Copyright @ 1998 by The University of Montana
Winter 1998
Volume 15, Number 2
by Kathy Witkowsky
Located in Missoula's Milwaukee Station, the Center for the Rocky Mountain West takes a broad look at issues facing the Rocky Mountain region.TRADE SECRETS
by Kim Anderson
Marketing Big Sky businesses to the world at UM's Montana World Trade Center.INNOCENTS ABROAD
by Caroline Patterson
From lawn bowling in New Zealand to fruit markets in Rome: Snapshots and student impressions of UM study abroad programs.VILLAGE TALES
by Rachel Schneller
A day in the life of Zignasso, a small village in the West African country of Mali.INTERNATIONAL STUDENT PROFILES
by Sharon Barrett, Suzanna Sonnenberg and Paddy Macdonald
Four UM students who hail from disparate parts of the globe.THE TWAIN SHALL MEET
by Patrick Hutchins
From homes to healing, the Mansfield Center explores important issues facing the East and the West. BOOK CHAT
by Susanna Sonnenberg
Two novels-one about a young woman's journey of self-discovery and another about a plane crash-set in Missoula, searing poetry about Vietnam and a history of hellraisers and hotdoggers at The Big Mountain in Whitefish.AROUND THE OVAL
CLASSNOTESCover: UM student Mancia Ko of Hong Kong.
Photo by Todd Goodrich.
Inside photos by Todd Goodrich, except as noted.