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Microbiology is the study of microorganisms, including the bacteria, yeasts, molds, viruses, protozoa and other microscopic parasites. Special emphasis is placed on their structure, function, interactions and relationships with humans.

A B.S. in microbiology is offered. Initial work provides the student with a working knowledge of the basic principles of the physical and biological sciences and mathematics. The remaining study is devoted to a more intense and broadened training in microbiology and ancillary fields, and may include independent study which offers the student an opportunity to prepare for graduate work.

Special Degree Requirements

Refer to the graduation requirements listed previously in the catalog. See index.

In addition to the General Education requirements, the following courses must be completed for the Bachelor of Science in Microbiology: Thirty-two or more credits (300-level or above) in biology and microbiology including Micb 300-301, 310-311, 312-313, 404-405, 420-421, and 450-451.

Math 117, 121, 150; Biol 221, 223; Chem 161N-162N, 164N-165N, 221-222, 223-224, 341; Phys 121N-122N and Bioc 381-382 or 481-482 also are required.

Suggested Course of Study

First Year

Chem 161N-162N, 164N- 165N_College Chemistry and Laboratory
Math 117_Probability and Linear Mathematics
Math 121_Precalculus
*Enex 101_Composition
Electives and General Education

*Semester of enrollment depends on beginning letter of student's last name.

Second Year

Biol 221_Cell and Molecular Biology
Biol 223_Genetics and E volution
Chem 221-222, 223-224_ Organic Chemistry and Laboratory
Math 150_Applied Calculus
Micb 300-301_General
Microbiology and Laboratory
Electives and General Education

Third Year

Micb 310-311_Immunology and Laboratory
Micb 312-313_Medical Bacteriology and Laboratory
Chem 341_Quantitative Analysis and Instrumental Methods
Phys 121N-122N_General Physics
Electives and General Education

Fourth Year

Micb 404-405_Molecular Genetics and Laboratory
Micb 420-421_Virology and Laboratory
Micb 450-451_Microbial Physiology and Lab
Bioc 381-382 or 481-482_ Elementary Biochemistry or Biochemistry
Electives and General Education

Requirements for a Minor

To earn a minor in microbiology, the student must complete Micb 300-301, 310-311, 302 or 312-313 and eight credits selected from Micb 306, 404, 418, 420-421, 450-451; Biol 400, 401.


U=for undergraduate credit only, UG=for undergraduate or graduate credit, G=for graduate credit. R after the credit indicates the course may be repeated for credit to the maximum indicated after the R.

UG 300 General Microbiology 3 cr. Prereq., Chem 151N or 221, Biol 221. Microbial structure and function, growth and reproduction, physiology, ecology, genetics, environmental factors, control of microorganisms and sterility, antimicrobial agents, microbial diversity.

UG 301 General Microbiology Laboratory 2 cr. Prereq. or coreq., Micb 300. Basic microbiology procedures and techniques.

UG 302 Medical Microbiology 3 cr. Microbial structure and functions, pathogenic microorganisms, virology, immunology. Credit not allowed toward a major in microbiology.

UG 304 Food and Industrial Microbiology 3 cr. Prereq., Micb 300-301. Offered alternate years. Microbial aspects of fermentation, food spoilage and preservation, foodborne illness, and the microbiology of selected industrial processes.

UG 305 Food and Industrial Microbiology Laboratory 1 cr. Prereq. or coreq., Micb 304. Offered alternate years. Microbial analyses of foods and beverages with emphasis on foodborne pathogens and spoilage organisms. Industrial fermentations.

UG 306 Environmental Microbiology 3 cr. Prereq., Biol 105N, 107N or Micb 300-301 or consent of instr. Offered alternate years. Survey of the microbial ecology of aquatic and terrestrial environments, biogeochemical cycling, water and wastewater treatment, and biodegradation.

UG 307 Environmental Microbiology Laboratory 1 cr. Prereq. or coreq., Micb 306 or consent of instr. Offered alternate years. Experimental approaches in microbial ecology, characterization of aquatic and terrestrial microorganisms, biodegradation.

UG 309 Hematology 2 cr. Prereq., junior level or consent of instr., Micb 300. Study of blood and diseases of the circulatory system. Blood banking and serology.

UG 310 Immunology 3 cr. Prereq., Micb 300-301. Modern concepts and methods in immunology.

UG 311 Immunology Laboratory 1 cr. Coreq., Micb 310. Modern techniques for analysis of immune responses.

UG 312 Medical Bacteriology 2 cr. Prereq., Micb 310. A study of the pathogenic bacteria and the diseases they produce.

UG 313 Medical Bacteriology Laboratory 1 cr. Prereq. or coreq., Micb 312. Laboratory study of pathogenic bacteria.

UG 404 Molecular Genetics 3 cr. Prereq., Micb 300. Molecular biology of the genetic system: mechanisms of gene expression, replication, recombination, mutation, regulation and in vitro genetic manipulation.

UG 405 Molecular Genetics Laboratory 1 cr. Prereq. or coreq., Micb 404. Experiments in molecular genetics: mutagenesis, recombination, recombinant DNA.

UG 406 Clinical Diagnosis 2 cr. Prereq., Micb 312-313. Principles of blood chemistry, urinalysis, hematology and other clinical parameters of disease and health.

UG 407 Clinical Diagnosis Laboratory 1 cr. Prereq., Micb 312-313, 406. Clinical diagnostic methods.

U 408 Seminar 1 cr. (R-3) Prereq., senior standing in natural sciences. Recent topics in microbiology and related subjects.

UG 411 Epidemiology 2 cr. Prereq., course in microbiology. Distribution and determinants of infectious and chronic diseases. Principles of epidemiologic methods. Public health practices. World health and disease problems.

UG 418 Medical Mycology 4 cr. Prereq., Micb 310 or equiv. Study of the medically important fungi and the diseases they cause. Microscopic, serologic and modern methods of identification.

UG 420 Virology 3 cr. Prereq., Micb 310. The general nature of viruses, with emphasis on the molecular biology of animal and human viruses.

UG 421 Virology Laboratory 1 cr. Prereq. or coreq., Micb 420. Propagation, isolation and quantitation of viruses from different host systems: tissue culture and embryonated eggs. Molecular characterization of viral components: protein and nucleic acid.

UG 450 Microbial Physiology 3 cr. Prereq., Micb 300-301. Microbial structure and function, physiological diversity, microbial metabolism, role of microbial activity in the environment.

UG 451 Microbial Physiology Laboratory 1 cr. Coreq., Micb 450. Experimental approaches to analysis of microbial structure, composition and metabolism.

G 500 Advanced Topics in Microbiology 2 cr. (R-6)

G 502 Advanced Immunology 3 cr. Offered alternate years. Advanced topics and immunological techniques used in modern immunology.

G 505 Microbiology Literature 1 cr. (R-6)

G 509 Advanced Virology 3 cr. Prereq., Micb 420-421. Offered alternate years. Students are presented with research papers that have been pivotal to the understanding of important molecular or genetic concepts in virology.

G 510 Microbial Structure and Function 2 cr. Prereq., graduate standing. Offered alternate years. Ultrastructure and function of microbial cells.

G 520 Medical Parasitology 2 cr. Prereq., Biol 400 or equiv. Offered alternate years. Epidemiology, pathology, immunology, diagnosis and treatment of protozoan and helminth parasites of humans. Stresses current advances in parasitology.

G 580 Molecular Biology Seminar 1 cr. (R-6) Prereq., consent of instr. Same as Bioc 580. Consideation of areas of current research interest in biochemistry and molecular biology.

G 583 Lipids and Membranes 3 cr. Prereq., Chem 370 or 372 and Bioc 482 or equiv. Same as Bioc 583. Offered alternate years. The chemistry and biochemical properties of lipids and their functions in biological systems. The structure and function of biological membranes are emphasized.

G 594 Seminar 1 cr. (R-6)

G 595 Special Topics 1-3 cr. (R-6) Prereq., graduate standing. Experimental offerings of visiting professors, experimental offerings of new courses, or one-time offerings of current topics.

G 597 Research Variable cr. (R-18) Prereq., graduate standing, one semester residence.

G 599 Thesis 1-10 cr. (R-10) Prereq., masters student in microbiology. Laboratory research for and preparation of a masters thesis.

G 686 Advanced Molecular Biology Laboratory 1-3 cr. (R-3) Prereq., graduate standing. Modern molecular biology techniques.

G 699 Dissertation 1-10 cr. (R-20) Prereq., doctoral student in microbiology. Laboratory research for and preparation of a doctoral dissertation.

95-96 UM Undergraduate Catalog