Achievement Tests (ACT/SAT)
The results of the American College Test (ACT) or the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) must be requested directly from the testing company or may be posted on the high school transcript. They are used for admission and academic advising, for the granting of scholarships, and for admission into the Davidson Honors College. All new undergraduate degree students, both freshmen and transfers, who have attempted or earned fewer than 12 college credits must take the ACT or the SAT. Arrangements should be made to take the test in October or December of the year preceding entrance to the University. Information is available from the American College Testing Program at www.act.orgor the College Board at
Students must have taken the test in order to be considered for admission. Students who have a documented disability may wish to make special arrangements for testing accommodation.
If the high school graduation date is more than three years prior to the term in which the student intends to enroll, an ACT or SAT score is not required but is strongly encouraged.
Advanced Placement (AP) Program/College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
College credit may be granted based on achievement in college level high school courses, provided the University has received satisfactory scores from the College Level Entrance Examination Program (CLEP) or the Advanced Placement Program (AP) examinations.
It should not be assumed that credit granted by other colleges/universities would be allowed by UM. Specific questions regarding the Advanced Placement Program should be directed to Enrollment Services-Admissions.
The University policy for awarding credit on the basis of AP/CLEP is available at: and
International Baccalaureate
The University of Montana recognizes IB achievement and grants college credit provided the University has received satisfactory scores from the International Baccalaureate Program. University policy on awarding IB credit can be found at
Transfer credit is not granted for high school foreign languages. Placement testing is done by the Department of Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures to determine appropriate class placement for entering students.
Montana state law requires postsecondary students to provide proof of immunization. Students must complete the Pre-Registration Immunization Requirements form and return the form to the Curry Health Center prior to orientation and registration.
Registration cannot be completed without this documentation. A Pre-Registration Immunization Requirements form is sent with the admission acceptance letter. For additional information, visit
Area high school students can enroll in University classes under the High School Pilot Program. High school students earn college credit, receive an early introduction to University opportunities and are able to develop skills and knowledge beyond the high school level. For more information, contact the Coordinator of the High School Pilot Program, Enrollment Services-Admissions, Lommasson Center 103, The University of Montana-Missoula, Missoula, MT 59812 or phone (406) 243-6266. For opportunities in the College of Technology, phone (406) 243-7828.
International Student Exchange Program (ISEP)
The University of Montana is a member of the International Student Exchange Program (ISEP), which allows University of Montana students to spend a semester, a year, or a summer abroad at one of ISEP's 141 member institutions in 42 foreign countries. ISEP offers reciprocal exchanges (students pay their home tuition, room and board, and create a space for an incoming international student) and ISEP-Direct programs (students pay a program fee covering tuition, room and board through the University of Montana to ISEP). Other expenses for which the student is responsible include: books and supplies, local transportation, round-trip airfare, or personal expenses.
For information on ISEP, please contact International Programs, International Center, The University of Montana-Missoula, Missoula, MT 59812 or phone (406) 243 2288.
National Student Exchange (NSE)
The University of Montana-Missoula participates in the National Student Exchange (NSE) program with 190 other state colleges and universities. This program offers students the opportunity to become better acquainted with different social and educational patterns in other areas of the United States. NSE encourages students to experience new life and learning styles, appreciate differing cultural perspectives, learn more about themselves and others and broaden their educational backgrounds through specialized courses or unique programs which may not be available on the home campus. The qualified student may travel to another state and participate in the exchange program for up to one academic year. For more information, contact the Coordinator of the National Student Exchange Program, Enrollment Services-Admissions, Lommasson Center 101, The University of Montana-Missoula, Missoula, MT 59812 or phone (406) 243-6266.
A special admission committee reviews applications from students who do not meet the regular admission standards.
The University of Montana-Missoula may deny or condition admission, readmission, or continuing enrollment of any individual who, in the judgment of the University, presents an unreasonable risk to the safety and welfare of the campus and persons thereon. In making such judgment, the University may, among other things, take into account the individual's history and experience relative to (a) violence and destructive tendencies, (b) behavior on other college campuses, and (c) any rehabilitative therapy the individual may have undergone.
The University of Montana-Missoula adopts the following Admission Review Procedures:
The Assistant Vice President for Enrollment, the Dean of the Graduate School or the Chair of the Admissions Committees of the various professional schools at The University of Montana-Missoula shall be responsible for the administration of the Admissions Review procedures established to implement Board of Regents policy. When the responsible admissions officer has reason to believe an applicant may present an unreasonable risk to the safety and welfare of the campus and persons thereon, additional information regarding the applicant's background and experiences shall be requested. No applicant's admission may be barred automatically, solely by reason of a criminal conviction, if state supervision has terminated, or solely by reason of a youth court adjudication. The responsible admissions officer may request additional information in the following instances: (1) When an applicant has been convicted of a felony; (2) When an applicant has been adjudicated as a danger to others or to self; (3) When an applicant has been suspended or expelled for disciplinary reasons from other educational institutions, either before or after the applicant has been accepted at The University of Montana-Missoula; (4) When, on the basis of other facts, the Assistant Vice President for Enrollment or other responsible officer has reason to believe an applicant may present an unreasonable risk to the safety and welfare of the campus and persons thereon.
After obtaining additional information, the responsible admissions officer may admit the applicant or refer the application to the Admissions Review Committee for review and recommendation.
Evaluation of transfer credits is determined by Enrollment Services-Admissions at the time of admission. The evaluation is included in the acceptance packet and in the advising materials distributed during orientation. All college-level credits from regionally accredited colleges and universities will be accepted for transfer. Credits from colleges or universities that are candidates for regional accreditation will be accepted only after the student has successfully completed twenty semester credits at UM. Course work fro unaccredited schools is not accepted or evaluated unless an individual exception is requested by the student and approved by a committee composed of the Academic Vice President, Assistant Vice President for Enrollment and the Registrar.
Enrollment Services-Admissions determines whether or not courses are college-level, the appropriate grading and credit conversion and the applicability of the transfer courses to UM's general education requirements. Transfer courses graded C- or above will count toward general education and major requirements. Transfer courses with grades of D or D- transfer as elective credit. The student's major department may further evaluate the applicability of transfer courses to the student's selected program of study. College-level courses which do not have and equivalent at UM will be accepted as elective credits.
Courses earned in vocational-technical courses from regionally accredited schools are not accepted in transfer toward an A.A. or baccalaureate program with the exception of the Bachelor of Applied Science degree. Students may petition their major department for acceptance of up to 10 semester credits based on vocational-technical experiences which enhance the major program. The petition form is available from the Registrar's Office. Upon approval, the petition is an agreement between the institution and the student that the credits apply toward graduation requirements provided the student retains his or her major in the same field. Should the student elect to change majors, the same procedure must be followed with the new department. This petition process may be used by students who have taken technical courses from the College of Technology. UM technical courses are designated by a course number suffix of "T."
Elective credit may be given for military courses according to the recommendations in the American Council (ACE) Service Guide. Elective credit may also be given for training programs recommended by the ACE Guide.
The University of Montana database of courses transferable from colleges and universities is available on the web at Choose "T" from the ‘A-Z Index' and click on Transfer Credit Information.
Students who wish to appeal a decision regarding acceptance of transfer credit should contact Enrollment Services-Admissions to receive information on the appeal process.
College of Technology students must submit official transcripts for evaluation. If a student feels that a course taken at another institution may substitute for a specific College of Technology course, the evaluation will be done by the associate dean and the chair of the department of the equivalent course. Courses in which a grade lower than "C" was earned, internship, clinical practice, and some laboratory courses will not be considered for transfer credit.
The Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education's Professional Student Exchange Program enables students in thirteen western states to enroll in out of state professional programs when those programs are not available in their home states. Exchange students receive preference in admission. They pay reduced levels of tuition: for most students, resident tuition in public institutions or reduced standard tuition at private schools. The home state pays a support fee to the admitting schools to help cover the cost of students' education.
The following professional programs are not available in Montana but are supported by the Montana WICHE program. They are dentistry, medicine, occupational therapy, optometry, osteopathic medicine, podiatry, public health and veterinary medicine.
The Certifying Officer for the State of Montana can be contacted for specific details about the program. WICHE Student Exchange Program, Montana University System, 2500 Broadway, Helena, MT 59620. (406)444-6570 or Fax: (406) 444-1469.
The Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) program at The University of Montana-Missoula is administered as a competitive academic merit based scholarship program. The scholarship is limited to students who are legal residents of Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington and Wyoming.
Only first time incoming freshman and new transfer students are eligible to apply for a WUE scholarship.
The amount of the WUE scholarship will represent 150% of Montana resident tuition. Therefore, the WUE scholarship will enable recipients to pay the equivalent of 150 percent of Montana resident tuition rather than the full non-resident tuition and fees.
The WUE scholarship will automatically be renewed each semester providing recipients follow the conditions of the WUE Scholarship.
The conditions of the WUE Scholarship are:
Time as a WUE scholarship recipient cannot be used toward fulfilling Montana state residency requirements for fee purposes at any unit of the Montana University System.
To be eligible for the WUE scholarship first time incoming freshman and transfer students must apply for admission and be admitted to The University of Montana. Awarding of the WUE will occur on a rolling basis with priority given to those who apply before December 31st. Further details are available from the Enrollment Services-Admissions Office or by visiting
The Student Conduct Code, embodying the ideals of academic honesty, integrity, human rights and responsible citizenship, governs all student conduct at The University of Montana-Missoula. Student enrollment presupposes a commitment to the principles and policies embodied in this Code. The Student Conduct Code sets forth University jurisdiction, student rights, standards of academic and general student conduct, disciplinary sanctions for breach of the standards of student conduct and procedures to be followed in adjudicating charges of both academic and general misconduct. The Vice President for Student Affairs is responsible for procedural administration of the Student Conduct Code for all general conduct. The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs is responsible for all academic conduct. Copies of the Student Conduct Code can be obtained from the offices of the Vice President for Student Affairs, the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Residence Life, and Associated Students of The University of Montana-Missoula (ASUM). The Student Conduct Code also can be accessed from the internet at
The University is a member of Service members Opportunity Colleges, a consortium of over 1300 institutions pledged to be reasonable in working with service members and veterans trying to earn degrees.
Registrar's Office
Lommasson Center 201
Phone: (406) 243-2995
Fax: (406) 243-4807