UM Catalog - Pre-Engineering


Page 118
E. Uchimoto (Associate Professor of Physics), Advisor

The pre-engineering curriculum is for students planning to transfer to technical engineering schools. Since engineering curricula differ for the different divisions of engineering, the general curriculum listed below serves only as a guide. A student planning to transfer into a particular type of engineering or into a particular school should work out a special program with his or her advisor.

First Year

CS 101_Introduction to Programming
CS 203_FORTRAN Programming
*Enex 101_Composition
Comm 111A_Introduction to Public Speaking
**Math 152-153_Calculus
Phys 221N-222N_General Physics
*Semester of enrollment depends on beginning letter of student's last name.
**The mathematics sequence should begin with Math 121 for students deficient in mathematics.

Second Year

Chem 161N-162N-164N- 165N_College Chemistry andLaboratory
Econ 111S-112S_Introduction to Micro/ Macroeconomics
Math 251_Calculus
Math 158_Differential Equations
Phys 341_Modern Physics
Phys 301_Vector Analysis

95-96 UM Undergraduate Catalog