by Joyce H. Brusin
Pushed to Shore
by Kate Gadbow ’74, M.F.A. ’86 Kate Gadbow directs the creative writing program at UM.
Louisville, Kentucky: Sarabande Books, 2003, 307 pp., $13.95
photos, and illustrations portray Mexican sugar beet workers and their families near Billings in 1938; Chinese railroad workers along the Clark Fork River; and an Ancient Order of Hibernians convention in Butte circa 1910. Near the end of the book, a full-page photo of Janine Windy Boy, lead plaintiff in Windy Boy vs. Big Horn County, illustrates an essay that discusses the 1986 case that led to a United States District Court ruling that official acts of discrimination had interfered with the rights of Indian citizens to register and vote. What this photo illustrates best is that the legacy of Montana history continues to be lived out by each succeeding generation, and its most important artifacts may yet be found.