Letters to the Editor
The University of Montana Alumni Band will celebrate its twentieth anniversary in fall 2008. Who was to know that, when a small group of us sat down together in 1987 to discuss the possibility of creating just such an organization, it would evolve into what it is today, let alone what it promises to become tomorrow?
One of our greatest challenges is to be in contact with all those who have ever played in a UM band, whether a concert, jazz, marching, or even pep band! We’ve tried hard to create a mailing list that is as accurate and complete as possible. And yet, we know we’re missing reaching a number of important alums who would probably love to come together with the rest of us to renew old friendships and acquaintances, to reminisce about their days in the UM Bands, and to make music together again. We do have a wonderful time each and every Homecoming!
So, if anyone reading this letter is one of those not on our list and wants to receive our newsletters and other organizational information, please contact me. We want everyone on our list, and no one should feel slighted. As far as we’re concerned, the more the merrier! What we need is the name, mailing address, e-mail address, and phone number of each interested party.
We have set a goal of marching at least 100 members in the Alumni Marching Band for Homecoming 2008. The Alumni Jazz Band, too, hopes to have the greatest ever turnout of former UM jazzers here in September!
Tom Cook, Chair,
UM Alumni Band Organizing Committee
I just received your fall issue and was tremendously impressed with both the content and the size of the publication. Your “Coming Home” feature was especially interesting to me and brought on a swell of homesickness and nostalgia. I was astonished at the tree-lined street shown on page sixteen. I’d love to see it. Unfortunately, at age eighty-three and enjoying certain limitations in my activities, I’ll never make it back there.
Best wishes and congratulations on your great work.
Wallace Danielson ’50
via e-mail
Each issue of the Montanan lifts my spirits as I read through the pages, look at the ads, and see the changes in both the University and surrounding community. It has been many, many issues (years) since the School of Social Work received any “Top Billing” in the magazine.
My time there was very special, and the course work, my professors, the support staff, and my peers, all worked to provide me with the tools for my working life. I have been a state of Florida employee since 1992. I worked in foster care as a counselor and then as an investigator for four years. I have been a probation officer with the Department of Corrections since 1996, both in the institution setting and now in the community.
I will continue to read the issues, looking longingly at all the photos of mountains, snow, and fall colors, and I hope to see my department highlighted.
Barbara A. LaMont ’92
Lehigh Acres, FL
I always enjoy your archive photos. However, there is an error in the cutline of the photo of the marching band practicing at Dornblaser. The field was where the Mansfield Library now sits. The scoreboard was in front of the
discus-thrower at the men’s gym.
John Kafentzis ’75
via e-mail
The Montanan featured an article showing our old family home, which had been beautifully restored at 231 South Fifth East. My grandfather, Claude Otto Marcyes, and my grandmother, Estelle Miller Marcyes,
purchased the home sometime in the 1920s. I grew up in that beautiful old house. Over the years, the family rented rooms to many University students.
Fall was always a nostalgic time, with the beautiful leaf changes, the smell of burning leaves, and the town getting ready for UM’s Homecoming.
Thanks for the memories.
Stewart L. Maggee ’60
Atlanta, GA