UM Catalog - Soviet Studies

Soviet Studies

Page 132

Students interested in Soviet studies may choose a minor in Soviet studies as listed below. Students will receive formal guidance for their interest in Soviet studies and recognition for completing a defined program. For assignment to an advisor in Soviet studies, the student may contact Dr. Forest Grieves, Department of Political Science.

The following requirements must be successfully completed to obtain a minor in Soviet studies:

  1. Twelve credits of course work concerning the former Soviet area and its successor states. The Soviet Studies Faculty Committee will designate the courses which may be used for the minor. These twelve credits will include at least one course concerning Soviet area studies in at least three of the following disciplines: anthropology, business administration, economics, foreign languages and literatures (not including the language requirement), geography, history, communication studies, political science, sociology.
  2. Second year proficiency in the Russian language.

95-96 UM Undergraduate Catalog