*See addendum for changes to the credits available under LS 151L and 152L that was made after the catalog was published.
The Liberal Studies Program offers students the opportunity to work in a combination of disciplines within the humanities, including literature, philosophy, and history as well as neighboring fields. The Liberal Studies Program offers degree options in:
In addition, the Liberal Studies Program offers a minor in South and Southeast Asian Studies.
The Liberal Studies curriculum is designed for the student who seeks a liberal education with emphasis on the humanities. While allowing ample room for electives, the coursework for the LS major focuses on the literary and religious works, cultural records, and ideas that enrich our common inheritance. The aim of the program is to foster critical understanding and appreciation of our inheritance and world through the study and discussion of these texts and traditions. Emphasis in all cases is on critical thinking, close reading of primary sources, analytical writing, and historical understanding. Students who graduate from the program will be prepared to enter various fields in the private and public sectors, pursue further professional training, and be better prepared to meet the demands of citizenship. More information about the program is available at the Liberal Studies Program office in LA 101, (406) 243–2171, or online at www.cas.umt.edu/liberal.
Majors in Liberal Studies may not take any course work presented for LS credit on a pass/not pass basis. Upper–level students transferring into this program should have at least a C average in all credits attempted.
Lower-Division Curriculum (courses numbered under 300)
Upper-Division Curriculum (courses numbered 300 and above)
The upper-division writing expectation must be met by successfully completing an upper-division writing course from the approved list in the Academic Policies and Procedures section of this catalog. See index.
The course of study for Liberal Studies majors varies greatly depending on student interest and course availability. The core curriculum typically takes more than two years to complete, while the upper–division requirements typically take less than two years. Following is one possible course of study for the first two years:
First Year | A | S |
WRIT 101 (ENEX 101) Composition | 3 | – |
LIT 220L (ENLT 222L) British Literature Medieval through Renaissance or LIT 221L (223L) British Literature Enlightenment to Romantics | (3) | (3) |
Foreign language 101 and 102 Elementary | 5 | 5 |
HSTR 101H or 102H (HIST 104H or 105H) Western Civilization I or II | (4) | (4) |
LS 151L and 152L Introduction to Humanities | 4 | 4 |
Lower–division Native American Studies | – | 3 |
15–16 | 15–16 | |
Second Year | A | S |
Foreign language 201 and 202 Intermediate | 4 | 4 |
LIT 210L (ENLT 224L) American Literature I or LIT 211L (ENLT 225L) American Literature II | (3) | (3) |
HSTA 101H (HIST 151H) American History I or HSTA 102H (HIST 152H) American History II | (4) | (4) |
PHL 110E (PHIL 200E) Introduction to Ethics or lower–division Political Science course | 3 | – |
Lower–division course in Asian Studies | 3 | – |
Lower–division course in Religious Studies | – | 3 |
General Education | 3 | 3 |
16–17 | 16–17 |
Asian Studies Option, Professor Bradley Clough, Advisor:
The Asian Studies Option offers opportunities for those students who wish to focus on the diverse societies of the Asian continent through the study of literature, geography, history, peoples, religious and other cultural traditions, and languages.
Interested students must major in Liberal Studies with an option in Asian Studies. In addition to select Liberal Studies courses, students will choose from specified courses offered in many departments and programs in the College of Arts and Sciences, such as History, Japanese Studies, Chinese Studies, Anthropology, Sociology, Geography, and Religious Studies.
Students who choose the Asian Studies option must register with the Asian studies faculty advisor.
Lower-Division Requirements
Language Requirement: Two years (or equivalent proficiency) in an Asian language appropriate to the student's academic goals and approved by the academic advisor. Students who plan to pursue graduate work are strongly advised to complete three years, including at least one study abroad in Asia experience.
Liberal Studies, Introduction to Humanities
LS 151L, 4cr.
LS 152L, 4cr.
Asian Studies Foundational Courses
SSEA/LS 102 Introduction to South and Southeast Asia, 3cr.
LS 161H Introduction to Asian Humanities, 3 cr.
Four, 200-Level Courses (12 Credits)
Nine credits must be from three of the following courses (3 cr. each):
HSTR 240 (HIST 201H) East Asian Civilizations
SSEA/LS 202 South Asia
JPNS150H (JPNS 210H)/MCLG/LS 150H Japanese Culture and Civilization
CHIN/LS 211H (MCLG 211H) Chinese Culture and Civilization
SOCI 212S (SOC 212H)/SSEA 212S Social Issues in Southeast Asia
The remaining course must be from one of the following (3 cr.):
RLST 232H (RELS 232H) Buddhism
RLST 233 (RELS 233) Traditions of Buddhist Meditation
RLST 234 (RELS 234) Hinduism
RLST 236 (RELS 236) Chinese Religions
RLST 238 (RELS 238) Japanese Religions
Upper-Division Requirements
At least fifteen credits in upper-level courses (300-level courses and above), chosen from the following list of courses (all 3 cr.):
CHIN/MCLG/LS 313L Classical Chinese Poetry in English Translation
CHIN/MCLG/LS 314L Traditional Chinese Literature in English Translation
CHIN/MCLG/LS 432 Twentieth Century Chinese Fiction in English Translation
GPHY 444 (GEOG 410) High Asia
HSTR 343 (HIST 381H) ( Modern Japan
HSTR 345 (HIST 380H) Modern China
HSTR 448 (HIST 481) Tradition and Reform in China
HSTR 449 (HIST 482) Revolution and Reform In China
JPNS/MCLG 311 Classical Japanese Literature in English Translation
JPNS/MCLG 312 Japanese Literature from Medieval to Modern Times in English Translation
JPNS 386 History of Japanese Language
JPNS 391 (JPNS 395) Special Topics
JPNS 411 Modern Japanese Writers and Thinkers
JPNS 431 Post-War Japanese Literature
PSCI 329 (PSC 329) Politics of Japan
RLST 353 (RELS 353) Topics in South Asian Religions
RLST 354 (RELS 354) Topics in East Asian Religions
RLST 360 (RELS 360) Classics in Buddhist Literature
RLST 366 (RELS 366) Tibetan Civilization
RLST 367 (RELS 367) Approaches to the Study of Zen Buddhism
RLST 368 (RELS 368) Contemporary Buddhism in South and Southeast Asia
RLST 369 (RELS 369) Contemplative Traditions of Asia
Religious Studies Option, Professor Paul Dietrich, Advisor:
Religion has been taught as an academic discipline at the University of Montana since 1924. Located within the Liberal Studies Program, the study of religion is pursued in the University in an interdisciplinary setting that offers opportunities for exploration and discovery in many areas of the humanities, art, and sciences. Our Religious Studies courses emphasize the scholarly analysis and interpretation of the history, literature, beliefs, myths, symbols, rituals, ethical and legal codes, and communities and institutions of the world's religious traditions.
We investigate how the world's religions address enduring human questions and influence responses to daily problems, and we explore how religious traditions shape lives and societies, from the emergence of the earliest civilizations to 21st-century global conflicts. Our students engage ideas about the good life and death, suffering and happiness, war and peace, revelation and salvation, God, mysticism, and religious experience. The curriculum is designed to provide students with a broad and deep understanding of religion as a field of human activity and inquiry. Students acquire the skills necessary to investigate specific religious traditions in historical depth and to understand the forms, expressions, and roles of religion in the world today.
Degree Requirements
Please consult the Religious Studies section of this catalog for further information.
Women's Studies Option, Professor Elizabeth Hubble and Professor Bryan Cochran, Co-Directors of the Women's and Gender Studies Program:
Students who choose the Women's Studies option must register with the Women's Studies advisor, who will supervise their program. The following requirements must be met to complete the women's studies option within the liberal studies major.
Degree Requirements
Please consult the Women's and Gender Studies section of the catalog for additional information.
South and Southeast Asian Studies Minor, Professor Ruth Vanita, Faculty Advisor
The Liberal Studies Program offers undergraduates at the University of Montana-Missoula an opportunity to minor in South and Southeast Asian Studies (SSEA). Students will study South and Southeast Asian peoples, cultures, histories, societies, as well as their literary, artistic and religious traditions. The minor encompasses the regions of South and Southeast Asia, including the states of India, Nepal, Bhutan, Tibet, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, Indonesia, East Timor, and the Philippines.
The South Asianist faculty of Liberal Studies and the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences work closely with those faculty from other disciplines at the University of Montana who have research and teaching interests, and competency in regional languages of either South or Southeast Asia.
Students may choose to minor in South and Southeast Asian Studies with a major in any discipline. They must register Professor Ruth Vanita, the faculty advisor, and are encouraged to plan their course sequence at least one semester in advance, in consultation with an assigned core faculty advisor from those listed below.
Degree Requirements
Requirements for a Minor
Major in any discipline, with a minor in South and Southeast Asian Studies
The following is a list of SSEA courses for the Minor. Please refer to the SSEA section of the catalog for additional details.
SSEA/LS 102 Introduction to South and Southeast Asia
SSEA 191 Special Topics
SSEA/LS 202 South Asia
SSEA/SOCI 212S (SOC 212H) Social Issues in Southeast Asia
SSEA/RLST 232 H (RELS 232H) Buddhism
SSEA/RLST 234 (RELS 234) Hinduism
SSEA 291 Special Topics Variable
SSEA/ANTH 330X Peoples and Cultures of the World: Indonesia and the Philippines
SSEA/LS/ 342 Topics in Comparative Literature and Religion
SSEA/RLST 353 (RELS 353) Topics in South Asian Religions
SSEA/RLST 366 (RELS 366) Tibetan Civilization
SSEA/RLST 368 (RELS 368) Contemporary Buddhism in South and Southeast Asia
SSEA 391 Special Topics Variable
SSEA/ANTH 440 Contemporary Issues of Southeast Asia
SSEA 491 Special Topics Variable
South and Southeast Asian Studies Faculty Advisors
Bradley Clough, Ph.D. Columbia University 1998. (Liberal Studies)
Ranjan Shrestha, Ph.D. Ohio State University 2007 (Economics)
Teresa Sobieszczyk, Ph.D. Cornell University 2001 (Sociology)
Ruth Vanita, Ph.D. Delhi University 1992 (Liberal Studies) (Lead Faculty Advisor)
G.G. Weix, Ph.D. Cornell University 1990 (Anthropology)
U = for undergraduate credit only, UG = for undergraduate or graduate credit, G = for graduate credit. R after the credit indicates the course may be repeated for credit to the maximum indicated after the R. Credits beyond this maximum do not count toward a degree.
U 102 Introduction to South and Southeast Asia 3 cr. Offered spring. Same as LS 102. An introduction to South and Southeast Asian regions, cultures, societies, and histories, with particular emphasis on artistic, religious and literary traditions from prehistory to the present. An overview approach with different materials and emphases.
U 105H Introduction to Russian Culture 3cr. Offered autumn. Same as RUSS 105HY and MCLG 105HY. A chronological survey of Russian culture from its beginnings to the contemporary period.
U 119H Philosophical Perspectives on Women in the Western Hemisphere 3 cr. Offered intermittently. Same as PHL 151H (PHIL 119H) and WGS 119H. Introduction to the discipline and scope of Western philosophy focusing on women as the subject rather than men. A chronological study following the ideological development in the West of social attitudes and scientific theses.
U 150H Japanese Culture and Civilization 3 cr. Offered intermittently. Same as MCLG 150Hand JPNS 150H. The historical, religious, artistic, literary and social developments in Japan from earliest times to the present.
U 151L Introduction to the Humanities 4 cr. Offered autumn. Prereq., eligibility for WRIT 101 (ENEX 101) based on writing placement examination. General survey of the field of Humanities in Western civilization with reference to non–Western analogs, contrasting the Greco–Roman with the Jewish and Christian traditions.
U 152L Introduction to the Humanities 4 cr. Offered spring. Prereq., eligibility for WRIT 101 (ENEX 101) based on writing placement examination. General survey of the field of Humanities in Western civilization, with reference to non–Western analogs, since antiquity.
U 160L Classical Mythology 3 cr. Offered every spring; offered intermittently in summer. Same as MCLG 160L. Deities and myths of the Greeks and Romans, with emphasis on those of most importance to Western literature and art.
U 161H Introduction to Asian Humanities 3 cr. Offered autumn. Coreq., LS 151L or consent of instr. Selective survey of classical South and East Asian perspectives on the humanities as introduced in LS 151L. Hinduism, Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism are the primary traditions considered.
U 170 Myth Seminar: Honors 1 cr. Offered every spring, offered intermittently in summer. Same as MCLG 170. Coreq., MCLG/LS 160L. Research, writing, and discussion about the mythologies of the Greeks and Romans in a small group setting.
U 180L Introduction to Film 3 cr. Offered every term. Same as ENFM 180L. The history and development of the film medium. Emphasis on critical analysis of selected classic or significant films.
U 195 Special Topics Variable cr. (R–9) Offered intermittently. Experimental offerings of visiting professors, experimental offerings of new courses, or one–time offerings of current topics.
U 202 South Asia. 3 cr. Offered alternate years. Same as LS 202. Introduction to Southern Asia, its history, cultures, societies, artistic, religious and literary traditions from antiquity to the modern era.
U 211H Chinese Culture and Civilization 3 cr. Offered intermittently. Same as AS and CHIN 211H. A comprehensive study of Chinese culture and civilization in the manifold aspects of anthropology, sociology, economics, history, literature, religion, and philosophy.
U 212S Southeast Asian Culture and Civilization 3 cr. Offered intermittently. Same as AS and SOCI 212S (SOC 212H). Introduction to the history, geography, cultures, social organization, and contemporary events of Southeast Asia.
U 221Y Germanic Mythology and Culture 3 cr. Offered intermittently. Same as MCLG 231Y. Offered alternate years. Germanic culture and mythology from 200 B.C. to 1200 A.D. Topics include the Germanic pantheon, Germanic religious practices, Germanic migrations and major literary masterpieces. Credit not allowed for LS 221Y, MCLG 231Y and GRMN 362Y (GERM 362H).
U 227L Film as Literature, Literature as Film 3 cr. (R–6) Offered intermittently. Same as LIT 270L (ENTL 227L). Studies of the relationship between film and literature. Topics vary.
U 251L The Epic 3 cr. (R–6) Offered odd–numbered years. Same as MCLG 251L. Reading, study, and discussion of epic poems. Selections will vary from Western and non–Western traditions.
U 252L Tragedy 3 cr. (R–6) Offered even–numbered years. Same as MCLG 252L. Study of the literary, artistic and philosophical dimensions of tragedy. Selections will vary.
U 282L The German Cinema 3 cr. Offered intermittently. Same as MCLG 222L. Development of the German film from its beginnings in 1895 through the contemporary New German Cinema. Topics include Expressionism, New Objectivity, the Nazi film, the German contribution to Hollywood, and the post–war film in East and West Germany. Credit not allowed for LS 282L, MCLG 222L and GRMN 322L (GERM 361L).
U 293 Omnibus Variable cr. (R–6) Offered intermittently. Prereq., consent of instr. Independent work under the University omnibus option. See index.
U 294 Seminar Variable cr. (R–6) Offered intermittently.
U 295 Special Topics Variable cr. (R–9) Offered intermittently. Experimental offerings of visiting professors, experimental offerings of new courses, or one–time offerings of current topics.
U 296 Independent Study Variable cr. (R–9) Offered intermittently.
U 301 Earth’s Mind: Ecology and Native Peoples 3 cr. Offered intermittently. Non–western attitudes toward nature, based on the work of anthropologists, philosophers, novelists, poets, and on native oral traditions.
UG 306L Introduction to Russian Literature I 3 cr. Offered spring. Same as MCLG and RUSS 312L. A survey of Russian poetry and prose from the mid–nineteenth century through the Symbolist period of the early 20th century. Included are the works of Gogol, Turgenev, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, and the Symbolists.
U 307L Introduction to Russian Literature II 3 cr. Offered alternate years. Same as MCLG 307L, and RUSS 313L. A survey of Russian literature of the 20th - century and into the 21st. No knowledge of Russian is necessary.
U 308 Russian Cinema and Culture 3 cr. Offered alternate years. Same as RUSS 308, ENFM 308, and MCLG 308. Topically arranged introduction to the cinema of Russia and the former Soviet Union, with particular emphasis on contemporary Russian cinema. No knowledge of Russian is necessary.
U 309 Reading the City: Rome 3 cr. Offered autumn. Same as MCLG 309. Prereq., previous acceptance in subsequent intersession Italy program. Overview of the history of Rome from its beginnings until modern times, with lectures on various periods and artists across the spectrum of Italian art history. Orientation to the city of Rome, practicalities of life and study in the city.
U 311 Chinese Folktales 3 cr. Offered intermittently. Same as MCLG 380. The study of the aspirations, desires, loves, fears, moral and aesthetic values of the Chinese people as expressed in their folk literature.
U 313L Classical Chinese Poetry in English Translation 3 cr. Offered intermittently in spring. Same as AS, CHIN, and MCLG 313L. The works of major Chinese poets to 1300 A.D.
U 314L Traditional Chinese Literature in English Translation 3 cr. Offered intermittently in spring. Same as AS, CHIN, and MCLG 314L. Highlights of Chinese literature to 1800; includes philosophy, poetry, prose, and fiction.
U 315 Major Hispanic Authors and Their Times 3 cr. Offered autumn. Same as MCLG 315. The intensive study of the life, times, and works of a major Hispanic author.
U 320 Women in Antiquity 3 cr. Offered intermittently. Same as MCLG and WS 320. Examination of varied sources from ancient Greece, the Hellenistic world, and republican and imperial Rome to clarify the place of women in various communities. Women’s contribution to community and the mechanisms by which communities attempted to socialize female populations.
U 321H German Culture to 1900 3 cr. Offered spring. Same as MCLG 330H. Overview of major events and currents in German culture to 1900 with an emphasis on the arts, literature, and intellectual movements. Credit not allowed for LS 321H and GRMN 351H (GERM 303).
U 322H German Culture Since 1900 3 cr. Offered spring. Same as MCLG 331H. Overview of major events and currents in the German culture from 1900 to the present with an emphasis on the arts, literature, and intellectual movements. Credit not allowed for LS 322H and GRMN 352H (GERM 304).
UG 323 Studies in Literary Forms 3 cr. (R–9) Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., LIT 300 (ENLT 301) or consent of instr. Same as LIT 375 (ENLT 323). Reading of various authors from different literary periods and cultures working in the same mode of composition (every two years, Literature of Place, Modern Drama, 19th Century Fiction, 20th Century Fiction, Lyric Poetry, Science Fiction, Autobiography; less frequently, Travel Literature, Popular Fiction, Epic, Tragedy, Satire, Romance, Comedy).
U 325 The Roots of Western Ethics 3 cr. Offered intermittently. Prereq., lower–division course in Perspective 5 or consent of instr. Same as MCLG 365. Studies of the origins of Western ethical thinking in the original writings of Greek writers and their application to current situations.
UG 326 Stories East and West 3 cr. Offered yearly. A course tracing the influence of Arabic fiction on its western counterpart.
U 327L Gender and Sexuality in English Fiction 3 cr. Offered alternate years. Same as WGS 379L & LIT 379L (ENLT 375L). Major 20th century novels and short stories written in English in different parts of the world and how these texts explore changing concepts of gender and sexuality.
UG 338 The French Cinema 3 cr. (R–6) Offered intermittently. Same as MCLG and FRCH 338 (FREN 338). An historical, aesthetic, and critical survey of the French cinema, from its beginnings in 1895 through the contemporary cinema (Muet, classical, Realism, Nouvelle Vogue, etc.) With an introduction to contemporary film criticism. Students taking the course for French credits are required to do research, reading, and writing in the French language.
UG 340H Ancient Greek Civilization and Culture 3 cr. Offered intermittently. Prereq., ART 150H or 151H or consent of instr. Same as MCLG 360H and ART 380H. Slide lecture course. Ancient Greek works of art and architecture, related to and explained by contemporary ideas and values of Greek society.
UG 341 Roman and Early Christian Art in Context 3 cr. Offered intermittently. Prereq., ART 150H or 151H or consent of instr. Same as ART 381 and MCLG 361. A survey of the various media used in Roman art; the social political, and economic contexts in which the media were developed; and the transition (technical, iconographic, and contextual) to the art of the Early Christian period.
U 342 Topics in Comparative Literature and Religion 3 cr. Offered every second semester. Same as SSEA 342. These courses compare major traditions, texts and trends in two or more world civilizations or cultures. Works of literature and/or philosophy are examined in their historical contexts, and in relation to each other.
U 351 Exploring the Humanities in Depth 3 cr. (R–9) Offered autumn and spring. Intensive study of a specific historical period in Western humanities through its seminal literature, with an emphasis on the intellectual and ethical paradigms which form an essential component of the foundations of the Western tradition.
UG 356 Studies in Literature and Other Disciplines 3 cr. (R–9) Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., nine credits in LIT or LS or consent of instr. Same as LIT 376 (ENLT 325). Selected works of literature studied in conjunction with works of art, music, religion, philosophy, or another discipline (every two years, Psychology and Literature, Film and Literature, The Poetry of Meditation; less frequently, British Art and Literature, Modernism, Literature and Science, Bible as Literature, Song).
U 358 Latin American Civilization through Literature and Film 3 cr. Offered autumn odd–numbered years. The development of the traditional society of Latin American civilization through the interaction of European, Indian and African elements. Credit not allowed for both LS/MCLG 358 and SPNS 357 (SPAN 359).
U 362 Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy 3 cr. Offered intermittently. Same as MCLG 362 and PHL 363 (PHIL 362). Examination of the thought of the philosophers of Greece and Rome as expressed in original works read in English translation. Ancient philosophy studied within its historical, linguistic and cultural setting.
U 365 South Asian Traditions: Hinduism 3 cr. Offered spring even–numbered years. Same as SSEA and ???RELS 365. Critical exploration of selected aspects of Hindu thought, narrative and practice, both in contemporary and historical perspective. Focus primarily on India, but with consideration of Hinduism’s transformation and impact beyond South Asia.
UG 368 Shakespeare: Comedy and Tragedy 3 cr. Offered yearly. An investigation of the differences, but also affinities, between the two fundamental Shakespearean genres.
UG 371 Women in America: from the Civil War to the Present 3 cr. Offered intermittently. Same as HSTA 388 (HIST 371H) and WGS 371H. Interpretive overview of women's experiences in America after the Civil War. Exploration of such topics as women's associations, the battle for suffrage, organized feminism and its opponents, the industrialization of housework, women in the workforce, reproductive rights, and welfare. Particular attention to women's experiences shaped by class and race as well as by gender.
UG 381 Studies in the Film 3 cr. Offered autumn and spring. Same as ENFM 381L. Prereq., LS 180L or consent of instr. Same as MCLG 381. Studies in genres, directors, movements, problems, etc.
U 391 Agriculture in the Humanities and Fine Arts 1 cr. Offered autumn. Same as EVST 391. Lecture series that accompanies cooperative education credit for students in P.E.A.S. (Program in Ecological Agriculture and Society).
U 395 Special Topics Variable cr. (R–9) Offered intermittently. Experimental offerings of visiting professors, experimental offerings of new courses, or one–time offerings of current topics.
U 396 Independent Study Variable cr. (R–12) Offered intermittently.
U 397 Research Variable cr. (R–6) Offered intermittently.
U 398 Internship Variable cr. Offered intermittently. Prereq., consent of director. Extended classroom experience which provides practical application of classroom learning during placements off campus. Prior approval must be obtained from the faculty supervisor and the Internship Services office. A maximum of 6 credits of Internship (198, 298, 398, 498) may count toward graduation.
UG 428 Renaissance Debate on Women 3 cr. Offered yearly. A reading of texts from the fourteenth to the seventeenth centuries in several different genres (prose pamphlets, lectures, lyrics, drama, extracts from epics), to examine the arguments presented by women and men that crucially shaped the debate on women and gender and influenced modern attitudes toward women in the western hemisphere.
UG 432 Twentieth Century Chinese Fiction in English Translation 3 cr. Offered intermittently in spring. Same as CHIN, and MCLG 432. A survey of the principal works of Chinese fiction circa 1910–1990.
UG 455 Studies in Comparative Literature 3 cr. (R–9) Offered intermittently. Same as LIT 430 (ENLT 430) and MCLG 440. Study of important literary ideas, genres, trends and movements. Credit not allowed for more than one course on the same topic numbered LIT 430 (ENLT 430), MCLG 440, 494 or LS 455.
UG 460 History of Criticism and Theory 3 cr. Offered autumn or spring. Prereq., LIT 300 (ENLT 301) and six credits in literature courses numbered 300 or higher. Same as LIT 420 (ENLT 420). A survey of the historical development of critical theories which shaped ways of reading and writing from Plato and Aristotle to the present.
UG 461 Topics in Critical Theory 3 cr. (R–6) Offered autumn or spring. Prereq., LIT 300 (ENLT 301) and six credits in literature courses numbered 300 or higher. Same as LIT 420 (ENLT 421). Study and application of one or more theoretical approaches to interpreting texts (e.g., aesthetic poststructural, new historicist, classical, renaissance, romantic, narrative, psychoanalytic, formalist, neo–Marxist, feminist, gender, cultural studies and reader–response theory.)
U 493 Omnibus Variable cr. (R–6) Offered intermittently. Prereq., consent of instr. Independent work under University omnibus option. See index.
UG 494 Seminar in Humanities: Genres and Periods 3 cr. (R–9) Offered intermittently. Concentrated studies in specific genres and periods.
UG 495 Special Topics Variable cr. (R–9) Offered intermittently. Experimental offerings of visiting professors, experimental offerings of new courses, or one–time offerings of current topics.
U 496 Independent Study Variable cr. (R–9) Offered intermittently.
U 497 Research Variable cr. (R–6) Offered intermittently.
U 498 Internship Variable cr. Offered intermittently. Prereq., consent of director. Extended classroom experience which provides practical application of classroom learning during placements off campus. Prior approval must be obtained from the faculty supervisor and the Internship Services office. A maximum of 6 credits of Internship (198, 298, 398, 498) may count toward graduation.
Paul A. Dietrich, Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1984
Stewart Justman, Ph.D., Columbia University, 1976
Ruth Vanita, Ph.D., Delhi University, 1992
Bradley Clough, Ph.D., Columbia University, 1998
Nathaniel Levtow, Ph.D., Brown University, 2006
Mark Hanson, Ph.D., University of Virginia,1993
Registrar's Office
Lommasson Center 201
Phone: (406) 243-2995
Fax: (406) 243-4807