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The Magazine of The University of Montana




The Montanan welcomes letters to the editor. Please sign and include your graduating year or years of attendance, home address, and phone number or e-mail address.

Send them to: Montanan Editor,
325 Brantly Hall, Missoula, MT 59812

Because of space limitations, we are not able to include all letters sent to us. Letters may be edited for length or clarity. While universities are places of discussion where good people do not always agree, letters deemed potentially libelous or that malign a person or group will not be published. Opinions expressed in the Montanan do not necessarily reflect those of The University of Montana.

That Rings A Bell

I read the recent article "The Saga of the Sigma Chi Bell" [winter 2012 Montanan] with interest. I was there when Don Bennett recovered the bell in 1978 and again when the bell was retrieved by Bill Johnston in 1998. As president of the Sigma Chi Beta Delta House Corporation, I oversaw installation of the bell into the Adams Center lobby at Homecoming 2000. The dedication ceremony included a speech by then-University of Montana President George Dennison and was attended by area news media. The Sigma Chi Bell is dedicated to the community of Missoula and members of the Montana armed forces, particularly those who died in combat.

The fraternity is a longtime and proud partner of the University. The Beta Delta chapter of Sigma Chi was chartered in 1906. UM's first president, Oscar Craig, was a Sigma Chi brother, and a portion of the UM campus came from a land grant by a Sigma Chi.

Thanks for the memories.

Rich Thompson '73
Portland, Ore.

Sigma Chi is a longtime and proud partner of the University. The Beta Delta chapter of Sigma Chi was chartered in 1906. UM’s first president, Oscar Craig, was a Sigma Chi brother, and a portion of the UM campus came from a land grant by a Sigma Chi.

That Rings A Bell, Too

I just want to express my pleasure in reading the story entitled "The Saga of the Sigma Chi Bell" in the winter 2012 Montanan. I was a member of the Beta Delta chapter of Sigma Chi in the 1940s and remember when the bell was stolen. There aren't too many of us left from those days.

My education was interrupted by World War II, during which I served in the Pacific for a little more than three years. I returned to school and received degrees in both business and law, with honors. I also was selected for membership in Silent Sentinel, a senior honor society.

After college I was employed by Shell Oil Co. as an attorney in the legal department with duties relating to exploring and drilling for oil and gas. I've been licensed to practice law in Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, and Texas. I retired in 1977.

I am now ninety-one years of age. It was nice to see a story in the Montanan that was of great interest to me.

Albert C. Angstman '41, J.D. '46
Kingwood, Texas

Familiar Voices

In 1967, I was a twenty-two-year-old Marine stationed in Okinawa, Japan, where I saw The University of Montana Jubileers perform not once, but twice. For a Montanan so far away from home, their songs were a welcomed relief to the realities of military service. 

Thanks again to the Jubileers for uplifting soldiers' spirits across the Asian Pacific.

Robert Borberg '72


I was downright excited to read the article "Bird Songs" in Around the Oval in the winter 2012 Montanan. As a lover of birds, I have always fed chickadees, robins, finches, etc. What a wonderful idea to create Chickadee Symphony!

Avis M. Schmitz Zoanni '42

The Montanan would like to thank the following people for recently donating to the magazine: Dennis and Nina Paulson, Matt Mulligan, Laird Black, Anita and Thomas Gioconda, Alene Kann, William Peery, Edgar and Marilyn Schooley, and Robert Burns.