The Educational Leadership knowledge base emphasizes the realities of the workplace, blending practical tasks with the conceptual models of effective leadership. The model uses leadership assessment and problem-based learning throughout nine curricular strands: change/future, leadership, research community, communication, assessment/program evaluation, management, diversity, curriculum, and professionalism/socialization. Students at both degree levels experience integrated coursework, performance-based assessment, and exit interviews on completion of the degree programs.
Programs:The M.Ed., Ed.S., State Licensure, and Ed.D. are offered in education administration and supervision. Information regarding specific requirements and program options is available from the School of Education. For more information, please refer to The University of Montana Graduate Programs and Admissions Catalog. Graduate programs are accredited by NCATE and CACREP.
Admission to Educational Leadership:The Program Admissions Committee has established policies and standards for admission which include the GRE (verbal and quantitative); three letters of recommendation (one from an immediate supervisor); official transcripts for all undergraduate and graduate coursework; qualifying examination; and interviews (doctoral). Contact the Department for details.
Certification Requirements: Education Leadership degree programs lead to certification at the Class III level.
U = for undergraduate credit only, UG = for undergraduate or graduate credit, G = for graduate credit. R after the credit indicates the course may be repeated for credit to the maximum indicated after the R. Credits beyond this maximum do not count toward a degree.
U 295 Special Topics in Educational Leadership 3 cr. Offerings of visiting professors, experimental offerings of new courses, or one-time offerings of current topics.
UG 495 Special Topics Variable cr. (R-9) Experimental offerings of visiting professors, experimental offerings of new courses, or one-time offerings of current topics.
G 502 Philosophy of Education 3 cr. Same as C&I 502. Major philosophical schools of thought and leading proponents of each. Concepts of society, the educative process, and the role of education.
G 504 History of American Education 3 cr. Same as C&I 504. Exploration of the ideas, individuals, and events that have influenced the curriculum, pedagogy, and operation of the American public school, from colonial America to the present time.
G 512 Educational Futures 3 cr. Predicting and projecting the near and more distant future of education. The changing place and nature of education and leadership in tomorrow's society.
G 519 Measurement and Analysis of Educational Data 3 cr. Prereq., graduate standing. Explanation and practice in measurement and statistical analysis of educational data. Preparation in measurement and statistical analysis for educational research.
G 520 Educational Research 3 cr. Same as C&I and HHP 520. An understanding of basic quantitative and qualitative research methodology and terminology, particularly as they are used in studies presented in the professional literature.
G 540 Higher Education Finance 3 cr. Overview of how colleges and universities make financial and budgetary decisions; current trends in state and federal policy related to finance; contemporary problems in finance of education.
G 542 The College Student 3 cr. Survey of today’s college student including discussion of demographics, student development theories, learning theories, and contemporary issues on college campuses related to college students.
G 544 The College Curriculum 3 cr. Historical and contemporary development of college and university curriculum. Includes overview of pedagogical strategies, assessment, evaluation, and curricular change.
G 546 Federal and State Higher Education Policy 3 cr. Overview of policies at the local, state, and national levels that affect the conduct of higher education; current trends in higher education policy; changes in educational policy; how policies affect different institutional types.
G 550 Foundations of Educational Leadership 3 cr. Basic functions of K-12 administration and supervision and how contemporary views have evolved; models of leadership style and practice compared; responsibilities and relationships of school boards and chief school officers.
G 551 Foundations of Curriculum Leadership 3 cr. The history and theoretical bases of current K-12 curriculum and instructional leadership.
G 552 The Supervision and Evaluation of Public School Educators 3 cr. Conflicting views and models of supervision; supervision in relation to administration and evaluation. Development of instruments for the formative and summative evaluation of teaching and their use in simulated cases.
G 554 School Law 3 cr. Key Montana and national legislation regarding public education. Landmark cases of the U.S. Supreme Court and other federal, regional, and state courts as they affect the operation of public schools and the rights of school board members, administrators, teachers, students, and parents.
G 556 The Finance of Public Education 3 cr. Revenue sources for K-12 public schools; proper expenditures; Montana's foundation program and related legislation; major court cases and how they have affected ways of funding schools; developing effective school and district budgets.
G 559 School Public Relations for the Principal 3 cr. Investigation of the appropriate leadership and management roles of the modern school principal as they relate to public relations. Understanding of political theory as it relates to developing and maintaining relationships with internal and external publics.
G 567 K-12 Leadership 3 cr. Examination of the roles responsibilities, and relationships of educators relative to management and leadership considerations at all levels of the educational organization (elementary, middle, secondary, and central office).
G 568 K-12 Curriculum 3 cr. Major aspects of curriculum related to the duties and responsibilities of school administrators. Issues related to the development, review and evaluation o curriculum. Exploration of issues related to selected instructional models and practices; school improvement.
G 570 Instructional Technology Foundations 3 cr. Same as C&I 570. General introduction to the field, theory, and profession of instructional technology. Definition of instructional technology; history of the field.
G 571 Planning, Preparing, and Assessing Educational Technology Media 3 cr. Same as C&I 571. Principles and practices of instructional design for integration of educational technology. Emphasis on role of technology in contemporary teaching/learning/assessing theory and practice, including learning styles and multiple intelligences.
G 580 Distance Learning Theory and Implementation 3 cr. Same as C&I 580. Introduction to distance learning models and exploration of satellite and computer-mediated course development, implementation, and evaluation.
G 581 Planning and Management for Technology in Education 3 cr. Same as C&I 581. Creating, implementing, maintaining, and evaluating technology plans for educational institutions, including budgets, facilities, and hardware planning.
G 582 Educational Technology: Trends and Issues 3 cr. Same as C&I 582. Exploration of trends and issues in the use of educational technology in a variety of settings.
G 583 Strategic Planning for Technology 3 cr. Same as C&I 583. Leadership and strategic planning processes for technology integration within schools.
G 584 Authentic Application in Instructional Design for Technology 3 cr. Same as C&I 584. Development of practical competencies in such components of instructional technology as development, production, materials evaluation, and project management and implementation.
G 585 Fieldwork in Educational Administration and Supervision 2-3 cr. Fieldwork at the school level (when the student is not completing an internship), with the cooperation of the principal and under the guidance of a University of Montana professor.
G 594 Seminar Variable cr. (R-9) Group analysis of problems in specific areas of education.
G 595 Special Topics Variable cr. (R-9) Experimental offerings of visiting professors, experimental offerings of new courses, or one-time offerings of current topics.
G 596 Independent Study Variable cr. (R-9) Consent of instructor.
G 597 Research Variable cr. (R-10) Consent of instructor.
G 598 Internship Variable cr. (R-10) Consent of instructor.
G 599 Professional Paper Variable cr. (R-9) Consent of instructor.
G 618 Educational Statistics 3 cr. Same as C&I 618. Advanced statistical methods and use of the mainframe computer and microcomputer for data analysis. Use of a recognized statistical package for research applications.
G 620 Qualitative Research 3 cr. Same as C&I 620. In-depth review of qualitative research methods, designs, and approaches. The development of a research proposal.
G 625 Quantitative Research 3 cr. Same as C&I 625. Principles and technique of quantitative research in educational settings. Students prepare a draft of a research proposal and experience an abbreviated dissertation proposal defense.
G 653 School Personnel Administration 3 cr. Administration of classified and certificated school employees; personnel-related laws, functions, and decisions; unions, bargaining contracts, grievances, etc.
G 656 The Economics of Public Education 3 cr. School finance from a national perspective; alternative budgeting and school-revenue models; equity considerations.
G 657 Facilities Planning and Other School Business Functions 3 cr. Working with architects, school personnel, and others on educationally and financially sound plans for new and remodeled facilities; the school business official's responsibilities regarding buildings and grounds, maintenance and custodial services, transportation, food services, and the administration of classified personnel.
G 658 School Public Relations–Superintendents 3 cr. Enhancing site- and district-level internal and external relations; conducting needs assessments, inservice workshops, and funding campaigns; improving administrators' writing, listening, and speaking skills; composing press releases and newsletters; working with the media.
G 660 Adult and Continuing Education 3 cr. Adult learning theory and the special needs and motivations of adult learners in postsecondary institutions; principles and practices of administering postsecondary continuing education programs.
G 662 History of Higher Education 3 cr. Survey of the historical roots of higher education from world and comparative perspectives; examination of the historic and contemporary missions, organizational structures, governance, and administration of various types of postsecondary and higher education institutions in America and abroad.
G 664 The Community College 3 cr. The organization and administration of American postsecondary education in two-year collegiate institutions; current trends in governance, finance, curriculum, faculty and students.
G 667 The American College Professor 3 cr. Investigation of the prevailing curriculum and instruction in American undergraduate and graduate education and consideration of reform reports.
G 668 College and University Administration 3 cr. Administration of college and university programs, departments, and schools; the roles of program director or coordinator, department chairperson, dean, vice president, provost, president, chancellor, and commissioner.
G 674 Internship in College Teaching 1 cr. Provides an opportunity for guided and supervised teaching at the college level and assistance to the aspiring college teacher in meeting the needs of a diverse student population; assistance provided in methods of teaching at the college level, theories of learning, use of technology, and evaluation and assessment techniques.
G 676 Internship in Higher Education Administration 1-3 cr. (R-6) Supervised and guided work in an administrative unit/department at the college/university level.
G 694 Advanced Seminar: Educational Administration and Supervision Variable cr. (R-9)
G 697 Advanced Research in Educational Administration and Supervision Variable cr. (R-9)
G 699 Professional Seminar/Dissertation Variable cr. (R-12)
Roberta D. Evans, Ed.D., The University of Nevada, Reno, 1988
John C. Lundt, Ed.D., The University of Montana, 1988
Donald L. Robson, Ph.D., Emeritus Michigan State University, 1976
L. Dean Sorenson, Ph.D., Emeritus Washington State University, 1984
William P. McCaw, Ed.D., The University of Montana, 1999
John Matt Ed.D., The University of Montana, 1999
Francee O'Reilly Ed.D, Adjunct, The University of Montana, 2002
Registrar's Office
Lommasson Center 201
Phone: (406) 243-2995
Fax: (406) 243-4807