared to pay for their first semester when they arrive. It can take 10-12 weeks for their claim to be processed and their first check to arrive.

Veterans entitled to the Montana Veterans Fee Waiver should contact the Financial Aid Office.