Admission to bachelor degree programs and undergraduate nondegree status is administered by Enrollment Services-Admissions, The University of Montana-Missoula, Missoula, Montana 59812 (406) 243-6266 or 1-800-462-8636.
Admission to Associate of Applied Science programs, Associate of Arts, certificate programs and nondegree status is administered by the College of Technology of The University of Montana-Missoula, 909 South Avenue West, Missoula, Montana 59801 (406) 243-7828 (in Montana, 1 800-542-6882).
Admission to graduate degree programs and graduate nondegree status is administered by the Graduate School, The University of Montana-Missoula, Missoula, Montana 59812 (406) 243-2572. Requirements for admission are detailed in the Graduate School catalog.
Admission to the School of Law is administered by the School of Law, The University of Montana-Missoula, Missoula, Montana 59812 (406) 243-4311. Requirements for admission are detailed in the Law School Catalog (
The requirements for admission to these statuses are described below. Please note that achievement of a high school diploma or equivalent is the minimum level of academic preparation required for admission to the University. Applicants will be notified of their acceptance or refusal as soon as possible after necessary credentials have been received.
The University of Montana-Missoula does not discriminate in admission, in the provision of student services, or in employment policies on the basis of race, sex, national origin or ancestry, marital status, creed, religion, color, political ideas, age, or mental or physical disability. The University accepts applications from in-state and out-of-state, domestic and international students.
The University welcomes out of state students as educational programs and resources permit. The University retains the right to limit the number of students and to establish requirements which will insure their high scholastic aptitude.
Bachelor Degree Admission Entering Freshmen
Academic Eligibility
The University continues to raise the academic standards required for full admission to Baccalaureate programs, and the process will continue in future years. For the 2005-06 academic year both in-state and out-of-state high school graduate will be offered full admissions if they meet the following requirements.
- Graduation from a state accredited high school.
- Successful completion of the College Preparatory program (all courses are subject to Office of Public Instruction guidelines):
- Four years of English
- Three years of math, including Algebra I, Geometry and Algebra II (or the sequential content equivalent of these courses). Students are encouraged to take a math course in their senior year.
- Three years of social studies, including one year global studies (i.e., world history or world geography), one year American history and one year of additional course work (i.e., government, psychology, economics)
- Two years of laboratory science. One year must be earth science, biology, chemistry, or physics; the other year can be one of those sciences or another approved college prep laboratory science.
- Two years chosen from the following: foreign language (preferably two years), computer science, visual and performing arts, or vocational education units.
- Cumulative high school grade point average (GPA), on a 0-4 scale, and composite on the enhanced ACT (or combined verbal/math on SAT) must fall in the gray region of grid #1 shown in Figure 1.
- For Fall 2005, new math proficiency admissions standards have been adopted by the Montana Board of Regents. Students must earn a minimum math score of:
- 16 on the ACT or
- 390 on the SAT or
- A score of 3 or above on the AP Calculus AB or BC Subject Exams. In lieu of the above requirement, student can complete a Rigorous High School Core that includes four years of math with grades of C or better.

Provisional Acceptance
Students who fail to meet the admissions requirements may be admitted on a provisional basis if the Admissions Committee determines that a student could be successful by taking advantage of the academic support services that are available. Students will be granted full admission, after completing twenty-four credits with a grade point average of at least 2.0 Students are expected to complete the twenty-four credits within two semesters but must complete them within three semesters. In cases where academic preparation falls well below the admission standards listed above, applicants will be directed to the College of Technology were courses can be taken to strengthen their preparation for success at The University of Montana.
Special Circumstances
The following categories of students may receive special consideration with regard to admission standards:
- Non-traditional freshmen (those students who do not enter college for a period of at least three years from the date of high school graduation or from the date they would have graduated from high school if they have a GED).
- GED freshmen (those students who pass the GED and enter college within three years of the date they would have graduated from high school). Admission status of GED freshman will be determined using the grid above. In lieu of a GPA, the GED score rescaled from 4000 to 4.0 (maximum) will replace GPA axis.
- Summer only students are exempt from standards 2, 3 and 4 above.
Admission status of high school graduates with transcripts and ACT/SAT scores will be determined using the grid above.
Admission status of GED non-traditional applicants with ACT/SAT scores will be determined using the grid above. In lieu of a GPA, the GED score rescaled from 4000 to 4.0 (maximum) will replace the GPA axis.
Applicants without both transcripts and ACT/SAT scores, or applicants without both GED transcript and ACT/SAT scores will be admitted provisionally.
All traditional freshman or GED freshman applicants must take the ACT or SAT. Some departments reserve the right to set higher admission standards for their undergraduate programs. Applicants to these programs who meet general University requirements for admission to the undergraduate degree status will be admitted to the appropriate pre-major program by Enrollment Services-Admissions. Application to the undergraduate major program is an additional, separate process administered by the department and arranged for by the student seeking acceptance. These admission requirements are subject to change.
Questions concerning admission requirements may be directed to Enrollment Services-Admissions, (406) 243-6266 or 1-800-462-8636.
Future trends in Admission Eligibility at UM
In future years, the academic criteria for full admission to Baccalaureate programs at The University will continue to rise. Students who fail to meet these stricter admission standards may be admitted on a provisional basis if the Admissions Committee determines that a student could be successful by taking advantage of the academic support services that are available. Other applicants will be directed to the College of Technology where courses can be taken to strengthen their preparation for success at The University.
How to Apply
Applications for admission are available from Enrollment Services-Admissions by request. In addition, applications are sent to all Montana high schools, community colleges and select out-of-state schools. Applications are also available on the University website.
An application for admission is complete when Enrollment Services-Admissions receives the credentials described below.
- Application form. Applications must be complete and signed.
- $30 application fee. This non refundable fee is payable once at the undergraduate level provided payment is followed by enrollment. Record of payment will remain on file for one year for students who do not enroll. Applications are not processed prior to payment of this fee. The University of Montana-Missoula waives the application fee for students who have attended an affiliate campus: Montana Tech and the Division of Technology, Helena College of Technology, and Western Montana College.
- Test scores. Official ACT or SAT results should be sent directly from the testing company or may be posted on the high school transcript.
- High School Student Self-Report form. This form is part of the standard application form and is the basis for the initial admission decision.
- Final high school transcript with graduation date. Information provided on the self report form will be verified from this transcript.
- Medical History Record. All students are required to submit a completed Pre-Registration Immunization Form to the Curry Health Center two weeks prior to registration. It is important that the immunization record be complete, accurate and validated by a health official.
When to Apply
March 1 is the application priority processing date for autumn semester. The application priority processing date for spring is November 15. Applications postmarked or completed after the processing priority date will be processed on a space available basis. Students are encouraged to apply early as some programs may fill early. A student must be admitted to The University of Montana-Missoula prior to attending an orientation program. Orientation information is sent to accepted students prior to each semester.
Transfer Students
Academic Eligibility
Any undergraduate degree transfer applicant who has attempted fewer than twelve college level credits must meet the academic eligibility requirements for freshmen mentioned above. Other undergraduate degree applicants who have attempted twelve or more college level credits must meet the academic eligibility requirements described here.
Applicants must present a 2.00 (C) cumulative grade average (on a 0 4 scale) for all college level work attempted to be eligible for admission.
Enrollment Services-Admissions determines whether or not transfer courses are college level, the appropriate grading and credit conversions on transfer work, and the applicability of transfer credit toward general education, upper division, and other university requirements. See Transfer Evaluations under General Information in this section for details.
How to Apply
Receipt of the following credentials in Enrollment Services-Admissions constitutes a complete application for admission:
- Application form. The application form may be obtained by contacting Enrollment Services-Admissions, The University of Montana-Missoula, Missoula, Montana 59812 (406) 243 6266. It should be completed, signed and returned. Applications are also available on the university website.
- $30.00 application fee. This non refundable fee is payable once at the undergraduate level provided payment is followed by enrollment. Record of payment will remain on file for one year for students who do not enroll. An application cannot be considered prior to payment of this fee. The University of Montana-Missoula waives the application fee for students who have attended an affiliate campus: Montana Tech and the Division of Technology, Helena College of Technology, and Western Montana College.
- Official college/university transcripts. The student must supply a complete official transcript from each regionally accredited college or university attended, and from each college or university attended holding candidate status for regional accreditation. Applications from students who are enrolled at the transfer school while applying to UM will be considered for admission based on incomplete official transcripts showing all academic work completed and posted to date. The complete official transcript must be on file before the second registration at UM. Academic eligibility will be reviewed upon receipt of the complete transcript.
- Medical History Record. All students are required to submit a completed Pre-Registration Immunization Form to the Curry Health Center two weeks prior to registration. It is especially important that the immunization record be complete and accurate and validated by a health official.
When to Apply
March 1 is the application priority processing date for autumn semester. The application priority processing date for spring semester is November 15. Applications postmarked or completed after the processing priority date will be processed on a space available basis. Students are encouraged to apply early as some programs may fill early. A student must be admitted to The University of Montana-Missoula prior to attending an orientation program. Orientation information is sent to accepted students prior to each semester.
Bachelor of Applied Science Admission
Academic Eligibility
Applicants must hold an Associate of Applied Science degree from an accredited institution with a minimum cumulative grade average of 2.5.
How to Apply
Applicants should contact the Bachelor of Applied Science advisor at The University of Montana College of Technology, 243-7801. The applicant and advisor meet to discuss application procedures as well as degree plan identification and required approval.
Receipt of the following constitutes a complete application B.A.S. degree:
- A University of Montana-Missoula application-identifying desired degree program as Bachelor of Applied Science. Applications are available from Enrollment Services-Admissions, The University of Montana-Missoula, Missoula, MT 59812 (406-243-6266); or the College of Technology, Enrollment Services-Admissions, 909 South Avenue West, Missoula, MT 59801 (406-243-7882).
- Official college/university transcripts of all previous course work
- $30 application fee (if the applicant is new to The University of Montana system)
- Pre-Registration Immunization Form (if the applicant is new or has been absent for more then 24 months from The University of Montana system)
When to Apply
Applications from students who hold an A.A.S. degree with a gpa of 2.5 are accepted on a continual basis. Applicants in the process of completing the A.A.S. degree are encouraged to begin the application process during their final semester. Students are not, however, admitted until after the A.A.S. degree has been awarded.
Associate of Applied Science, Associate of Arts and Certificate Admission
The Associate of Applied Science and Certificate programs in the College of Technology are designed to lead an individual directly to employment in a specific career. In some instances, particularly in allied health, the degree is a prerequisite for taking a licensing examination. The University College of Arts and Sciences offers a Bachelor of Applied Science degree for students who have completed the Associate of Applied Science degree. The Associate of Arts degree typically prepares students to transfer to other programs.
Academic Eligibility
To be eligible for admission, students must have graduated from an accredited high school or passed the GED. Students admitted to the College of Technology who wish to enroll in courses at the University of Montana-Missoula main campus must meet the admission requirements of the main campus.
How to Apply
Applications for admission are available from the College of Technology by request. In addition, applications are sent to all in-state high schools.
An application for admission is complete when the College of Technology receives the credentials described below.
- Application form. Applications must be completed and signed.
- $30 application fee. This non-refundable application fee is payable once at the undergraduate level provided payment is followed by enrollment. Record of payment will remain on file for one year for students who do not enroll. The University of Montana-Missoula waives the application fee for students who have attended an affiliate campus: Montana Tech and the Division of Technology, Helena College of Technology, and Western Montana College.
- Test scores. All students are required to take either the ACT, SAT or ASSET standardized test and submit scores to the Admissions Office. Contact the College of Technology Admissions Office for specific information regarding this requirement.
- Proof of high school graduation/GED. An official high school transcript with graduation date or GED score report must be sent to the College of Technology.
- Medical History Record. All students are required to submit a completed Pre-Registration Immunization Form to the Curry Health Center two weeks prior to registration. History record forms are sent to students with acceptance notifications. Some health related programs have additional requirements. Refer to the College of Technology section of this catalog.
When to Apply
Applications are considered on a first come, first-served basis. Within two weeks of receiving an application, the College of Technology will notify applicants of their status. If a program is full, applicants who fulfill admission requirements will be admitted to the next available term.
The University of Montana-Missoula Enrollment Services-Admissions Office or the College of Technology will issue the Immigration Form I 20 AB or I 20MN (necessary for obtaining an F 1 or M 1 student visa) to international applicants who are academically eligible for the undergraduate degree status (see above) and who supply complete credentials as described below. In certain situations an international applicant may not need an I 20; in these cases, Enrollment Services-Admissions should be contacted for individual advice regarding admission status, academic eligibility, and admission requirements. International students are not required to submit ACT or SAT scores.
How to Apply
Receipt of the following credentials constitutes a complete international application for admission:
- International application form. This form can be obtained by contacting Enrollment Services-Admissions or the College of Technology. The form must be complete and signed. Applications are also available on the university website.
- $30.00 application fee (in US dollars). This non refundable fee is payable once at the undergraduate level when payment is followed by enrollment. In all other cases record of payment will remain on file for one year. Payment of this fee is expected prior to consideration of the application. The University of Montana-Missoula waives the application fee for students who have attended an affiliate campus: Montana Tech and the Division of Technology, Helena College of Technology, and Western Montana College.
- Academic Credentials:
- Certified copies of non-U.S. academic credentials beginning with secondary school and continuing through the highest level of achievement.
- U.S. transcripts. Complete official transcripts showing all U.S. high school and college/university attendance.
- Statement of Financial Support. The applicant must submit a certified statement from a bank or sponsor verifying that adequate financial resources are available to pay for the student's estimated expenses for the first year (tuition, fees, room, board, miscellaneous expenses, student health insurance, expenses of dependents, etc.). This estimated amount is adjusted annually and is available by contacting Enrollment Services-Admissions.
- English Report. Students from countries other than Australia, New Zealand, Canada or the United Kingdom must show evidence of proficiency in English by submitting official scores of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). A minimum score of 500 is required for regular admission to undergraduate programs (see Conditional Admission below). However, students who score less than 580 will be required to take English as a Second Language courses according to the following schedule (except College of Technology students):
- Medical History Record International. All students are required to submit a completed Pre-Registration Immunization Form for international students to the Curry Health Center two weeks prior to registration. It is required that the immunization record (for measles, rubella, diphtheria, tetanus and polio)be complete, accurate, and validated by a physician.. Skin testing for tuberculosis will be required upon arrival through the Curry Health Center.
- Visa Clearance and Advisor's Recommendation Form. F 1 and M 1 students transferring from another college or university in the U.S. must have this form completed by the foreign student advisor of the transfer school and returned to the UM Enrollment Services-Admissions Office or the College of Technology. A new I-20 will be issued by UM once a transfer release date is entered in SEVIS (Student & Exchange Visitor Information System) by the current school.
500 525-one half the normal academic load plus ENSL/LING 250: English for Foreign Students: Intermediate. Students in mathematics, computer science, and science fields that depend heavily on laboratory work may enroll up to a three fourths academic load.
525 580-three fourths normal academic load plus ENSL/LING 450: English for Foreign Students: Advanced.
A student may petition the Supervisor of the English as a Second Language Program to waive this requirement, if the student has the support of his or her department or program chair.
Any questions concerning the evidence of proficiency in English should be directed to Enrollment Services-Admissions. When the student arranges to take the TOEFL test, he or she should request that examination results be sent directly to Enrollment Services-Admissions or the College of Technology, The University of Montana-Missoula, Missoula, Montana 59812. (Code N. 4489 00)
Conditional Admission
International students who score below 500 and who meet all other admission requirements will be offered conditional admission. Conditionally admitted students study in an intensive program at The University of Montana-Missoula English Language Institute on campus until the TOEFL score reaches 500. After a score of 500 is achieved, enrollment in regular university courses begins.
When to Apply
Applications are accepted on a rolling, space-available basis. Consequently, students are encouraged to apply early to secure acceptance.
Undergraduate Nondegree Status
An applicant who wishes to pursue studies for his or her personal growth and who does not wish to work toward a formal degree at The University of Montana-Missoula may apply as an undergraduate nondegree student. (This option is not available to freshmen unless they are applying to the College of Technology.) Each applicant should understand that acceptance to this category does not constitute acceptance into a degree granting program. Applicants admitted as undergraduate nondegree students are not eligible for financial aid.
Academic Eligibility
Each applicant must certify on the application form that he or she has graduated from a high school that is fully accredited by its state department of education, or has passed the General Educational Development test with a standard score of 35 or above on each test and an average standard score of 45 or above on all five tests. To be considered for nondegree status, a student must have attempted 12 or more college level credits.
Except in the College of Technology, a maximum of 30 semester credits earned as a nondegree student will be applied to an undergraduate degree at The University of Montana-Missoula if the applicant applies and is accepted to a degree program. Whether credits taken in the College of Technology as a nondegree student may apply to a particular degree program is dependent on the courses taken and the degree program to which the student may be admitted. This category is not open to students currently on academic suspension from The University of Montana-Missoula.
If a person is admitted as an undergraduate nondegree student and later wishes to change to a degree program, he or she will be required to file an application for readmission, furnish the required supporting credentials and meet the regular admissions standards for the intended program. Readmission applications are available from Enrollment Services-Admissions, the College of Technology, or the Registrar's Office.
How to Apply
Receipt of the following credentials in Enrollment Services-Admissions or the College of Technology constitutes a complete application for admission to the undergraduate nondegree status:
- Application form. The application form may be obtained from the Office of Enrollment Services-Admissions, The University of Montana-Missoula, Missoula, Montana 59812 (406) 243 6266 or the College of Technology (406) 243 7882. It should be completed, signed, and returned. Applications are also available on the university website.
- $30.00 application fee. This non refundable fee is payable once at the undergraduate level provided payment is followed by enrollment. Record of payment will remain on file for one year for students who do not enroll. An application cannot be considered prior to payment of this fee. The University of Montana-Missoula waives the application fee for students who have attended an affiliate campus: Montana Tech and the Division of Technology, Helena College of Technology, and Western Montana College.
- Medical History Record. All applicants are required to submit a completed Pre-Registration Immunization Form to the Curry Health Center two weeks prior to registration. The form must be complete, accurate and validated by a health official. Health forms are sent to students with letters of acceptance.
When to Apply
March 1 is the application priority processing date for autumn semester. The application priority processing date for spring semester is November 15. Applications postmarked or completed after these dates will be processed on a space available basis. Students are encouraged to apply early.
Graduate Nondegree Status
Graduate nondegree status allows students, who have not been formally admitted to a graduate degree program, to receive graduate credit for courses.
Up to nine semester nondegree graduate credits (or the credits earned during a single semester, whichever is greater) may be applied toward a subsequent degree program, with the approval of the student's program chair and the graduate dean. Acceptance as a graduate nondegree student does not imply future admission to a degree program.
Graduate nondegree students may take courses for either graduate or undergraduate credit, as defined by the university catalog. Graduate credits will be assigned automatically unless a request for undergraduate credit is submitted to the Graduate School by the fifth week of the semester.
Applicants admitted as graduate nondegree students are NOT ELIGIBLE for financial aid. Graduate nondegree students are assessed the graduate level tuituion and fees at the master=s level rate for all credits taken.
Applicants must have earned a baccalaureate degree (or higher degree) from a regionally accredited college or university prior to enrollment in the graduate nondegree status.
Applicants seeking graduate nondegree status must apply online at and pay a $45 non-refundable application fee. Deadline for submitting graduate nondegree applications is prior to the first day of the semester.
Graduate Nondegree Readmission
Students who previously attended The University of Montana in a graduate nondegree status and have not been enrolled for two years, 24 months or more, use the graduate nondegree readmission from to reapply for the same status.
Graduate nondegree readmission forms can be downloaded from Or you may contact the Graduate School at the Lommasson Center, Rm 224, Missoula, MT 59812 or by phone at 406-243-2572 or by e-mail at Former graduate nondegree students applying for readmission pay a $15 non-refundable application fee.
Graduate Degree
Graduate degree admission is for candidates seeking to complete a master=s or doctoral program at UM. Program information and deadlines are listed at The academic department you are applying to conducts the initial evaluation of a complete application packet and submits your packet and a recommendation to the Graduate School for the final decision regarding admission.
Applicants seeking graduate status must apply online at and pay a $45 non-refundable application fee.
GED (General Educational Development)
A person who is not a graduate from an accredited high school may be eligible for admission by earning passing scores on the GED test. Passing scores are a minimum score of 35 on each test and an average score of 45. Effective Jan 1, 2002 passing scores are a minimum score of 410 on each test and an average score of 450. GED students who have been out of high school for less than three years must also submit ACT or SAT scores. For additional information and test center locations in Montana, contact the Office of Public Instruction, Helena, MT 59601.
Former University of Montana-Missoula Students - Readmission
Students previously enrolled at The University of Montana-Missoula who have interrupted their enrollment for 24 months or more must submit an application for readmission. Applications for readmission may be obtained from the Registrar's or Enrollment Services-Admissions.
Former students applying for a change in their admission status (undergraduate degree, undergraduate nondegree, graduate nondegree) via the readmission process are subject to the admission requirements described above.
Former undergraduate degree students who do not plan to change their status and who have attended another college/university since attending The University of Montana-Missoula, even if their absence from UM has been less than two years in duration, must submit college transcripts.
Former students who are applying for readmission must comply with Immunization Requirements as listed in this catalog.
Former undergraduate students are not required to pay the application fee of $30.00 unless they are changing from an undergraduate status to a graduate status or vice versa. The application fee is paid only once at the undergraduate level.
General Information
Achievement Tests (ACT/SAT)
The results of the American College Test (ACT) or the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) must be requested directly from the testing company or may be posted on the high school transcript. They are used for admission and academic advising, for the granting of scholarships, and for admission into the Davidson Honors College. All new undergraduate degree students, both freshmen and transfers, who have attempted or earned fewer than 12 college credits must take the ACT or the SAT. Arrangements should be made to take the test in October or December of the year preceding entrance to the University. Complete information and registration forms are sent to all high school counselors well in advance of each test date. Information may also be obtained from the American College Testing Program, P.O. Box 168, Iowa City, Iowa 52240 or the College Board ATP, Box 592, Princeton, New Jersey 08540.
Students must have taken the test in order to be considered for admission. Students who have a disability which would hamper them in taking the ACT or SAT test will need to make special arrangements for accommodation.
If the high school graduation date is more than three years prior to the term in which the student intends to enroll, an ACT or SAT score is not required but is strongly encouraged.
Advanced Placement (AP) Program/College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
University policy for awarding credit on the basis of AP/CLEP is as follows:
- Students must be enrolled in or applying to the undergraduate degree status.
- Grades of Pass will be recorded for all credits granted.
- There is no limit to the number of credits that may be awarded.
- Credits may be used toward general education requirements. Enrollment Services-Admissions will make appropriate designations.
- The student's academic department will determine the applicability of credits granted toward major requirements.
Credit for Military Service and Schooling
The University may grant elective credit for courses completed in military service schools and training provided such credit is baccalaureate level as recommended by the American Council on Education in "A Guide to Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services". Credit may be granted toward College of Technology programs if appropriate to the program requirements. Specific questions regarding credit for military service schools should be directed to Enrollment Services-Admissions.
Credit for Training Programs
The University may grant elective credit for courses completed in training programs, provided such credit is baccalaureate level as recommended by the American Council on Education in "The National Guide to Educational Credits for Training Programs". Credit may be granted toward College of Technology programs if appropriate to the program requirements. Specific questions regarding credit for training programs should be directed to Enrollment Services-Admissions.
Foreign Language Placement
Transfer credit is not granted for high school foreign languages. Placement testing is done by the Foreign Language department to determine appropriate class placement for entering students.
General Education Requirement
Accepted transfer courses apply toward The University of Montana-Missoula General Education requirements as assigned by Enrollment Services-Admissions.
Transfer students who submit all credentials on time and who are admitted to an undergraduate degree program will receive an evaluation of their work showing the distribution of courses toward the general education requirements; this evaluation will be sent with the acceptance letter. It is important that a student monitor his/her program with the help of an academic advisor. Refer to the General Education Requirements section of this catalog for details.
Students who have earned a baccalaureate or higher degree are considered to have met the general education requirements.
Immunization Requirements
Montana state law requires postsecondary students to provide proof of immunization. Students must complete the Pre-Registration Immunization Requirements form and return the from to the Curry Health Center prior to orientation and registration.
Registration cannot be completed without this documentation. A Pre-Registration Immunization Requirements form is sent with the admission acceptance letter. For additional information, visit
High School Pilot Program
Area high school students can enroll in University classes under this program. High school students earn college credit, receive an early introduction to University opportunities and are able to develop skills and knowledge beyond the high school level. For more information, contact the Coordinator of the High School Pilot Program, Enrollment Services-Admissions, Lommasson Center 103, The University of Montana-Missoula, Missoula, MT 59812 or phone (406) 243-6266. For opportunities in the College of Technology, phone (406) 243-7828.
International Student Exchange Program (ISEP)
For information on the International Student Exchange Program, contact the International Programs Office, International Center, The University of Montana-Missoula, Missoula, MT 59812 or phone (406) 243-2288.
National Student Exchange (NSE)
The University of Montana-Missoula participates in the National Student Exchange (NSE) program with 145 other state colleges and universities. This program offers students the opportunity to become better acquainted with different social and educational patterns in other areas of the United States. NSE encourages students to experience new life and learning styles, appreciate differing cultural perspectives, learn more about themselves and others and broaden their educational backgrounds through specialized courses or unique programs which may not be available on the home campus. The qualified sophomore or junior year student may travel to another state and participate in the exchange program for up to one academic year. For more information, contact the Coordinator of the National Student Exchange Program, Enrollment Services-Admissions, Lommasson Center 101, The University of Montana-Missoula, Missoula, MT 59812 or phone (406) 243-6266.
Special Admission Committee
A special admission committee reviews applications from students who do not meet the regular admission standards.
Enrollment Limitation
The University of Montana-Missoula may deny or condition admission, readmission, or continuing enrollment of any individual who, in the judgment of the University, presents an unreasonable risk to the safety and welfare of the campus and persons thereon. In making such judgment, the University may, among other things, take into account the individual's history and experience relative to (a) violence and destructive tendencies, (b) behavior on other college campuses, and (c) any rehabilitative therapy the individual may have undergone.
The University of Montana-Missoula adopts the following Admission Review Procedures:
The Assistant Vice President for Enrollment, the Dean of the Graduate School or the Chair of the Admissions Committees of the various professional schools at The University of Montana-Missoula shall be responsible for the administration of the Admissions Review procedures established to implement Board of Regents policy. When the responsible admissions officer has reason to believe an applicant may present an unreasonable risk to the safety and welfare of the campus and persons thereon, additional information regarding the applicant's background and experiences shall be requested. No applicant's admission may be barred automatically, solely by reason of a criminal conviction, if state supervision has terminated, or solely by reason of a youth court adjudication. The responsible admissions officer may request additional information in the following instances: (1) When an applicant has been convicted of a felony; (2) When an applicant has been adjudicated as a danger to others or to self; (3) When an applicant has been suspended or expelled for disciplinary reasons from other educational institutions, either before or after the applicant has been accepted at The University of Montana-Missoula; (4) When, on the basis of other facts, the Assistant Vice President for Enrollment or other responsible officer has reason to believe an applicant may present an unreasonable risk to the safety and welfare of the campus and persons thereon.
After obtaining additional information, the responsible admissions officer may admit the applicant or refer the application to the Admissions Review Committee for review and recommendation.
Transfer Credentials
The kinds of credentials evaluated by Enrollment Services-Admissions for possible transfer credits fall into two categories, required and optional.
Required Credentials - UM requires that these credentials be submitted for evaluation at the time of application. They consist of official transcripts from regionally accredited colleges and universities, from colleges and universities that are candidates for regional accreditation, and foreign colleges and universities. Course work from other schools is not evaluated unless an individual exception is requested by a student and approved by a committee composed of the Academic Vice President, Assistant Vice President for Enrollment and Registrar.
Optional Credentials- Although students are not required to submit these records, Enrollment Services-Admissions or the College of Technology will evaluate them any time during enrollment in the undergraduate degree status. They consist of official records from non-traditional sources including the Advance Placement Program, the College Level Examination Program, military service records and records from certain training programs (see below).
Transfer Evaluations
Evaluations of transfer records are done by Enrollment Services-Admissions. An Evaluation of Transfer Records is included in the acceptance packet and in the advising materials distributed during orientation. It is recommended that students provide their advisors with transfer course descriptions.
As part of an evaluation, Enrollment Services-Admissions reviews all academic work for possible repeated courses and assigns courses to the appropriate UM General Education areas. Credit for courses judged by Enrollment Services-Admissions to be of college level will be applied toward the free elective requirements of baccalaureate degrees. The evaluation also designates courses applicable toward the 39 credit Upper Division requirement. Accepted credits are subject to restrictions noted in the Credit Maximums presented later in the section under Degree Requirements. These and other limitations are explained in that section. The academic department is authorized to determine the applicability of accepted credit toward major department requirements. Students are required to seek the advice of their departmental advisors prior to registration each term.
Students in the College of Technology must submit official transcripts for evaluation. If a student feels that a course taken at another institution may substitute for a specific College of Technology course, the evaluation will be done by the associate dean and the chair of the department of the equivalent course. Courses in which a grade lower than "C" was earned, internship, clinical experience, and some laboratory courses will not be considered for transfer credit.
Transfer Articulation
Enrollment Services-Admissions publishes articulate course work from various two and four year colleges in Montana, Idaho, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming. This information is available at Choose "T" from the UM A-Z Index and find "Transfer Credit Information".
Validation Required Credit
The Montana University System Board of Regents has stipulated that college level credit from colleges and universities having candidacy status in a regional accrediting association can be accepted only after the student has successfully completed twenty (20) semester credits at the receiving institution. At UM, these credits are termed "validation required" (VR) credits. As students successfully complete twenty credits at UM, the VR credit is released by the UM Registrar and added to the undergraduate credits.
Vocational-Technical Credit
Courses from regionally accredited colleges which are intended for use exclusively in terminal, non-transfer programs (associate of applied science or certificate programs) are termed vocational technical. Transfer credit toward an A.A. or baccalaureate program, except for the Bachelor of Applied Science degree, is not accepted for vocational technical courses, and vocational technical courses are not used to determine academic eligibility for admission to these programs at UM. Vocational technical courses will appear on the UM permanent record designated by "VT". Although credits for vocational technical courses are not accepted in transfer except in the College of Technology and for the Bachelor of Applied Science degree, the vocational technical petition process enables a student's UM major department to grant up to 10 semester credits based on vocational technical experiences which enhance the major program.
To receive a vocational technical credit grant, a student may petition his or her major department by securing the petition form from the Registrar's Office. This form, together with a copy of The University of Montana-Missoula permanent record and a copy of the transfer institution's catalog, should be presented to the department chair of the student's major. The department chair will return the form to the Registrar's Office indicating how many, if any, credits may be applied toward the degree. This completed form is an agreement between the institution and the student that the credits apply toward graduation requirements provided the student retains his or her major in the same field. Should the student elect to change majors, the same procedure must be followed with the new department chair.
This petition process may be used by students wishing to count up to 10 semester credits in technical courses taken from the College of Technology to an associate of arts or baccalaureate degree program. Technical courses are designated by a course number suffix of "T".
Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education
The Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education's Professional Student Exchange Program enables students in thirteen western states to enroll in out of state professional programs when those programs are not available in their home states. Exchange students receive preference in admission. They pay reduced levels of tuition: for most students, resident tuition in public institutions or reduced standard tuition at private schools. The home state pays a support fee to the admitting schools to help cover the cost of students' education.
The following professional programs are not available in Montana but are supported by the Montana WICHE program. They are dentistry, medicine, occupational therapy, optometry, osteopathic medicine, podiatry, public health and veterinary medicine.
The Certifying Officer for the State of Montana can be contacted for specific details about the program. WICHE Student Exchange Program, Montana University System, 2500 Broadway, Helena, MT 59620. (406)444-6570 or Fax: (406) 444-1469.
Western Undergraduate Exchange Program (WUE)
The Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) program at The University of Montana-Missoula is administered as a scholarship program. The scholarship is limited to students who are legal residents of Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington and Wyoming.
The amount of the WUE scholarship is 150% of instate fees.
Only new freshmen and transfer students are eligible to apply for a WUE scholarship.
Once the scholarship is awarded, it extends through four full calendar years or completion of the bachelor's degree or completion of 120 credits, whichever is first, provided:
- state of legal residence does not change
- all other criteria of the UM scholarship are met, including maintenance of a cumulative UM GPA of 3.0 or above
- students do not interrupt their UM attendance by twelve months or more.
If a student chooses a major in pre-nursing, they will only be eligible for the scholarship until the time they are admitted to their respective professional school.
Spring semester WUE scholarship applications may be considered by the Scholarship Coordinator on a space available basis.
Alternative measures of exceptional ability may be presented in lieu of the required GPA.
Time as a WUE Scholarship recipient cannot be used toward fulfilling in state residency requirements for fee purposes at any unit of the Montana University System.
Further details are available from the WUE Scholarship Coordinator in the Enrollment Services-Admissions Office.
Student Conduct Code
The Student Conduct Code, embodying the ideals of academic honesty, integrity, human rights and responsible citizenship, governs all student conduct at The University of Montana-Missoula. Student enrollment presupposes a commitment to the principles and policies embodied in this Code.
The Student Conduct Code sets forth University jurisdiction, student rights, standards of academic and general student conduct, disciplinary sanctions for breach of the standards of student conduct and procedures to be followed in adjudicating charges of both academic and general misconduct.
The Vice President for Student Affairs is responsible for procedural administration of the Student Conduct Code for all general conduct. The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs is responsible for all academic conduct.
Copies of the Student Conduct Code can be obtained from the offices of the Vice President for Student Affairs, the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Residence Life, and Associated Students of The University of Montana-Missoula (ASUM). The Student Conduct Code also can be accessed from the internet at
Servicemembers Opportunity College
The University is a member of Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges, a consortium of over 1300 institutions pledged to be reasonable in working with servicemembers and veterans trying to earn degrees.