2012-2013 Course Catalog

The University Of Montana

Wildland Restoration

Bachelor of Science in Wildland Restoration

Ecological restoration ─ the process of assisting in the repair of damaged ecosystems─ is one of the fastest growing areas of natural resource management.  With increasing interest, there is a corresponding need for trained professionals who understand not only the science of restoration ecology but also the management practices and social factors that lead to successful project implementation.  The College of Forestry and Conservation offers a Bachelor of Science and a minor in Wildland Restoration (for more information see: http://www.cfc.umt.edu/wildland/).  

Bachelor of Science in Wildland Restoration (Aquatic and Terrestrial Options)

The major in Wildland Restoration prepares students to tackle the complex challenges associated with repairing degraded ecosystems.  Students can select one of two options: the Terrestrial Option, which focuses on the repair of terrestrial ecosystems; and the Aquatic Option which focuses on stream, wetland, and groundwater restoration. Both options provide in-depth training in the science of restoration ecology and the management activities and human dimensions of restoration practice. Students engage in field-based learning, contribute to cutting-edge restoration projects, and are challenged to apply ecological theory to restoration practice.  The major requires completion of a nine-credit restoration capstone, during which students gain hands-on real-world experience planning and implementing restoration projects in partnership with natural resource management agencies and organizations in western Montana.

A degree in Wildland Restoration prepares students for careers as restoration practitioners with non-profit, private, or governmental agencies and for graduate school in ecology or natural resource management.  Students who graduate with this major may qualify for the following federal civil service jobs: biological technician (Series 0404), ecologist (Series GS-408), forester (Series G-460), hydrologist (Series GS-1315) and soil conservationist (Series GS-457).  More information on federal civil service requirements can be found at: http://www.opm.gov/qualifications/standards/indexes/alph-ndx.asp.

Minor in Wildland Restoration

In addition to the major, the Wildland Restoration program also offers a minor for students who wish to gain basic competency in restoration while pursuing another UM major. 

Bachelors in Wildland Restoration - Aquatic Option
First Year Credits
WRIT 101 (ENEX 101) College Writing I 3
BIOB 160N (BIOL 110N) Principles of Living Systems 4
GEO 101N/102N (GEOS 100N/101N) General Geology/Lab 3
COMM 111A Introduction to Public Speaking 3
CHMY 121N (CHEM 151N) Introduction to General Chemistry 3
CHMY 123N (CHEM 152N) Introduction to Organic and Biological Chemistry 3
M 171 (MATH 152) Calculus I 4
NRSM 121S (RSCN 121S) Nature of Montana or NRSM 180 (FOR/RECM/WBIO 180) Careers in Natural Resources 2-3
Electives and General Education 3-4
Second Year Credits
BIOB 260 (BIOL 221) Cellular and Molecular Biology 4
BIOB 272 (BIOL 223) Genetics and Evolution 4
FORS 201 (FOR 201) Forest Biometrics or WILD 240 (WBIO 240) Wildlife Monitoring and Biostatistics or STAT 216 (MATH 241) Statistics 3-4
M 172 (MATH 153) Calculus II 4
NRSM 265 (FOR 265) Elements of Ecological Restoration 3
PHSX 205N/206N (PHYS 111N/113N) Fundamentals of Physics I/Lab or PHSX 215N/216N (PHYS 211N/213N) Fundamentals of Physics II w/Calc. I/Lab 5
WRIT 245 (WBIO 245) Science Writing or WRIT 222 (FOR 220) Technical Approach to Writing 2-3
Electives and General Education 3-4
Third and Fourth Years Credits
BIOE 428 (BIOL 366) Freshwater Ecology 5
NRSM 365 (FOR 365) Foundation of Restoration Ecology 
NRSM 385 (FOR 385) Watershed Hydrology
NRSM 422 (FOR 422) Natural Resource Policy and Administration
NRSM 444 (FOR 444) Ecological Restoration Capstone
NRSM 489E (FOR 489E) Ethics Forestry and Conservation
NRSM 494 (FOR 494) Seminar in Ecological Restoration
NRSM 495 (FOR 445) Ecological Restoration Practicum  3-6
Restoration/Aquatic Electives 
Restoration/Social-Sci. Elective 3
Electives and General Education
Rest/Aquatic Electives: At least nine credits must be completed from: Credits
BIOO 340 (BIOL 308) Biology and Management of Fishes 4
ENSC 245N (FOR 210N) Soils
FORS 250 (FOR 250) Introduction to GIS for Forest Management 2
GEO 260 (GEOS 260) River Systems
GEO 420 (GEOS 480) Hydrogeology
GEO 460 (GEOS 460) Process Geomorphology 
NRSM 455 (FOR 455) Riparian Ecology and Management
NRSM 485 (FOR 485) Watershed Management
Rest/ Social-Science Electives: At least three credits must be completed from: Credits
ECNS 433 (ECON 440) Environmental Economics 3
FORS 320 (FOR 320) Forest Environmental Economics 3
NRSM 379 (FOR 379) Collaboration in Natural Resource Decisions 3
NRSM 449E (FOR/RSCN 449) Climate Change Ethics and Policy
NRSM 475 (FOR 475) Environment and Development
Bachelors in Wildland Restoration - Terrestrial Option
First Year Credits
BIOB 160N (BIOL 110) Principles of Living Systems 
BIOO 105N (BIOL 120) Introduction to Botany
CHMY 121N (CHEM 151N) Introduction to General Chemistry
CHMY 123N (CHEM 152N) Introduction to Organic and Biological Chemistry
COMM 111A Introduction to Public Speaking
M 162 (MATH 150) Calculus
NRSM 121S (RSCN 121S) Nature of Montana or NRSM 180 (FOR/RECM/WBIO 180) Careers in Natural Resources
WRIT 101 (ENEX 101) College Writing I
Electives and General Education 3-4
Second Year Credits
FORS 201 (FOR 201) Forest Biometrics or WILD 240 (WBIO 240) Wildlife Monitoring and Biostatistics or STAT 216 (MATH 241) Statistics 3-4
BIOB 260 (BIOL 221) Cellular and Molecular Biology
BIOB 272 (BIOL 223) Genetics and Evolution
ENSC 245N (FOR 210N) Soils 3
NRSM 265 (FOR 265) Elements of Ecological Restoration
PHSX 205N/206N (PHYS 111N/113N) Fundamentals of Physics I/Lab or PHSX 215N/216N (PHYS 211N/213N) Fundamentals of Physics with Calculus I/ Lab
WILD 245 (WBIO 245) Science Writing or WRIT 222 (FOR 220) Technical Approach to Writing
Electives and General Education 5-6
Third and Fourth Years Credits
BIOO 335 (BIOL 350) Rocky Mountain Flora
FORS 330 (FOR 330) Forest Ecology or BIOE 370 (BIOL 340) General Ecology
NRSM 365 (FOR 365) Restoration Ecology
NRSM 385 (RSCN 385) Watershed Hydrology 3
NRSM 422 (FOR 422) Natural Resource Policy and Administration
NRSM 444 (FOR 444) Ecological Restoration Capstone 5
NRSM 489E (FOR 489E) Ethics, Forestry and Conservation
NRSM 494 (FOR 494) Seminar in Ecological Restoration 
NRSM 495 (FOR 445) Ecological Restoration Practicum
Restoration/Social Sciences Electives 
Restoration/Terrestrial Electives 9
Electives and General Education 17
Rest/Terrestrial Electives: At least nine credits must be completed from:  Credits
BIOE 448 (BIOL 448) Terrestrial Plant Ecology  3
BIOM 430 (MICB 423) Applied and Environmental Microbiology  3
BIOO 320 (BIOL 316) General Botany  5
BIOO 433 (BIOL 444) Plant Physiology  3
FORS 250 (FOR 250) Intro to GIS for Forest Management
FORS 331 (FOR 331) Wildland Fuels Management
NRSM 335 (FOR 335) Environmental Entomology
NRSM 360 (FOR 360) Rangeland Management
NRSM 363 (FOR 361) Range Forage Plants
NRSM 415 (FOR 415) Environmental Soil Science
NRSM 462 (FOR 462) Range Ecology
NRSM 485 (FOR 485) Watershed Management
WILD 470 (WBIO 470) Conservation of Wildlife Populations
Rest/Social-Science Electives: At least three credits must be completed from: Credits 
ECNS 433 (ECON 440) Environmental Economics 3
FORS 320 (FOR 320) Forest Environment Economics 3
NRSM 379 (FOR 379) Collaboration in Natural Resource Decisions 3
NRSM 449E (FOR/RSCN 449) Climate Change Ethics and Policy 3
NRSM 475 (FOR 475) Environment and Development


Wildland Restoration Minor

To earn a minor in Wildland Restoration, students must fulfill the course requirements listed below.

Minor in Wildland Restoration

NRSM 265 (FOR 265) Elements of Ecological Restoration 3
NRSM 365 (FOR 365) Foundations of Restoration Ecology 3

FORS 330 (FOR 330) Forest Ecology or BIOE 370 (BIOL 340) General Ecology or BIOE 428 (BIOL 366) Freshwater Ecology


FORS 201 (FOR 201) Forest Biometrics or WBIO 240 (WBIO 240) Wildlife Monitoring and Biostatistics or STAT 216 (MATH 241) Statistics


ENSC 245N (FOR 210N) Soils

BIOO 335 (BIOL 350) Rocky Mountain Flora or NRSM 385 (FOR 385) Watershed Hydrology 3
Rest/Natural Science Electives: At least three credits must be completed from the following: (if one of the proposed Natural Science electives is required above, a second elective must be selected): Credits 
BIOO 340 (BIOL 308) Biology and Management of Fishes 3
BIOO 335 (BIOL 350) Rocky Mountain Flora 3
BIOE 448 (BIOL 448) Terrestrial Plant Ecology 3
WILD 470 (WBIO 470) Conservation of Wildlife Populations 3
FORS 331 (FOR 331) Wildland Fuel Management 3
NRSM 335 (FOR 335) Environmental Entomology 3
FORS 347 (FOR 347) Multiple Resource Silviculture 3
NRSM 360 (FOR 360) Range Management 3
NRSM 385 (FOR 385) Watershed Hydrology 3
Rest/Social - Science Electives: At least three credits must be completed from (If one of the proposed social-science electives also is required for the students major degree, a second social-science elective must be taken): Credits
NRSM 422 (FOR 422) Natural Resource Policy and Administration
NRSM 489E (FOR 489E) Ethics Forestry and Conservation
NRSM 379 (FOR 379) Collaboration in Natural Resource Decisions
NSRM 475 (FOR 475) Environment and Development
NRSM 449E (FOR/RSCN 449) Climate Change Ethics and Policy
PTRM 482 (RECM 482) Wilderness & Protected Areas Management 3
Total 24-25