Forestry and Conservation Course Listing

Course Descriptions

Fish, Wildlife Science & Mgmt

  • WILD 105N - Wildlife & People

    Credits: 3. Offered autumn. Intended for non-wildlife biology majors. Interactions of wildlife and people in today’s society.
    Course Attributes:
    • Natural Science Course
  • WILD 170 - Fish & Wildlife Interest Group

    Credits: 1. Offered autumn. Discussion section for incoming students.
  • WILD 180 - Careers in Wildlife Biology

    Credits: 2. Offered autumn and spring. Subject matter and fields of study within wildlife biology conservation and management. Topics to include wildlife ecology, aquatic ecology, human dimensions, conservation and management, and other opportunities for careers in wildlife biology.
  • WILD 191 - Special Topics

    Credits: 1 TO 6. (R-6) Offered intermittently. Experimental offerings of visiting professors, experimental offerings of new courses, or one-time offerings of current topics.
  • WILD 230 - Conservation Science

    Credits: 3. Prereq., BIOO 105N or BIOO 101N or BIOB 160N or BIOB 170N or BIOE 172N or consent of instructor. The goal of this class is to introduce students to major issues related to the conservation of biodiversity. Lectures will illustrate how science can be used to identify and solve conservation problems. Lectures will cover current threats to biodiversity (human population growth, extinctions, habitat destruction, degradation and fragmentation, overexploitation, invasive species, global climate change) and discuss how science can be used to help ameliorate these impacts.
  • WILD 240 - Intro to Biostatistics

    Credits: 3. Offered autumn. Prereq., calculus and consent of instr. Introduction to statistical ecology: distributions, hypothesis testing, and fitting models to data with emphasis on problems in ecological sampling.
    Course Attributes:
    • Honors Course
  • WILD 275 - Wildlife Conservation

    Credits: 2. Offered spring. Prereq., sophomore standing or consent of instr. Principles of animal ecology and framework of wildlife administration as a basis for the conservation of wild birds and animals, and biodiversity. Intended for non-wildlife biology majors.
  • WILD 291 - Special Topics

    Credits: 1 TO 6. (R-6) Offered intermittently. Experimental offerings of visiting professors, experimental offerings of new courses, or one-time offerings of current topics.
  • WILD 346 - Wildlife Physiological Ecology

    Credits: 3. Offered autumn. Prereq., BIOB 272. Only open to Wildlife Biology Majors. How physiological and biochemical processes in animals influence behavior and ecology. Application of physiological approaches to wildlife conservation such as assessment of animal health, nutritional condition, and physiological performance.
  • WILD 370 - Wildlife Habitat Cons & Mgmt

    Credits: 3. Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., junior/senior standing in wildlife biology, BIOE 370, or consent of instr. Application of principles of wildlife biology to conservation and management of wild bird and mammal habitats including field applications.
  • WILD 374 - Hunter Check Station

    Credits: 1. (R-2) Offered autumn. Students learn techniques for determining species, age and sex of game animals, then work 3-5 days as volunteers at hunter check stations operated by management agencies.
  • WILD 391 - Special Topics

    Credits: 1 TO 12. (R-12) Offered intermittently. Experimental offerings of visiting professors, experimental offerings of new courses, or one-time offerings of current topics.
  • WILD 392 - Independent Study

    Credits: 1 TO 6. (R-6) Offered every term. Course material appropriate to the needs and objectives of the individual student.
  • WILD 398 - Internship

    Credits: 1 TO 6. (R-6) Offered every term. Prereq., consent of department. Extended classroom experience that provides practical application of classroom learning during placements off campus. Prior approval must be obtained from the faculty supervisor and the Internship Services office. A maximum of 6 credits of Internship (198, 298, 398, 498) may count toward graduation.
    Course Attributes:
    • Internships/Practicums
  • WILD 408 - Advanced Fisheries

    Credits: 3. Offered spring. Prereq., BIOO 340. Quantitative analysis and interpretation of fish populations and community data for use in management. Selection, application and evaluation of management techniques.
    Course Attributes:
    • Writing Course-Advanced
  • WILD 410 - Wildlife Policy & Biopolitics

    Credits: 3. Offered autumn. Prereq., junior standing. Overview of the laws affecting wildlife and how those laws are initiated, implemented, and enforced; impact of politics, interest groups, and agency jurisdictions.
  • WILD 460 - Internat Wildlife Cons Issues

    Credits: 2. Offered spring. Prereq., a course in wildlife biology and/or conservation biology. Review of major international wildlife conservation issues with emphasis on the social context of the issues and applied solutions.
  • WILD 470 - Conserv of Wildlife Populatns

    Credits: 3. Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., BIOE 370, M 162 or M 171, and senior standing in Biology, Forestry, Resource Conservation, Recreation Management or Wildlife Biology. Application of population ecology principles and theory to the conservation and management of wildlife populations.
    Course Attributes:
    • Writing Course-Advanced
  • WILD 472 - Wildlife Hand & Chem Immobiliz

    Credits: 2. Offered spring. Principles of wildlife chemical immobilization for researchers and managers.  Ethical and legal issues, field organization, animal care and handling, immobilizing drugs, drug delivery systems, animal monitoring and veterinary emergencies.  No labs.
  • WILD 480 - The Upshot--Appld Wildlife Mgt

    Credits: 3. Offered spring. Prereq/Coreq.,WILD 370 or WILD 470. Designed for students to apply their knowledge in the development of wildlife management planning.
  • WILD 485 - Aquatic Invertebrate Ecology

    Credits: 3. Offered autumn. Prereq., one 300-400 level ecology course: BIOE 370, BIOE 428, BIOE 447, BIOE 448, FORS 330, or NRSM 462. This course is designed to provide students an understanding of the life histories, ecology and importance of macroinvertebrates in freshwater aquatic systems. The primary focus will be on insects, although an introduction to other invertebrates will also be included. The lab portion will involve identification of major groups of aquatic macroinvertebrates and participation in an environmental assessment using invertebrates as indicators of stream condition and restoration efficacy.
  • WILD 491 - Special Topics

    Credits: 1 TO 12. (R-12) Offered intermittently. Experimental offerings of visiting professors, new courses, or one-time offerings of current topics.
  • WILD 492 - Independent Study

    Credits: 1 TO 10. (R-10) Offered every term. Prereq., consent of instr. Original investigations or problems not related to student's thesis.
  • WILD 494 - Senior Wildlife Seminar

    Credits: 1. Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., senior standing in wildlife biology or consent of instr. Analysis and discussion led by students of current topics in wildlife biology.
  • WILD 498 - Internship

    Credits: 1 TO 6. Offered every term. Prereq., consent of department. Extended classroom experience that provides practical application of classroom learning during placements off campus. Prior approval must be obtained from the faculty supervisor and the Internship Services office. A maximum of 6 credits of Internship (198, 298, 398, 498) may count toward graduation.
    Course Attributes:
    • Internships/Practicums
  • WILD 499 - Thesis

    Credits: 1 TO 3. (R-6) Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., consent of instr.; senior standing. Preparation of major paper based on study or research of a topic selected with an advisor according to needs and objectives of student.
  • WILD 540 - Research Design

    Credits: 3. Offered autumn. Prereq., introductory statistics course or consent of instr. Examination of study designs for experiments, quasiexperiments, observational studies, and sampling surveys with an emphasis on application. Level: Graduate
  • WILD 541 - Research Design Lab

    Credits: 1. (R-3) Coreq., WILD 540. Students will be expected to learn R programming skills, R data management and R graphing functions as well an introduction to statistical analysis in R.
  • WILD 542 - Statistical Applications in Wildlife Biology

    Credits: 1 TO 2. (R-5) Offered autumn odd-numbered years. Explores statistical problems encountered by wildlife biology and ecology graduate students. Students will bring statistical problems of interest to class where, as a group, we will explore analysis options, assumptions, pitfalls, and alternative solutions. Level: Graduate
  • WILD 545 - Strong Inference Science

    Credits: 1. (R-7) Offered every fall. Graduate level, or consent of instructor for advanced undergraduates. Teach principles and philosophy of conducting strong inference science. Practical application to student’s own thesis research. Level: Graduate
  • WILD 560 - Langscape Conservation

    Credits: 3. Offered spring. Examination of how various spatial and temporal scales influence wildlife and their habitats. Level: Graduate
  • WILD 562 - Wildlife Habitat Modeling

    Credits: 4. Offered spring, odd years. Prereq., consent of instr. A survey of theory and applications in the study of resource selection by animals. Level: Graduate
  • WILD 563 - Topics in Habitat Ecology

    Credits: 1. (R-15) Offered every term.  Prereq., consent of instr.  Discussion of recent scientific papers on advances in ecology, conservation, and population dynamics as related to habitat ecology and conservation.  WBIO 562 or equivalent strongly recommended.  Level: Graduate
  • WILD 564 - Scientific Writing

    Credits: 3. Offered spring, even years.  Exploration of the major components and process of scientific writing within the field of Wildlife Biology, primarily focusing on research proposals and peer-review publications.  Level: Graduate
  • WILD 568 - Topics in Aquatic Ecology

    Credits: 1. (R-15) Offered every term.  Prereq., consent of instr.  Review and synthesis of the scientific literature current issues and analyses in aquatic ecology.  We assume a general understanding of fish biology, aquatic ecology, as well as a background in population, community and ecosystem ecological concepts. Level: Graduate
  • WILD 570 - Applied Population Ecology

    Credits: 3. Offered spring even-numbered years. Prereq., courses in ecology, statistics, and calculus. Application of advanced population ecology tools and concepts to the evaluation of human perturbations on wildlife populations. Topics include methods to detect declining trends, the interacting components of population viability analysis, and identification of strategies to reverse declines. Level: Graduate
  • WILD 580 - Populations Dynamics

    Credits: 1. (R-15) Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., consent of instr. Discussion of recent papers on interface of population dynamics, ecological interactions, and wildlife management. Level: Graduate
  • WILD 594 - Grad Sem Wldlf Biol

    Credits: 1. (R-15) Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., graduate standing in wildlife biology or Fish Wildlife Biology or consent of instr. Analysis of selected problems in wildlife biology and conservation. Level: Graduate
  • WILD 595 - Special Topics

    Credits: 1 TO 12. (R 20) Offered intermittently. Experimental offerings of visiting professors, experimental offerings of new courses, or one time offerings of current topics. Level: Graduate
    Course Attributes:
    • Internships/Practicums
  • WILD 596 - Independent Study

    Credits: 1 TO 15. (R-15) Offered every term. Prereq., graduate standing and consent of instr. Original investigations or problems not related to student's thesis. Level: Graduate
    Course Attributes:
    • Service Learning/Volunteer
  • WILD 597 - Research

    Credits: 1 TO 15. (R 15) Offered every term. Prereq., graduate standing in wildlife biology or consent of instr. Graded pass/not pass only. Level: Graduate
  • WILD 599 - Professional Paper

    Credits: 1 TO 15. (R-15) Offered every term. Prereq., graduate standing in wildlife biology and consent of instr. Professional paper written in the area of the student's major interest based on either primary or secondary research. Subject matter must be approved by graduate committee. Graded pass/not pass only. Level: Graduate
  • WILD 697 - Research

    Credits: 1 TO 20. (R-20) Offered every term. Directed individual research and study appropriate to the back ground and objectives of the student. Level: Graduate
  • WILD 699 - Thesis

    Credits: 1 TO 20. (R-20) Offered every term. Prereq., graduate standing in wildlife biology. Preparation of thesis. Level: Graduate


  • WRIT 325 - Science Writing

    Credits: 3. Offered spring. Prereq., WRIT 101 or equiv. and sophomore standing. Discussion of different types of science writing and focus on methods to achieve more fluent prose. Includes material on logic, inference, and developing arguments that rely on data.
    Course Attributes:
    • Writing Course-Intermediate

Course Descriptions

Nat Resourc Science & Mgmt

  • NRSM 373 - Wilderness and Civilization

    Credits: 3. (R-6) Offered autumn and spring. Social and cultural perspectives on the wilderness idea and wildland practices. Course topics include history of wilderness and the wilderness movement, various philosophical viewpoints on wilderness, protected area management issues, and how wilderness fits into larger landscapes and societies. Part of the Wilderness and Civilization program.
  • NRSM 405 - Mgt of Wilderness Resource

    Credits: 4. An ecology-based treatment of wilderness management.  Brief overview of fundamental ecological principles followed by an examination of their specific and often unique applications to wilderness ecosystems.  Presentation of basic wilderness management principles and guidelines.  Discussion of nonconforming wilderness uses.
  • NRSM 406 - Wilderness Mgt Planning

    Credits: 3. Exploration of basic planning theory, concepts, effective plan writing, and the characteristics of successful planning and implementation.  In-depth treatment of the Limits of Acceptable Change planning framework.  Comparison and evaluation of the different planning approaches used by the four wilderness managing agencies.
  • NRSM 491 - Special Topics

    Credits: 1 TO 9. (R 9) Offered intermittently. Experimental offerings of visiting professors; new courses or one time offerings of current topics.

Parks, Tour & Recreation Mgmt

  • PTRM 150 - Current Issues in PTRM

    Credits: 1. Offered autumn. This course will explore issues related to recreation and tourism in western Montana. This is a field based course designed to get students outside the classroom. Students will have a chance to visit outdoor recreation areas and meet recreation and tourism managers.
  • PTRM 191 - Special Topics

    Credits: 1 TO 6. (R-6) Offered intermittently. Experimental offerings of visiting professors, experimental offerings of new courses, or one-time offerings of current topics.
  • PTRM 210 - Nature Tourism & Comm Rec

    Credits: 3. Offered autumn. Introduction to the tourism and commercial recreation industries. Provides initial link between the natural environment and business operations. Combination of introductory business philosophies, economics, and natural resource management into a framework for future reference and course work.
  • PTRM 210S - Nature Tourism & Comm Rec

    Credits: 3. Offered autumn. Introduction to the tourism and commercial recreation industries. Provides initial link between the natural environment and business operations. Combination of introductory business philosophies, economics, and natural resource management into a framework for future reference and course work.
    Course Attributes:
    • Social Sciences Course
  • PTRM 217S - Parks & Outdoor Rec. Mgmt.

    Credits: 3. Offered autumn and spring. The management of land as an environment for outdoor recreation. Understanding the relationship between the visitor, resource base and management policies. Recreation planning on multiple use forest lands, parks, wilderness areas and private lands.
  • PTRM 230 - Programming in Recreation

    Credits: 3. Offered intermittently. Principles of program planning for organized offerings in recreation. Selection, adaptation and evaluation of activities.
  • PTRM 291 - Special Topics

    Credits: 1 TO 6. (R-6) Offered intermittently. Experimental offerings of visiting professors, experimental offerings of new courses, or one-time offerings of current topics.
  • PTRM 300 - Recreation Behavior

    Credits: 3. Offere spring. Prereq., PTRM 217S. This course provides an understanding of recreation behavior in wildland and nature-based tourism oriented settings. Students will learn about theories/conceptual frameworks from social and environmental psychology and their application to visitor management issues in the wildland recreation and nature-base tourism fields.
  • PTRM 310 - Nat Res Interp and Comm

    Credits: 3. Offered autumn. Prereq., COMX 111A or THTR 120A, junior or senior standing in PTRM or RECM. Principles, concepts, techniques essential to providing high quality interpretive programs in natural or cultural history.
    Course Attributes:
    • Writing Course-Upper-Division
  • PTRM 345X - Sustaining Human Soc & Nat Env

    Credits: 3 TO 6. Offered Winter and Summer. These field-based, experiential classes focus on the environmental and conservation concerns, as well as the modern and traditional cultures, of Australia, New Zealand, or Fiji.
    Course Attributes:
    • Indigenous and Global
  • PTRM 353 - Tourism, Livelihoods and Sustainability in Mountains

    Credits: 3. Offered summer only. Coreq. NRSM 352.  In this course we will explore the opportunities and challenges of development with particular reference to nature-based tourism and sustainability in an isolated but rapidly globalizing region of the Himalaya. Students will learn through extensive readings, class discussions, direct field experience (including living in a remote mountain village), meetings with development officials, sustainability activists and stakeholders in the region.
  • PTRM 380 - Rec Admin & Leadership

    Credits: 3. Offered spring. The theories, principles and practices that shape the administration of recreation opportunities offered through public, nonprofit and private agencies and organizations. Course content includes leadership roles of recreation managers, organizational structure, management, legality, risk management, staffing, communication and public relations.
  • PTRM 391 - Special Topics

    Credits: 1 TO 12. (R-12) Offered intermittently. Experimental offerings of visiting professors, new courses, or one-time offerings of current topics.
  • PTRM 392 - Independent Study

    Credits: 1 TO 6. (R-6) Offered every term. Course material appropriate to the needs and objectives of the individual student.
  • PTRM 394 - Seminar

    Credits: 1 TO 4. (R-4) Offered intermittently. Variable topics by visiting scholars.
  • PTRM 398 - Internship

    Credits: 1 TO 6. Offered every term. Prereq., consent of instr. Extended classroom experience which provides practical application of classroom learning during placements off campus. Prior approval must be obtained from the faculty supervisor and the Internship Services office. A maximum of 6 credits of Internship (198, 298, 398, 498) may count toward graduation.
    Course Attributes:
    • Internships/Practicums
  • PTRM 407 - Mnging Rec Res in Wilderness

    Credits: 3. Examination of strategies to management recreation in a wilderness setting. Addresses management of visitor use and experiences, measuring and monitoring biophysical and social impacts, effective education and interpretation, and law enforcement. 
  • PTRM 418 - Winter Wilderness Field Stdies

    Credits: 3. Examination of wilderness values, management issues and strategies, winter ecology and snow science, risk management and group leadership, and traditional skills.  Winter field course in the Swan Valley and Mission Mountains Wilderness.  Offered wintersession.
  • PTRM 450 - Pre-Practicum Prof Prep

    Credits: 1. Offered spring. A pre-practicum class to provide orientation for the practicum, PTRM 495 (RECM 460).
  • PTRM 451 - Tourism & Sustainability

    Credits: 3. Offered spring. Prereq., PTRM 210, or consent of instructor. Theories and conceptual models are applied to analyzing relationships between the integration of planning theories to sustainability concepts.
    Course Attributes:
    • Writing Course-Advanced
  • PTRM 482 - Wilderness & Protctd Area Mgt

    Credits: 3. Offered spring. Prereq., PTRM 217S, or consent of instructor. Examination of the origin, evolution, and application of the park concept on state, federal, and international levels. Evaluation of legislation, philosophy, and policy leading to consideration of goals, objectives, and strategies for wilderness and protected area management.
    Course Attributes:
    • Writing Course-Advanced
  • PTRM 484 - PTRM Field Measurement Tech

    Credits: 3. Offered autumn. Co-req. with either PTRM 485 or PTRM 451. Field measurement and management techniques critical in park, tourism & recreation management. Includes measurement of impacts on biophysical and social attributes of park, tourism & recreation settings.
  • PTRM 485 - Recreation Planning

    Credits: 3. Offered spring. Prereq., PTRM 217S and PTRM 300. Offered autumn. Needs of recreation opportunities and response to those needs through planning, demand assessment and resource analysis.
  • PTRM 491 - Special Topics

    Credits: 1 TO 12. (R-12) Offered intermittently. Experimental offerings of visiting professors, new courses or one-time offerings of current topics.
  • PTRM 492 - Independent Study

    Credits: 1 TO 6. (R-6) Offered every term. Prereq., consent of instr. Individual study of research problems.
  • PTRM 494 - Seminar

    Credits: 1 TO 4. Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., senior standing in wildlife biology or consent of instr. Analysis and discussion led by students of current topics in wildlife biology.
  • PTRM 495 - Practicum in PTRM

    Credits: 1 TO 6. (R-15) Offered every term. Prereq., PTRM 380, PTRM 450, senior standing, and consent of instr. Supervised pre-professional practice in approved parks, tourism & recreation management agencies.
    Course Attributes:
    • Internships/Practicums
  • PTRM 498 - Internship

    Credits: 1 TO 6. Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., consent of instr. Extended classroom learning during placements off campus. Prior approval must be obtained from faculty advisor and Internship Services office. A maximum of 6 credits of Internship (198, 298, 398, 498) may count toward graduation.
    Course Attributes:
    • Internships/Practicums
  • PTRM 499 - Senior Thesis

    Credits: 1 TO 3. (R-6) Offered autumn and spring.  Prereq., consent of instr.; senior standing.  Preparation of major paper based on study or research of a topic selected with an advisor according to needs and objectives of student.
  • PTRM 500 - Conserv Social Sci Methods

    Credits: 3. Offered autumn. Prereq., a course in statistics or consent of instr. The nature of scientific research, planning research projects, organization and presentation of research results.  Level: Graduate
  • PTRM 517 - Advanced Visitor Mgmt

    Credits: 3. Managing visitors in protected areas is an increasingly important. The U.S. National Park Service, for example, receives about 275 million visits per year. These visits impact both the parks and society on numerous levels. Many of the most perplexing issues associated with Protected Area Management are also visitor experience or access related. Visitors are managed to fulfill mandates, build constituencies for protected areas, generate income and improve the human condition. In the past four decades several visitor management strategies and tactics have been developed and evaluated. Examples of these strategies include changing physical places or facilities to accommodate use, changing the character of uses and visitors, emphasizing education or law enforcement, developing concessions etc. Within those broad strategies are also numerous tactics that have been tried in numerous contexts. Charging user fees, rationing use, using passive vs. active interventions into the visitor experience are tactical examples. In our globalizing profession these strategies and tactics are being challenged to perform within the context of a variety of governance and institutional arrangements. While most approaches were developed for public land settings, they are now being used on private lands, in communal settings, or in areas of international importance. The central challenge of this course is to analyze the effectiveness and appropriateness of visitor management strategies for a variety of issues and in a variety of institutional contexts. To be sure our efforts connect both theoretical and applied perspectives, we will use a single case for the organization of the course. That case is developing a visitor management plan for the Going to the Sun Road Corridor in Glacier National Park. This is a real process that the professor is cooperatively involved with. We will meet one or two times per week depending on the needs of the group. Level: Graduate
  • PTRM 554 - Geographies of Tourism

    Credits: 3. Consent of Instructor. This graduate level course will focus on geographic concepts such as place, space, and scale and their applications in tourism research. We will also cover spatial analysis techniques and their uses in tourism studies. The course will begin with an introduction to geography and its importance in tourism studies. Next, background on concepts and theories developed within the field of geography will be provided. From there we will begin to discuss ideas of space, place, landscapes and scale. In our discussion of scale we will focus on the politics of scale and ideas of globalization and the global-local nexus. This will lead into a discussion of networks and flows as they apply to tourism. We will also explore political geographies and gendered landscapes as they apply to tourism. Finally, we will explore some spatial analysis techniques used by geographers studying tourism. The course materials will be structured to give students information on how each topic is conceptualized by geographers, current theoretical debates relating to the topic and its applications in tourism research. The course will rely heavily on current literature, mainly from peer-reviewed journals and book chapters. Students will be expected to engage with these concepts through the literature in writing and discussion. Level: Graduate
  • PTRM 562 - Manage Rec Res Wilderness

    Credits: 3. Same as FORS 562.  Current research, theory, and management approaches to recreation management in wilderness, including monitoring and management of visitor impacts and experiences. Level: Graduate
  • PTRM 574 - Perspectives in Human Dimen

    Credits: 3. Consent of instructor. This course will provide graduate students with an understanding of multiple perspectives in human dimensions of natural resources. The course is intended to be broad in nature in order to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the topics. Students will read and discuss foundational pieces by Orr and Leopold (among others) and explore newer readings on current research. The course will cover social psychological and sociological perspectives and discuss key issues such as scale, multidisciplinary research, sustainability and social diversity in natural resources. Students will be challenged to approach natural resources issues from multiple perspectives, not just the perspective they are most familiar with. Students will be able to communicate effectively among social scientists and be able to integrate diverse perspectives. Level: Graduate
  • PTRM 583 - Research & Dev. Tourism & Rec.

    Credits: 3. This course will use Montana as a case study to understand tourism and recreation research and the tourism and recreation industry. From an applied research prospective, students will learn the intricacies of how to design a research program to support a tourism and recreation industry where the data and decision making tools for marketing professionals, land managers, planners, and political entities are generated. How do you build your relationships, work with advisory councils, pick your issues to study, design your methodologies, collect and analyze data, and tell the story so it is applicable to the industry yet objective and science driven? Level: Graduate
  • PTRM 594 - Conservation Soc Sci Seminar

    Credits: 1 TO 2. (R-3) Offered Spring.  Same as NRSM 594.  Prereq. graduate standing.  Presentations by students, faculty, and associates on issues and topics in their field.    Level: Graduate
  • PTRM 595 - Special Topics

    Credits: 1 TO 12. (R-12) Offered intermittently. Experimental offerings of visiting professors, new courses, or one-time offerings of current topics. Level: Graduate
    Course Attributes:
    • Internships/Practicums
  • PTRM 596 - Independent Study

    Credits: 1 TO 10. (R-10) Offered every term. Prereq., consent of instr. Individual study or research problems. Level: Graduate
    Course Attributes:
    • Service Learning/Volunteer
  • PTRM 597 - Research

    Credits: 1 TO 12. (R-12) Offered every term. Prereq., graduate standing. Independent graduate research in parks, tourism, and recreation management. Level: Graduate
  • PTRM 598 - Internship

    Credits: 1 TO 12. (R-12) Offered every term. Prereq., consent of instr. Extended classroom experience that provides practical application of classroom learning during placements off campus. Prior approval must be obtained from faculty advisor and Internship Services office. Level: Graduate
    Course Attributes:
    • Internships/Practicums
  • PTRM 599 - Professional Paper

    Credits: 1 TO 15. (R-15) Offered every term. Preparation of professional paper. Level: Graduate
  • PTRM 695 - Special Topics

    Credits: 1 TO 6. (R-6) Experimental offerings of visiting professors, experimental offerings of new courses, or one-time offerings of current topics. Level: Graduate
    Course Attributes:
    • Internships/Practicums
  • PTRM 697 - Research

    Credits: 1 TO 15. (R-15) Offered every term. Directed individual research and study appropriate to the back ground and objectives of the student. Level: Graduate
  • PTRM 699 - Thesis

    Credits: 1 TO 15. (R-15) Offered every term. Prereq., graduate standing. Preparation of thesis/dissertation. Level: Graduate

Recreation Management

  • RECM 405 - Manage Wilderness Res

    Credits: 4. An ecology-based treatment of wilderness management. Brief overview of fundamental ecological principles followed by an examination of their specifice and often unique application to wilderness ecosystems. Presentation of basic wilderness management principles and guidelines. Discussion of nonconforming wilderness uses.