Class NotesClass Notes are compiled by Betsy Holmquist ’67, M.A. ’83. Submit news to the UM Alumni Association, Brantly Hall, Missoula, MT 59812. You may fax your news to (406) 243-4467 or e-mail it to Material in this issue reached our office by May 30, 2003. Please contact UMAA with all name and address updates at the above address or phone 1-877-UM-ALUMS. ’30s Philip C. Garlington ’37 and his wife, Ellis, recently established the Philip and Ellis Garlington Presidential Scholarship at Skyline College in San Mateo, Calif. As founding president of the Skyline President’s Council and the “first lady” of Skyline, Phil and Ellis are known on campus as “The Darlingtons” for their support of the school’s programs and students. In the 1930s Phil sold The Saturday Evening Post on UM’s campus. Not allowed into the women’s dorm, he remembers “giving candy bars to a woman friend in Brantly Hall who would sell the magazine to the coeds for me on all three floors. I knew Mrs. Brantly [the housemother] very well,” he laughs. ’40s The 60th reunion for the class of 1944 will be held on campus, May 13-15, 2004. Edward J. Herda ’41 and Dorothy Mitchell Herda ’43, of Sun City, Ariz., write, “Nine members of our combined families are UM grads.” Their daughter, Bonnie Herda Hogan, ’69, M.A. ’73, is special assistant to the deputy director of the Bureau of Land Management in Washington, D.C. Bonnie’s sister, Candy Herda-Scott, ’80, teaches music in the Fairbanks Northstar Borough School District, Fairbanks, Alaska. Candy’s husband, Timothy Scott, ’80, a brigadier general select, was recently named Air Commander for the Alaskan Air National Guard. In February Tim was on special assignment as wing commander of the 379th Air Expeditionary Wing in Qatar, Persian Gulf. William W. Horne ’48 and his wife, Nancy, live in Bradenton, Fla. Bill has supervised a Court Watchers program, is active in local veterans groups and enjoys kayaking and fishing in Sarasota Bay. He celebrated his 79th bithday in February. ’50s The 50th reunion for the class of 1954 will be held on campus, May 13-15, 2004. Kay Cronk Smith ’58 retired after 19 years of teaching at Uintah Basin Applied Technology College in Roosevelt, Utah. Kay and her husband, Jim, have three children and five grandchildren. Pat Shaffer Ponich ’58 was guest director for the Whitefish Theatre Company’s March production of “Six Women with Brain Death.” Retired from teaching in the San Diego area, Pat now enjoys time with her daughters and their families in Bigfork and Helena and at her own summer home on Swan Lake. Barbara A. Matteson ’59 is vice president of the National Education Association-Retired. She and her husband, John, live in Tucson, Ariz. ’60s Martha J. Speelmon ’61 recently retired from the Veterans Affairs Healthcare System in Long Beach, Calif., where she was a medical records administrator/medical staff coordinator. John J. Schulz ’62 assumed the post of dean of Boston University’s College of Communications on August 1. John has served as professor of international communication and persuasion and public opinion and directs the Boston University Graduate Mass Communication and Internship Summer Program in London where he taught this summer. In 1995 John received UM’s Distinguished Alumni Award. John H. Knight ’63 retired from teaching philosophy for the last 34 years at the University of Wisconsin-Waukesha. A renowned badminton player, John plans to keep working in the garden, reading, traveling and perhaps returning to co-teach. He and his wife, Lynn, have two sons, JT, and TJ. John J. Comporesi ’64 retired after 36 years of teaching—the last 34 as a physical education teacher in Sharon, Conn. A certified high school/college soccer and lacrosse official for the past 30 years, Jack was honored at retirement with the establishment of the Jack “COMPO” Comporesi Sportsmanship Award to be presented annually to a graduating boy and girl who exhibit leadership, cooperation and good sportsmanship. Jack and his wife, Hayat, have two children, Michele and Joseph. Hana Terry Soules Steel ’64 is recycling coordinator for the County of Maui, Hawaii. “Behavior modification—changing the daily habits of 120,000 people—is at the heart of what I do,” she explains. “Missoula’s Eko-Compost has a contract to co-compost biosolids and yard trimmings on Maui, and every bit of compost made on Maui is sold,” she adds. Terry and her husband, Wayne, have three children—Angie, Johanna and Jeremy. Pat Connors ’65, senior vice president, financial consultant and branch manager for D.A. Davidson & Co., Butte, has had an award created in his honor. The Patrick J. Connors Production Achievement Award will honor the firm’s top annual retail producer. Pat has been with D.A. Davidson & Co. for 33 years. He was the firm’s top retail producer for 14 consecutive years. Gerard D. Hertel ’65 writes that he is “teaching the Bible as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, getting to know my wife of 33 years, Bobbie, a little better, enjoying my four granddaughters, and teaching and doing research as an adjunct professor in the Department of Biology at West Chester [Pa.] University.” Retired after 35 years with the USDA Forest Service, Gerard works on African violet habitat descriptions and forest health monitoring. Dennis Hostetler ’65, professor of public administration and policy analysis at Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, received a 2003 Teaching Excellence Award, the highest honor given an SIUE faculty member. Dennis was noted for his introduction and dissemination of technologies to aid student learning inside and outside the classroom. He has been on the faculty since 1975. David A. Overcast ’65 and Nona Graybeal Overcast ’68 live in Monument, Colo. Dave retired from the U.S. Air Force in 1986 and recently retired as a captain with American Airlines. Nona is a broker with Prudential Professional Realtors in Colorado Springs. Mark Lewing ’68 retired in May after 29 years as Hamilton Unit Manager for the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation and 31 years as a state employee. Mark received the Governor’s Award for Excellence in Job Performance in 2001. His retirement plans call for spending more with his wife, Pamela, their seven children and 11 grandchildren. ’70s Ken Robertson ’70 who wrote “Looking Back” on his years as a UM journalist for the Spring Montanan, received a phone call from former J-School Dean Nathaniel Blumberg soon after the issue appeared. “He accused me of ‘conflation,’” Ken said, “a term I quickly looked up in my dictionary.” Sure enough, Nathaniel was correct. David Howett, not David Rorvik, was the Rhodes scholar referred to in Ken’s article. Ken was guilty of conflation. Thelma J. Stiffarm ’70 is assistant administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Office of Native American Affairs in the Washington, D.C. See story on page 6. Khelly S. J. Webb ’72 spotted her brother, Craig, on the cover of the Spring 2003 Montanan and wrote that he “eventually became manager of the Vail/Beaver Creek Ski School, where, after 28 years he retired to the easy life of ski instructor and finish contractor in south central Colorado.” A physician, motivational speaker and workshop facilitator, Khelly is director of the LA Sport & Spine in Los Alamitos, Calif. Frances Conklin ’73 and her husband, Dennis Sullivan, debuted their chainsaw-carved exhibit, “Seaman, Corps of Discovery Dog,” at the Jefferson’s West Lewis and Clark Bicentennial Commemoration in Charlottesville, Va., in January. The display, which consists of 12 Seaman figurines in adventures chronicled in the Corps of Discovery journals, won them the 2003 “Take Pride in Idaho” award for Outstanding Cultural Tourism. Frances and Dennis own and operate Dog Bark Park, a chainsaw carving studio and gift shop, and the Dog Bark Park Inn in Cottonwood, Idaho. Joan Melcher ’73, editor of the Montanan, reports her one-act play, “The Dog Confessor,” was staged in New York City in July by Love Creek Productions at the John Houseman Theatre. David Barthelmess, M.M.Ed. ’74, choir teacher at Will C. Wood High School in Vacaville, Calif., received the Vaca Arts Council’s foremost honor, the Marianna Pokorny Award, for his support, participation and promotion of art activities that benefit the city’s youth. A music teacher in public schools for 26 years, David recently guided his students’ staging of “Les Miserables.” Ken Curtis, M.Ed. ’75 has taken a position at Kaua’i Community College at Lihue, Hawaii. Ken previously worked for career services at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott, Ariz., following retirement as marketing instructor at Sentinel High School in Missoula. Constance Worley Baker ’76 was one of four California recipients of the 2002 American Literacy Award for excellence in teaching reading. Constance is a fourth grade teacher at Garin Elementary School in Brentwood, Calif. John L. Smith, M.S. ’77, was named Michigan State University’s 23rd head football coach in April. John came to Michigan State following five seasons at the University of Louisville with a 110-60 record as a college coach. ’80s William J. Keis ’81, St. Paul, Minn., is project manager for Pinnacle Engineering, where he specializes in subsurface investigation, environmental permitting and environmental reviews. In 1995 Bill earned a Masters of Science degree in environmental science and regional planning from Washington State University. He hopes eventually to return to the Pacific Northwest, where his two teenage daughters live. Gisele E. Magnuson ’81 and Richard S. Olsen were married on January 1, 2003. They live in Harrison, Idaho. Brian J. Lannan ’82 is marketing manager for KDG Development and Construction Consulting in Las Vegas. Previously with PMA Consultants LLC in Phoenix, Brian and his wife, Alexis, live in Henderson, Nev. Donald M. Jones ’85, Troy, whose photographs have been featured on the covers of 276 magazines, has published his first book of wildlife photography, “Montana Wildlife Portfolio,” his first book of wildlife photography. “Don’t do this for money,” Don advises would be career wildlife photographers. Lisa Robinson Kelly ’85, business sales manager for CenturyTel in Kalispell, received an award as the company’s second highest sales performer for 2002 at a recent ceremony in Kaco, Costa Rica. Jeremy Blanchard ’86 and Frances Marcinkowski Blanchard ’87 live in Kennewick, Wash. Jeremy is co-director of the critical care unit of the Kadlec Medical Center in nearby Richland. Lori Phillips Adams ’87, Boise, Idaho, works part-time for the Idaho Department of Fish and Game as coordinator and wildlife educator for Project WILD. She and her husband, Todd, have two daughters, Kolbie, 4, and Jacey, 2. Timothy John Laskowski, M.A. ’88, M.F.A. ’88, has written “Every Good Boy Does Fine,” a novel narrated by a thirty-five-year-old man suffering irreversible brain damage. Tim lives in Missoula and is a case manager for physically disabled people. David M. Reese ’88 is business and outdoors editor for the Daily InterLake in Kalispell. Donald N. Hames ’89 went from teaching eighth-grade earth science in Teslaco, Texas, to active service with the Army Reserve in 1991. Currently an automation officer for the 377th Theater Support Command based in New Orleans, LTC Hames is deployed to Southwest Asia. “I miss Missoula and Montana!” he writes. ’90s Amber Underhill Beckner ’90 is assistant news editor at the Great Falls Tribune, where she has worked as a designer/copy editor since 1990. Amber and her husband, Larry, also run a commercial photography business in Great Falls. They have two sons— Justice, 7, and Duncan, 5—and a daughter, Annika Lee, born November 18, 2002. Suzanne L. Lindsay ’90 is an account executive for James Bissonnette & Associates, an employee benefits consulting firm in Minneapolis. Christopher McRoberts, M.S. ’90, associate professor of geology at SUNY in Cortland, N.Y., received an American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund award in honor of his research and scholarship relating to his study, “Integrated Biochronology and Paleoecology of the Late Triassic Bivalve Halobia from Western North America.” Douglas M. Nicholson ’90 received the Bragg Lewis Knutson Community Service Award presented annually to a Davidson Companies associate. Vice president and assistant controller for Davidson Companies in Great Falls, Doug was recognized for his exemplary community service, as had been his father, Stu Nicholson, ’59 in 1998. Christy Andersen Mitchell ’92 and Will Mitchell ’92, Spokane, Wash., announce the birth of their daughter, Clara Jean Mitchell, on April 14, 2003. Will is a manager of the in-patient pharmacy for Sacred Heart Medical Center. Christy worked for an OB-Gyn office and will begin private practice in family medicine this fall. Christina Jamison Yajko ’92 announces the arrival of daughter Allison Jo Jamison Yajko on May 16, 2002, joining brother Travis, 4. Chris job-shares at Vancouver, Washington’s Discovery Middle School, teaching writing to 7th and 8th graders. Her husband, John, teaches high school. Chris has met several UM alums at swim meets and on neighborhood streets. “I usually see the Montana sweatshirt and make a comment,” she writes. “ We alums certainly love our school!” Karin M. Larson ’93 completed a dual degree – an M.D. from Northwestern University Medical School and an M.B.A. from Kellogg School of Management. Karin writes, “I’ve been working the past few months for Medtronic Inc., a medical device company in Minneapolis, as I await the beginning of my residency in internal medicine at Baylor in Houston, Texas.” Charlotte Hilton Lauerman ’95, and Bruce Lauerman, M.S. ’99, New Tripoli, Pa., announce the December 12, 2002, birth of their son, Henry Bruce Lauerman. Charlotte is a distance-learning instructor for UM’s EOS Education Project. Bruce works for Nestle Waters North America. Lance R. Avery ’97, chef/owner of Innovative Foods LLC in Chicago, has created Lance Montana’s Magical Marinades, gourmet flavor pastes that, Lance proclaims, “are keeping the spirit of Montana alive all across the country!” Alex A. Hassman ’97, originally from Harrisburg, Pa., has enjoyed the telemark free-skiing competition scene at Big Sky, his home since graduation. This August 23, he married Suzy Samardich. Dana K. Clader ’98 works in customer service for Cutter and Buck Inc. Seattle and is province director for the Washington chapters of Kappa Kappa Gamma. Heather Andrews Hay ’98 and Jonathan A. Hay ’99 are doctoral students at New York’s Syracuse University. Heather’s work using sandplay in her marriage and family therapy studies was featured in Insight, the university’s College of Human Services and Health Professions newsletter. Jon is pursuing a graduate degree in English education. New Life Members The following individuals have made a commitment to the future of the UM Alumni Association by becoming life members. You can join them by calling 877-UM-ALUMS. Annual memberships and payment plans are also available. Thank you. Kyla Anderson ’95, Great Falls Stuart Anderson ’89, ’95, Great Falls John Barsness ’78, Laurel Jamie Boettcher ’67, Venice, Calif. Wayne Chattin ’59, Albuquerque, N.M. Linda Luoma Coleman ’68, McLean, Va. Ronald D. Coleman ’68, McLean, Va. Patrick D. Connole ’03, Missoula John Dahlin ’63, Bothell, Wash. Roger Thad Egan, M.S. ’71, Scottsdale, Ariz. Peggy Ormseth Galen ’48, West Covina, Calif. Holli Gembala ’97, M.B.A. ’00, Bigfork James Gossard ’79, Ellicott City, Md. Robert Ennis Hall, M.S. ’72, Denver, Colo. Russell David Hays III ’92, Walla Walla, Wash. Susan K. Jensen ’66, M.A. ’68, San Rafael, Calif. Howard Johnson, Helena Janece Welton Johnson ’58, Helena James McNay ’76, Missoula Judith Blakely Morgan ’60, La Jolla, Calif. Janell Lesh Murphy ’68, Great Falls Francine O’Boyle ’02, Kalispell Terry L. Roth ’97 Yakima, Wash. Jason Thielman ’99, Helena Larry Topp ’68, Missoula Phyllis Goodwin Topp ’69, Missoula Kathleen Booth Van Meter ’55, Redlands, Calif. Thomas Van Meter ’55, Redlands, Calif. Laura Ryan Weatherly ’63, Butte William Weatherly ’57, Butte In Memoriam To be included in In Memoriam, the Alumni Association requires a newspaper obituary or a let-ter of notification from the immediate family. We extend sympathy to the families of the following alumni, faculty and friends. Mattiegrace P. Sharpe ’25, La Jolla, Calif. Mary Miller Meagher ’27, Spokane, Wash. Florence E. Neal ’27, Philipsburg Margaret Johnson Chinske ’29, Missoula Thomas C. Davis ’29, M.B.A. ’63, Wayzata, Minn. Ruth Lieb Evenson ’30, Sandpoint, Idaho Evelyn Liggett Holaday ’30, Tujunga, Calif. Shirley Miller Kelson ’30, Absarokee Eleanor F. MacArthur ’30, M.Ed. ’58, Missoula Montana J. Grady ’31, M.Ed. ’42, Vallejo, Calif. Lois Disbrow Smart ’31, Libby William “Cal” Guntermann ’32, Salem, Ore. Genevieve K. Landall ’33, Steuben, Maine Horace D. “Red” Warden ’33, San Diego Wilber Lysle Squires ’34, Helena Gordon N. Cunniff ’35, Great Falls Audrey Lumby Blum ’36, Sequim, Wash. Joseph S. Swan ’36, Missoula Evelyn Spain Barnhill ’37, Missoula Gerald Kenneth Cole ’37, Kalispell Leonard J. Hammond ’37, Deer Lodge Frank A. Shaw ’37, Deer Lodge Elmer D. Wilburn ’37, Great Falls Torrence Hugh MacDonald ’38, Helena Edna Helding Evanko ’39, Missoula Elaine Baskett Mueller ’39, Billings John A. Rambosek ’39, Milton Freewater, Ore. Donald J. Bollinger ’40, Billings Montana Marie Mayland ’40, Pacific Grove, Calif. Lewis Neville Ross ’40, Bilings Curtis F. Stimson ’40, Grandview, Wash. Grace Scearce Wood ’40, Langley, Wash. Dorothy A. O’Brien ’41, Santa Barbara, Calif. Minnie Ellen Paugh ’41, M.Ed. ’52, Bozeman Philip J. “Pink” Wamsley ’41, Missoula James Clyde Fickes ’42, Laguna Niguel, Calif. Max Earl Mann ’42, Encino, Calif. Carl ZurMuehlen ’42, Helena Russell H. Edwards ’43, Sunnyvale, Calif. Ray W. Fenton ’43, Helena Joseph A. McElwain ’43, J.D. 47, Butte J. Everett Sanderson ’43, Incline Village, Nev. Mary Ryan Spelman ’43, Red Lodge Willie J. Paul ’44, Kalispell Marie Barry Sopp ’44, Billings Donald Albert Heidel ’45, Broadus Lillian E. Jarussi, M.Ed. ’46, Red Lodge William T. Straugh, M.Ed. ’46, Dillon Betty J. Barry ’47, Vail, Ariz. Betty June Smith Chandler ’47, Kirkland, Wash. Minnie Graykowske Cork ’47, Missoula Una May Arras Davis’47, Great Falls Marguerite Raymond Downing 47, Hamilton Peggy Newman Goddard ’47, Stevensville Robert A. Gorton ’48, M.Ed. ’55, Kalispell Martin Austin Heerwald ’48, Seattle Raymond Hokanson ’48, M.Ed. ’52, Silverdale, Wash. Laurie Adele McCarthy ’48, Townsend John A. Dowdall ’49, Tucson, Ariz. Harry G. Farrington ’49, Kalispell Bernard W. Jacobs ’49, Missoula Emmet A. Butcher ’50, Lewistown Frank J. Fitzgerald ’50, Anaconda Lester Robert Kares ’50, Stevensville Edward Ivan Martinson ’50, Missoula Jack E. O’Loughlin ’50, Tacoma, Wash. Warren Julius Smith ’50, Billings Donald E. Bartell ’51, M.A. ’52, Polson Lobell Garman Bennett ’51, Billings Manly G. Butters, M.Ed. ’51, Columbia Falls Gerald L. Crowley, J.D. ’51, Helena F. Donald Romstad ’51, M.Ed. ’60, Missoula Paul L. Walker, M.Ed. ’51, Great Falls Raymond A. Berg ’52, Colorado Springs, Colo. Laurel Koefod Holloway ’52, Gilbert, Ariz. Joe Sanford Wolff, M.A. ’52, Great Falls Carol Flightner Howard ’53, Corvallis James Ray Myers, M.Ed. ’53, Kalispell Kenneth A. Nash ’53, Milford, Conn. Elmore Somers Smith, M.Ed. ’53, Polson Dennis Duane Swift ’53, Bigfork John Lars Britton ’54, M.Ed. ’59, Ridgecrest, Calif. Wilbur E. “Bill” Hainline ’54, Missoula Donald Willis Brant ’56, Glendive Marion Shephard Gebhart ’56, M.Ed. ’70, Stevensville Ralph H. McCracken ’56, San Diego Walter Max Gerson ’57, M.A. ’58, Salem, Ore. Robert L. Miller ’57, Lakewood, Colo. Sandra Stadheim Christensen ’58, Colorado Springs, Colo. Robert S. Lix ’58, San Andreas, Calif. Delsena Peterson Frank ’59, Billings Lois K. DeTonancour Freter ’59, Dillon Donn R. Walker, M.Ed. ’60, Polson Leonilla Snow Meyer ’62, Missoula Shari Ann Estill-Hopperstad, M.A. ’63, Great Falls Charles P. Brooke, J.D. ’64, Missoula Joseph Patrick Geraghty ’64, Butte Blanche Lykins Hull ’64, Missoula Douglas Mead James ’64, Libby John A. March ’64, Albuquerque, N.M. Steven K. Barron ’65, Great Falls Katherine Harper Bostwick ’66, Missoula Douglas M. McDonald ’67, Portland, Ore. Bart W. O’Gara, Ph.D. ’68, Lolo Rosalyn Oreskovich ’70, 74, M.A. ’74, Seattle Lynn Myrdal Wolfe ’70, Stevensville Olaf R. Hedstrom ’71, Corvallis, Ore. Molly Ann O’Connell ’71, Gig Harbor, Wash. Vivian Bradshaw Parr ’71, Grantsdale Frederick T. Poole ’71, Mill Creek, Wash. Leonard E. Yeats ’71, Whitefish Dennis David Kendall ’72, Cluny, Alberta Randall P. Ward ’72, Okemos, Mich. Donald L. Romo ’73, Lewistown Gwen Kamps Schwab ’73, Fountain Hills, Ariz. James J. Foster ’76, Billings Mary McInerney Krinsky, J.D. ’77, North Haven, Conn. Philip Wayne Crouse ’79, Kalispell Darryl E. Aaberg ’84, Vancouver, Wash. Deborah Hamman Bennett ’86, Great Falls Marilyn Cavanaugh Freebourn ’86, Butte Susan Lane ’91, Richmond, Va. Thomas S. Winsor, J.D. ’94, Helena Susan Hardy Price ’96, Lone Rock Diane Tintzman Hewitt ’97, Missoula Elizabeth R. “Liz” Hilde ’98, Missoula Timothy R. Krahl ’98, Missoula Laura Meade Moody ’03, Missoula Betty Ann Anderson, Missoula Walter Lee Brown, Missoula Ernest R. Cotten, Florence Anne Capron Robbins Dufresne, Rollins Nora Staael Evert, Missoula Joyce McAlear Halverson, Missoula Thomas O. Kirkpatrick, Missoula Helen Hanzel Peterson, Salmon, Idaho Marian Stewart Potts, Missoula Edwin C. Russ, Missoula Dorothy Schramm Santa, Kalispell William Stark, Oconomowoc, Wis. Alfred Victor Swanberg, Lakeside Allen Newton Wiseley III, Sun City, Ariz. Keith D. Wright, Polson Births Harper Lauryn Hargis to Emily Naylor Hargis ’98 and Chris Hargis, August 16, 2002, Helena Benjamin Mangel to Mindy MacCarter Mangel ’93 and Zac C. Mangel ’94, November 16, 2002, Minneapolis Jacob Lee Fagan to Sherry Nauman Fagan, J.D. ’97 and Gerry P. Fagan, J.D. ’98, March 20, 2003, Billings Jacob Nels Stiegler to John Scott Stiegler ’98 and Melissa Merrick Stiegler ’00, March 20, 2003, Missoula Sophia Hope Flores to Tito Flores ’95 and Michelle E. Flores ’96, April 17, 2003, Pittsburgh benefactors society of the um president’s club New members of the Benefactors Society of the UM President’s Club, whose lifetime giving reached the $100,000 level since the Fall 2002 edition of the Montanan was published, are: Platinum Level ($1 million or more) Louis V. Dubay Estate Gold Level ($500,000 or more) John A. and Nora Staael Evert National Institutes of Health Silver Level ($250,000 or more) Jeanne B. O’Malley Copper Level ($100,000 or more) Dwight and Ruth Carlson Estate First Security Bank Louise Voorhees Hoback ’38 Ward H. Powell Earl F. Sherron ’62 and Donna Sherron Palmer ’97 and Alison MacDonald ’97 West