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School of Forestry

Perry J. Brown, Dean

Donald F. Potts, Associate Dean

Pages 224-230
Education in forestry at The University of Montana began in 1913 with the founding of the School of Forestry. Through the 80 years of its existence, the School has established a national reputation for strong educational programs based on both technical competence and social responsibility.

Present day land management challenges range from intensive resource utilization to organism and ecosystem preservation. Resource professionals need a broad range of talents and perspectives to solve present day problems and quickly adapt to address an even more complex future. Our instructional programs produce both specialists and broadly trained generalists, all of whom understand the complex interrelationships between resource use and quality of human environment. All instructional programs emphasize interaction with practicing professionals and opportunities to observe and participate in current field resource management situations. Field trips are offered in many courses. In addition, students in several areas of emphasis may obtain intensive field experience through on-site course offerings in a camp setting at the Lubrecht Experimental Forest.

All students taking courses in the School of Forestry are assessed a forestry fee each semester for travel, laboratory materials, teaching assistants, and other instructional costs. A few courses are exempted from this fee. (See the Schedule of Classes).

High School Preparation: Students planning to enter the School of Forestry should attain a sound high school background in English, social studies, mathematics, biology, and other sciences.

Entering freshmen and non-resident transfer students will be admitted to the School of Forestry in accordance with general university admissions requirements listed previously in the catalog. See index.

Resident transfer students must have a grade point average of 2.0 or above to be admitted to the School of Forestry. University students wanting to change their major to the School of Forestry must have a grade point average of 2.0 or above. Students are required to consult with their advisors before each registration period. New students needing an advisor and current students who wish to change advisors should contact the Dean's Office. Students may change their advisor at any time, and often do as their specific interests develop or change. Students are responsible for fulfilling the published requirements. Students are urged to solicit the advisor's help at all times.

Special Degree Requirements

Refer to graduation requirements listed previously in the catalog. See index.

Degree candidates must complete a curriculum that includes:

  1. A minimum of three courses primarily designed to develop communication skills with at least one each in the areas of oral communications and written communications.
  2. A minimum of three quantitative courses primarily designed to develop quantitative skills not to include Math 005, 100, 130 or 132.
  3. Except for the B.S. in Wildlife Biology, a course of study containing not less than 36 traditional letter-graded semester credits in the School of Forestry, of which a minimum of 20 credits must be taken while an approved major within the School of Forestry.
  4. Except for the B.S. in Wildlife Biology, a minimum of 400 hours of work experience appropriate to the degree being sought and to the student's career objectives, as determined by the forestry faculty.
  5. An overall course of study approved by the Forestry faculty selected from one of the following academic program areas: Forest Resources Management Emphasis (BSF) Range Resources Management Emphasis (BSF) Recreation Resources Management Emphasis (BSRM) Recreation Program Services Emphasis (BSRM) Terrestrial Emphasis in Wildlife Biology (BSWB) Aquatic Emphasis in Wildlife Biology (BSWB) Honors Option in Wildlife Biology (BSWB) Resource Conservation (BSRC)

Each student will select an area of academic emphasis, preferably during the first or early in the second year. A coursework program will be worked out for each student with an advisor, according to the guidelines and any additional requirements set forth in the current University Catalog. Additional curricula requirements have been defined for programs in Forest Resource Management, Range Resources Management and Wildlife Biology.

To continue coursework in the School of Forestry beyond the freshman year, the student must maintain a cumulative grade average of 2.00 (C) or above. To graduate, the student must have a cumulative grade point average of 2.00 (C) for all forestry courses taken as well as a cumulative 2.00 overall average (2.5 for wildlife biology).

Bachelor of Science in Forestry

This degree emphasizes the training and preparation of students in the art and science of multiple-use land management. Two areas of emphasis are offered in this degree: forest resources management and range resources management. Both are described below. Forest Resources Management Area of Emphasis: This curriculum, accredited by the Society of American Foresters, is designed to provide students with education and training in the art and science of resource analysis and in making and implementing land management decisions to provide for the best use of all resources of the forest environment. Current philosophy and methods of producing forest-based goods and services such as recreation, timber, water, range and wildlife are stressed, with a heavy emphasis in field methods and applications. Completion of the requirements for this degree allows for qualification as a Forester for the U.S. Civil Service Commission, a requirement of all who wish to practice as a forester for federal agencies such as the U.S. Forest Service, and many state government and private forestry employers.

Students selecting the Forest Resources Management emphasis must complete the following required courses or their equivalent, if transferred from another college or university. Transference and equivalency will be determined by the University and School of Forestry. Electives may be taken at any time, keeping in mind these requirements as well as the University's General Education requirements for graduation.

First Year Credits

Second Year

Third and Fourth Years: For 320, 330, 340, 347, 351, 360, 422, 441, 480, 481, 485; Recm 310; WBio 370.

Range Resources Management Area of Emphasis: This curriculum is designed to prepare students for a variety of career opportunities in rangeland vegetation management. The program emphasizes rangeland ecology, use, management and conservation. The interrelationships of soil, plants, and animals are studied in great breadth and depth, with extensive field and laboratory experience stressed. Opportunities for employment as a range management specialist include, but are not limited to, federal agencies such as the U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management; state agencies and private corporations and ranches that require the expertise of a professional range manager.

Students selecting the range resources management emphasis must complete the following required courses, or their equivalent if transferred from another college or university. Transference and equivalency will be determined by the University and School of Forestry. Electives may be taken at appropriate times, keeping in mind these requirements as well as the University's General Education requirements for graduation.

First Year Credits

Second Year

Third and Fourth Years: For 320, 330, 351, 360, 361, 362, 410, 460, 461, 462, 463, 467, 480, 485; WBio 370.

Bachelor of Science in Wildlife Biology

The School of Forestry cooperates with the Division of Biological Sciences in offering a degree program in wildlife biology. Wildlife biology is the study of wild vertebrate animals, their habitats and their environment. The undergraduate curriculum constitutes pre-professional training for employment in fish and game conservation, and provides an excellent background in general ecology.

Since few employment opportunities exist in wildlife management or research for students with the bachelor's degree, wildlife biology students should plan to continue their education, at least through the master's degree, to qualify for most state and federal wildlife management or research positions.

Three curricula are offered in the wildlife biology program: Terrestrial, Aquatic, and Honors. Curriculum requirements are found under the Wildlife Biology section in this catalog.

Bachelor of Science in Recreation Management

Two areas of emphasis are offered: Recreation Resource Management and Recreation Program Services. Detailed descriptions of these emphases, including curriculum requirements, are found under the Recreation Management section in this catalog.

Bachelor of Science in Resource Conservation

This degree provides a broad academic foundation in natural resources with emphasis on their social importance. The degree is designed for individuals with unique or specific career objectives not served by the School's other degree programs. This program provides career opportunities by combining the science and management base gained from natural resource-oriented courses with courses from departments in the social sciences and liberal arts. Graduates from this program can be prepared for specialization in environmental law or business. Graduates might also seek employment with advocacy and professional organizations dealing with natural resources. This degree is not intended to prepare students for professional careers in forest management, recreation management or wildlife biology. Students wishing to pursue careers in these areas should enroll in the appropriate degree program.

Students selecting the Bachelor of Science in Resource Conservation should contact their advisors to approve curriculum. In addition, the student, with advice and consent of his or her advisor from the School of Forestry, should design a curriculum addressing their specific needs. Any deviations from the program can be made only with the advice and consent of the student's faculty advisor.

Example of possible program in Resource Conservation:

First Year Credits

Second Year

Third and Fourth Years: (minimum of 30 credits at the 300-level or above; and at least two 400-level or above to include For 422).

Graduate Programs

The School of Forestry offers these graduate degrees: Master of Science in Resource Conservation, Master of Science in Forestry, Master of Forestry, Master of Science in Wildlife Biology, Master of Science in Recreation Management, and Doctor of Philosophy. For further information on these programs contact the Graduate School.

Forestry continued . . .