Class Notes are compiled by Betsy Holmquist ¹67, M.A.¹83. To submit news, write the Alumni Association, Brantly Hall, The University of Montana, Missoula, MT 59812-0013. Fax your news to (406) 243-4467 or e-mail it to Material in this issue reached us by February 1.
'40sRichard Lee Merritt '48 enjoyed the historical photos in the winter 2000 Montanan. He writes,"At the left of Morton Elrod's 1903 panoramic cover photo is the spot near the south end of the Higgins Avenue Bridge where I would be born in 1922. I see my spirit picking the spot! And, I see those vigorous young trees. Amazing after only ten years." Richard lives in San Francisco and remembers paying to be a life member of the Alumni Association when he graduated in 1948. "Sad to see the obits of the names of three of my old fraternity brothers--- Nick Mariana '38, Dutch Dahmer '43 and Bob Sias '44." He continues, "Dutch was president of the Alumni Association years ago. The Grim Reaper reapeth ever closer."
'50sBarbara Dockery Tremper '50, M.B.A. '76, J.D. '86, and William G. "Bill" Tremper '46 celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in September with family and friends at their Flathead Lake home.John D. "Jack" Woods '50 was honored with the Philip N. Fortin Humanitarian Award by the board of directors of the Billings YMCA. Jack was recognized for a lifetime of distinguished volunteer, civic and professional achievements that have improved the quality of life in the Billings community. He is planning to attend his 50th class reunion on campus in May.
'60sMaxford K. Yandt '60 and Harriet Huestis Yandt '62 live in Sunriver, Ore. Max retired after 31 years with the Florsheim Shoe Co.Donald A. Watne '60, M.A. '61, professor of auditing and international accounting at Portland State University (PSU) for 23 years, received the 1999 Oregon Society of Certified Public Accountants' Lifetime Achievement Educating Aspiring Accountants Award. Donald has 20 years of business experience and has been consistently ranked by PSU students and faculty members as one of the top instructors in the School of Business Administration. Ronald B. Chase, M.A. '61, Ph.D. '68, professor of geosciences at Western Michigan University (WMU) in Kalamazoo, received a 1999 Alumni Teaching Excellence Award from the WMU Alumni Association. In recent years, Ron and a team of colleagues and graduate students identified causes of major shoreline erosion throughout the Great Lakes area. John A. Matthews '62 was chosen one of the 50 outstanding people of the century of Madison, Wis. Since 1968 John has worked with Madison Teachers, Inc., helping bring its membership from 900 to more than 4,000. He been called "the single most powerful individual in the school system." Arthur C. Knight '63 published "Letters Home," a compilation of letters he sent his Philipsburg family while serving with the 100th Division during World War II. The letters describe Arthur's experiences and thoughts while stationed in Fort Bragg, N.C., France and Germany. After the war, Arthur attended medical school and was for many years the superintendent and later director of the Montana State Tuberculosis Sanitarium in Galen. Arthur was head of the Outpatient Clinic at Fort Harrison Veterans Hospital near Helena until his retirement. He and his wife, Lee, reside in Turah. For information on purchasing the book, you may e-mail him at William G. Reynolds '63 is president of Advance Concrete Technology in Santa Ana, Calif. Bill developed an environmentally safe, patented process of color reclamation that restores a natural aged patina to landscape damaged by mining scars, highway construction and rock cuts. The reclamation process takes only days and has been used in areas in California, the Lolo National Forest and South Africa. Bill credits "Polish determination" for much of his success. Karla Chandler Bailey '64 retired in June after teaching physical education and coaching swimming, gymnastics, and track for 35 years in Napa, Calif. Karla earned her M.A. at San Francisco State University in 1967. A Butte native, she enjoys golf, skiing, computers, flower gardening, sewing, stained glass, reading, volunteering at the Humane Society and Wildlife Rescue Service and traveling with her husband, Larry, in their motorhome. "If you're in the Napa Valley for wine tasting," Karla writes, "give us a call." Jane Reed Benson '64, M.I.S. '78, retired after 20 years of human resources work in state agencies. Jane writes from Helena that she now can "still earn a little money and have lots more fun working part-time for the Montana Historical Society as a tour guide." She enjoys pointing out features of the state Capitol and the original Governor's Mansion to sight-seeing tourists. R. Thomas Flynn, M.A. '64, is interim president of Monroe Community College (MCC) in Rochester, N.Y. At MCC for the past 25 years, Tom served as vice president for student/administrative services since 1974 and chief financial officer since 1994. He also has adjunct faculty status in the graduate school of State University College at Buffalo. Boh A. Dickey '66 was honored in October with The Spirit of Life Award presented by the California Insurance Council for City of Hope, a leading research and treatment center for cancer, diabetes and HIV/AIDS. President of the Seattle-based SAFECO Corp, Boh was recognized for his community outreach, personal philanthropy and volunteerism. James M. Schaefer '66, research professor of anthropology at Union College in Schenectady, N.Y., has a consulting business specializing in research on normative and problem drinking and gambling. He was appointed to the Mohawk Valley Heritage Corridor Commission and to the board of directors of the New York State Council on Problem Gambling. Alan F. Cain, J.D. '69, retired October 1, 1999, as chairman, president and CEO of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Montana, a post he held for 17 years. "I will continue to serve on the boards of the Montana Power Company, Pacific Steel and Recycling and the Montana Historical Society Foundation. I also enjoy being a trustee emeritus of The University of Montana Foundation and serving on the President's Advisory Council," Alan writes from Helena. Crockett Dumas '69 is a district ranger in the Ferron/Price Ranger District, Manti-La Sal National Forest in Utah. In 1997 he received Vice President Al Gore's Hammer Award for "Reinventing Government." In 1998 he was awarded Harvard's JFK School of Government's Innovations in American Government Award and in 1998 the Excellence in Government Award for "Cutting Red Tape." Crockett and his wife, Sharon, own Outlaw Trail Heritage Industry in Escalante, Utah. Their National Endurance Campion Arabians have won 20 national championships. Crockett's Egyptian Arabian, O.T. Sundance, has won the National Best Condition Award twice. Martin V. Melosi '69, M.A. '71, professor of history at the University of Houston, will hold the Odense Chair in American Studies at the University of Southern Denmark for the academic year 2000-2001. This senior lectureship is sponsored by the Council for International Exchange of Scholars and the Danish-American Fulbright Commission. Marty's seventh book, "The Sanitary City: Urban Infrastructure in America from Colonial Times to the Present," recently was published by Johns Hopkins University Press.
'70sGeorge E. Gee '71 is president of the Washington State Auto Dealers Association. He and his wife, Theresa Downey Gee '72, live in Spokane. They have two grown children, Ryan and Molly.Andrea Slossen Merrill '72, M.Ed. '88, author of "Montana Almanac," now lives in Missoula where she is field representative for Sen. Max Baucus. Andrea recently married Fred Maker, assistant principal at Rattlesnake Middle School. James Allgood '73 retired from the Air Force in 1993. His last tour was in Keflavik, Iceland. A freelance environmental writer, James resides in Dallas, Ore. Ralph B. Kirscher '74, J.D. '79, was appointed bankruptcy judge for the District of Montana by the Ninth Circuit United States Court of Appeals. Prior to the appointment, Judge Kirscher was a partner in the Missoula law firm of Worden, Thane & Haines and an adjunct lecturer in bankruptcy at the UM law school. Tom E. Steger '74 worked for the Bureau of Land Management in Arizona, Utah, North and South Dakota and is a Congressional Fellow for Rep. Thomas Udall in Washington, D.C. Tom and his wife, Linda, have three sons and enjoy the Washington area. "I still miss the solitude and tranquility of Montana and look forward to moving back some day," Tom writes. Judith Babinski '76 has been named counsel to the law firm of Pitney, Hardin, Kipp & Szuch in Morristown, N. J. Her practice focuses on land use and transactional real estate. James D. Hatley, M.A. '76, M.A. '81, received the Distinguished Faculty Award at Salisbury State University in Salisbury, Md. James was honored for excellence in teaching, research, scholarship and service. His book, "Suffering Witness: The Quandary of Responsibility after the Irreparable," is in press with SUNY. L. Thomas Winfree Jr., Ph.D. '76, is professor of criminal justice at New Mexico State University (NMSU) in Las Cruces, where he has been a faculty member since 1987. Between 1990 and 1999, Tom served as academic department head for the criminal justice department at NMSU. He recently co-authored the textbook "Juvenile Justice." Tom has written four other textbooks and more than 70 articles and book chapters. His wife, Elaine, is a career counselor at NMSU. Their son, Matthew, is a sound engineering student at South Plains College in Texas. Janet G. Medina '77 received a Doctor of Psychology degree in school psychology at Alfred University in 1999. She is coordinator of learning support services at Harford Community College in Bel Air, Md. Janet and her husband, Brian E. Gray '77, a math professor at Howard Community College in Columbia, Md., live in Ellicott City, Md., with their two daughters. CarolAnn M. Russell, M.F.A. '79, English professor at Bemidji State University, Minn., received a 1999 Distinguished Alumni Award from St. Cloud State University in Minneapolis, where she received her undergraduate degree in 1973. CarolAnn was noted for her work as a poet, writer and professor and for her community and campus involvement. Her publications include "Silver Dollar," "Feast" and "The Red Envelope."
'80sPeter A. Dea, M.S. '81, is chief executive officer and vice chairman of the board of directors of Barrett Resources Corp. in Denver. Peter joined Barrett in 1993 after ten years with Exxon Co. USA. Peter is also on the board and vice president of the Colorado Oil & Gas Association and serves on the Denver Museum of Natural History Corporate Partnership Committee. In 1999 he attended the Harvard Business School Advanced Management Program.Andrew W. Feury '81 won a two-year term as mayor of Whitefish. Andy owns Feury and Co., a lumber and land brokerage firm, is a partner in Western Pacific Plastics and part-owner of the family wheat farm near Fargo, N.D. Bruce Hurlbut '81 brought live stage performances to the Philispburg Opera House this past summer. Bruce ran the Virginia City Players summer theater troupe for a decade and was playwright and director of the Seattle Childrens' Theater. He plans a second season this coming summer in the 107-year-old, refurbished opera house. Janice Bonham Metzmaker, M.S. '83, is executive director of The Glacier Fund, a new non-profit park partner dedicated to preserving Glacier National Park's heritage, improving visitor services, park programs, restoration, education and research. Jan resides in Whitefish. John Graham Connors '84 is the new chief financial officer of Microsoft Corp. He currently serves as a trustee of the UM Foundation. In 1997 John received the University's Distinguished Alumni Award. Tracy Wilson Huggins '85 is executive director of the Denver Urban Renewal Authority (DURA). Hired as controller by DURA in 1992, Tracy now oversees the promotion of economic development in downtown Denver and redevelopment projects outside the downtown area. She and her husband, Jerry Huggins '83, and their daughters Erin, Megan and Lauren, live in Littleton. Jerry is vice president at Fidelity Investments. Kassandra Kuttler Kleymann '86 completed a master's degree in speech-language pathology from Fort Hays State University. She resides in Tribune, Kan., with her huband, Blane, and daughters Karis and Reagan. Kassy is a speech-language pathologist employed by the High Plains Educational Cooperative and serves two school districts and a local hospital. David R. Nicholson '86 sends greetings from Geneva, Switzerland, where he is a patent attorney and U.S. diplomat representing American interests at the World Trade Organization and the World Intellectual Property Organization. He and his wife, Jeanmarie, miss their friends and encourage correspondence: Kristina C. Udall '86 is a partner in the Seattla law firm of Williams, Kastner & Gibbs. Previously, Kristina was assistant dean of development and community relations and executive director of the law school foundation at the University of Washington. Janine A. Young '86, a pharmacist at Methodist Hospital in Lubbock, Texas, is also pursuing an acting career that included a bit part in Oliver Stone's "Any Given Sunday." She will appear in the upcoming films "The Highway Man" and "Garbage Girls." Colleen Sullivan Horsley '87 sent greetings from her Boise home following the Griz/Vandal basketball game there on December 5. "The Griz definitely gave the Vandals a run for their money, although it was heart wrenching to watch their defeat in overtime," she wrote. "It was great to see a Big Sky team perform so respectfully. Hats off to the boys in maroon!" Richard F. Lapworth '88 has been teaching eighth grade science for the past eight years in Homestead, Fla.
'90sTheodore C. Rugland, J.D. '90, an attorney with the court advocate department of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes of the Flathead Reservation in Pablo, received a Distinguished Service Award from Luther College in Decorah, Iowa, in October. Ted, a Kalispell resident, is a 1949 graduate of Luther College.Duane A. Flamand '91 lives in St. Louis where he is a hospital sales representative for Pfizer Pharmaceuticals. He recently completed a three-month marketing internship at Pfizer's headquarters in New York City. Rebecca Anne McIntosh, M.A. '91, married Wayne Allen Puckett on August 24, 1999. They reside in Davidson, North Carolina. Anne owns Communication Connection, a consulting firm specializing in interpersonal communication, leadership, intercultural communication, sign language and deaf studies. Chris Jamison '92 received her master's degree in education from Washington State University in 1995. She is a seventh and eighth grade teacher at Discovery Middle School in Vancouver, Wash. "I've attended some UM games when they play Portland State University," Chris writes, "and I encourage anyone in high school to investigate UM." Chris and her husband, John Yajko, have a one-year old son, Travis. Joseph Curtis Rich, J.D. '92, joined the Washington, D.C.-based law firm of Van Ness Feldman as counsel. Previously Curt was legislative counsel to the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association and natural resouce and energy counsel to Sen. Max Baucus. Gary A. Jorgenson, M.B.A. '93, is manager of sales and marketing analysis for MLT Inc., the leisure travel subsidiary for Northwest Airlines. He resides in Bloomington, Minn. Frank R. Sennett, Jr., M.F.A. '93, has two novels, "Nash, Rambler" and "Nash, Metropolitan" for sale on the online bookstore He is also the editor of the alternative press portal Katherine Marie Hubbard Amundsen '94, a resident of Houston, Texas, is president of Kat's Graphix, an internet Web design company. She and her husband, Sverre, announce the birth of their son, Erik Cameron Amundsen, born September 29, 1999. Erik joins sisters Jasmine, Krystal and Naomi. Jolyn Elise Eggart '94, J.D. '99, is an associate in the Billings law firm of Moulton, Bellingham, Longo & Mather. She currently works on commercial litigation. Shauna L. Hanisch '94 is preparing an environmental impact statement and management plan for the double-crested cormorant at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Office of Migratory Bird Management in Washington, D.C. Shauna received her master's degree in public administration at Boise State University. Diana Devney Stanton '94 received her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from the University of Tennessee in 1999 and is a resident in comparative medicine in the Department of Animal Resources at the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, Calif. Scott Thadd Billadeau '95, M.M. '97, is an adjunct instuctor of music composition and music technology at UM. His new CD is entitled "Goodbye Montana." Brett R. Loomis '95 earned masters degrees in applied mathematics and ecomomics from the University of North Carolina, Charlotte. He currently works in the Center for Economics Research at Research Triangle Institue, Research Triangle Park, N.C. In July Brett married Kellie M. Wasik Loomis '93 who works in clinical trial data management for Quintiles, also located in Research Triangle Park. Kellie received a master's degree in guidance and counseling from Clemson University in 1995. From 1995 to 1999 she was the head athletic trainer for Queens College in Charlotte, N.C. "The South is a very nice place," Brett writes, "but we do miss Montana!" Joshua David Rector '95 and his wife, Dawn, own and operate The Crossing Bar and Casino in Glasgow. "Our business provides live music and entertainment as well as a home for the area's UM Grizzly alumni and fans," Josh writes. Jeffrey Dvorak '96 developed and now directs a program through the Academy at Swift River in Cummington, Mass., that takes at-risk students to the Osa Peninsula in Costa Rica. There the students work on projects involving biology, science, ecotourism and conservation. A recent group completed a community playground for the area's children. Shannon Moran Devlin '96 is front office and accounting manager for Embassy Suites Hotel in Seattle. In September 1998 she married John Devlin. They live in Lynnwood, Wash. Pamela Jo Balluck '98 is a second-year M.F.A. candidate in the University of Utah's creative writing program. She won the fiction portion of the Western Humanities Review's seventh annual competition for Utah writers. Pamela's short story, "Development Girl," was published in WHR's fall 1999 issue. Kimberly F. Todd, M.F.A. '98, M.S. '99, won a $4000 PEN/Jerard Fund Award for her book, "Tinkering with Eden," due out later this year. The award recognizes "distinguished nonfiction work in progress by a woman writer." Kim's essays discuss the introduction of exotic fauna into the U. S. She coordinates the KUFM-Radio program "Field Notes," based in the Montana Natural History Center in Missoula. Robert Gander, M.F.A. '99, is assistant professor of theater at Denison University in Granville, Ohio.
New Life MembersAlan J. Anderson '60, BillingsJohn J. Burke III '82, Butte Roberta Green Carter '72, Bremerton, Wash. Mildred Ammer Christiansen '28, Columbia Falls Robert S. Daley '80, Del Mar, Calif. Joan Watts Datsopoulos '65, Missoula Milton Datsopoulos '65, Missoula Philip C. Doty '64, Fairfield, Calif. Karen Whitcomb Eide '59, Billings Kay Forsythe, Ellensburg, Wash. Warren Forsythe '75, Ellensburg, Wash. Kent M. Haaland '91, Rupert, Idaho Gary L. Hausken '79, Vienna, Va. Eric W. Hoffman '87, Billings John D. Imsande '53, Ames, Iowa Charles Knell '66, Los Altos, Calif. Marcia Dion Knell '65, Los Altos, Calif. Kraig Kruger '79, Grass Range Clayton Linnell '85, Spokane, Wash. Dennis Lopach '73, Missoula Kenneth Morigeau '83, Polson Patty Holmes Myers '69, Great Falls Frederick C. Pfister '59, Tampa, Fla. Donald H. Phillips '71, Missoula Rosemarie Phillips, Missoula Barbara Wilkinson Sanderson '43, Incline Village, Nev. J. Everett Sanderson '43, Incline Village, Nev. Lynn Follett Stocking '74, Missoula Thomas E. Stocking '73, Missoula Keith Urbach '67, San Antonio Dennis F. Webster '75, Ronan LaVonne Gregg Webster '71, Ronan Tami Nyquist Whalen '86, Murrieta, Calif. Gary Wood '80, Lawrenceville, Ga. In MemoriamIn order for names to be included in In Memoriam, the Alumni Association requires a newspaper obituary or a letter of notification from the immediate family. We extend sympathy to the families of the following alumni, friends and faculty: Omar Washburn White '22, Newport News, Va. Genevieve Rognlien Mahlum x'25, Kalispell Louise Snyder Marbel '26, Sherwood, Ore. Olga Bakkeby Dahl '27, Great Falls Marjorie Macrae McCulloh '27, West Chester, Pa. Sam Kain '28, Spokane, Wash. Mary Hanna Constance Shea '28 M.A. '50, Anaconda Louise Lilly Albertson '29, M.A. '51, Sandpoint, Idaho Rita E. Black '29, Schaumburg, Ill. Elmer E. Luer '29, Spokane, Wash. Ludwig D. Polich '29, Missoula Sherman J. Wertz '29, Missoula Louise Lindlief Eck '30, Missoula Carl E. Rankin '30, Laguna Beach, Calif. Carl A. Ross '30, Polson Leo J. Kottas, LL. B. '31, Helena Glenn H. Larson x'33, Thompson Falls Richard Edwin Whitaker '33, Bigfork James Henry Benish '34, Missoula Howard Clark Brown '34, Butte Virginia Cooney Dunphy '34, Albuquerque, N.M. Rita Morine Mercer Nelson '34, Greenacres, Wash. Harriet May Eastman Woods '34, Seattle Olive Steele "Rusty" Jacobs '35, Missoula Richard Kilroy O'Malley '35, Sun City, Ariz. Burton Nelin Richarson x'35, Kalispell Arthur Lee Svenson '35, Weaverville, N.C. Robert W. Clark x'36, Kalispell Virginia Backus Mitchell Ford x'36, Dillon Willis B. Avery '37, Douglas, Alaska Leon H. Nelson '37, M.A. '53, La Palma, Calif. Julia B. Parisel '37, Lethbridge, Alberta Louise G. Johnston Rasmussen '37, Roundup Grace Parker Stanton '37, Spokane, Wash. Lillie E. Taylor '37, Anaconda David W. VanSwearingen x'37, Walkerville Reuben Benjamin Huss, M.A. '38, Havre Hervey J. Sannan '38, Palm Desert, Calif. Robert F. Stone '38, Billings Earl R. Best x'39, Bozeman Dorothy Pat O'Brien Crowley x'39, Missoula Ernestine M. Hrella Dorner '39, East Helena Foster W. Polley '39, Las Vegas Julia S. Poole '39, Missoula Thomas H. Rogers '39, Opportunity, Wash. Catherine Murphy Rotering '39, Butte Kermit Ruhl Schwanke '39, Missoula John Leonard Timm '39, Portland, Ore. William H. Artz '40, Great Falls Ellen M. Johnson '40, Butte Ellen Mountain Murphy '40, Wildomar, Calif. Edward J. Ober Jr. '40, J.D. '41, Kalispell C. Otto Rasmussen '40, Washington, D.C. Lloyd E. McDowell '41, Arroyo Grande, Calif. Robert A. Peterson '41, Billings Ruth Simpson Gilberti '43, Aliquippa, Pa. Neil O. Johnson '43, Skamania, Wash. Bernhardt Wahle Phelan Sr. x'43, Helena Frances L. King Janes x'44, Missoula C. Dwayne Raymond '44, Malta Marilyn Hillstrand Bennetts '46, Great Falls Adelle Beaman Forbis '46, Bigfork James S. Dickinson x'47, Federal Way, Wash. Mary Helen Brown Gerrard '47, Corvallis Audrey Averill Hilton '47, Hacienda Heights, Calif. Archie Winston Lowthian '47, Billings Kenneth H. McRae '47, Missoula Meryl R. Winship Bortvedt, M.Ed. '48, Portland, Ore. Morlan C. Flattum '48, Billings Ray H. Smith '48, Sebring, Fla. Joe B. Peters, M.Ed. '48, Durango, Colo. Warren Ralph Amole '49, Great Falls James B. Deranleau '49, Lewiston, Idaho Eula Hays Ebeling '49, Fort Benton Richard G. Forbis '49, M.A. '50, Calgary, Alberta Earl Raymond Huestis '49, Great Falls Robert W. Manchester '49, Missoula Harry J. Spraycar '49, Helena Edith V. Jacobson Wheatcroft '49, Jordan John Pierce Wuerthner '49, J.D. '50, Great Falls Roy C. Agte '50, Brockport. N.Y. S. Keith Anderson '50, Helena Richard Batzner '50, Phoenix Fred T. Bernatz x'50, Hamilton John J. Kelly '50, Butte Floyd George Larson '50, Butte Robert S. Keenan '51, Polson Robert E. Purdy '51, Great Falls Dickerson Regan, J.D. '51, Juneau, Alaska Earl Franklin Tremper x'51, Missoula Robert B. Adams '52, Missoula Signe Marie Hill Harlow '52, M.Ed. '69, Geyser C. Eugene Hoyt, M.A.'52, West Palm Beach, Fla. Loren Lee "Bo" Laird '53, M.A. '60, Miles City Arthur Herbert Lee Roberts '53, Helena Louis O. R. Forsell, J.D. '54, Ajijic, Mexico Richard Lavelle Crist '55, M.B.A. '59, Coronado, Calif. Ellen McGuire Finlayson '55, Vancouver, Wash. Richard W. Ely '56, Victoria, British Columbia William E. Larcombe '56, Concord, Calif. James N. Spaulding '56, Greeley, Colo. Edward M. Filler '57, M.Ed. '61, Bellevue, Wash. T. Carl Johnson, M.Ed. '57, Billings Robert Lewis Powell x'57, Missoula Charles E. Polutnik '57, Missoula Paul Alton Wells '57, Billings Sharon I. Tri Gillet '58, Missoula Carl Joe Hopperstad '58, Indiana Robbin Raymond Hough '58, Rochester, Mich. May Pierson Dull Vallance '58, Corvallis Gerald LeRoy Anderson x'59, Hampton, N.J. Donald D. Dupuis '59, Polson Carole E. Ohlrich Krook '60, M.A. '63, Chester Gerald L. Sorte '60, M.A. '64, Olympia, Wash. Mildred Parker Priest '61, Ronan Fred H. Stillings '61, Boise, Idaho Kenneth A. Brooks, M.A. '63, Wenatchee, Wash. Margaret Anderson Templin '63, Daly City, Calif. William L. Cadieux '64, Laguna Niguel, Calif. Maynard W. Duncan '64, Kalispell Frieda A. Dickman '66, Missoula Eleanor Davis Griffin '66, Sherwood, Ore. David O. Littlefield '66, Yarmouth, Maine Irene Deniger Marks '66, St. Ignatius Mavis I. Boyce, M.Ed. '67, Havre David H. Killian '70, Bothell, Wash. Orval Dean Meyer '70, Helena Mary Lou O'Neil Sennett '70, Lewistown Thomas James Cawley '71, Helena Earl B. Cockrell '71, Plains Martin O. Monson, M.Ed. '72, Havre G. Marie MacPeak '73, Nacogdoches, Texas Walter Morrison Smith '73, Hamilton Bert Alan Fairclough '75, J.D. '78, Great Falls Scott Bardsley '76, Butte Theodore Carl Craft '76, Ronan James O. Atkinson '77, M.Ed. '91, Charlo Barbara Rollins Hubber '77, Phoenix Stevan Roger Phelps '77, M.S. '80, Lacey, Wash. Joseph J. Wonders '77, Eugene, Ore. Terrylea Madsen Pinkerton, M.S. '78, Helena Thomas A. Hartrick, M.B.A. '81, Stevensville William D. Jacobsen, J.D. '82, Great Falls Joan C. Strange Szuba, M.S. '85, Missoula Darrell Jon Clement '86, Missoula Jeffrey G. Mitchell '88, Helena David Ernest Lawhor '89, Greenfield, Ind. James Walter "Lucky" Black '92, Whitefish Joseph Victor Brisson '92, San Jose, Calif. Robert J. "Red" Monroe Sr. '93, Arlee Marla R. Patterson Swartz Walsh '00, Missoula Herbert Irwin Barrett, Missoula Marie C. Blumenthal, Orange, Calif. Gordon B. Brox, Butte Henry G. Bugbee, Missoula Benjamin R. Cohen, Whitefish Marion M. Dewald, Missoula Denise Marie Krsul Edwards, Billings Lucylle H. Evans, Stevensville James L. C. Ford, Carbondale, Ill. Marie Irene Hammond, Missoula Gladys J. Hazen, River Falls, Wis. Kendall D. Hubbard, Missoula Laurence "Larry" Livingston, Missoula Michael P, Malone, Bozeman William Knoll McElroy, Havre Lee L. Nye, Missoula Gertrude R. Prentice, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho Dan L. Rice, Missoula Evelyn Ferrington Robertson, Missoula Donald F. Sheppard, Missoula Lewis Richard Shull, Federal Way, Wash. Max R. Swanson, Missoula Bernice B. Swartley, Missoula Ellen McAllister Vann, Missoula William C. Vinyard, Trinidad, Calif. William Leonard Yeats, Whitefish John Russell ZurMuehlen, Missoula
BirthsMyah Michelle Peterson to Heidi George Peterson '95 and Travis Brian Peterson '97, September 5, 1999, Chelan, Wash.Rhett Alan Cunningham to Michelle Willits Cunningham '88 and Steve Cunningham, September 18, 1999, Carbondale, Ill. Perry Elizabeth Barth to Elizabeth Burton Barth '93 and David Barth, October 10, 1999, Scarsdale, N.Y. Tai Nicole Hubbard to Samuel T. Hubbard '83 and Kristine Hubbard, October 21, 1999, Glendive Gina Marie Orizotti to Lisa Burke Orizotti '86 and Anthony Orizotti, October 28, 1999, Anchorage, Alaska Jaden Rose Franklin to Vonda Lee Franklin '96 and William Arthur Franklin '96, November 5, 1999, Boise, Idaho Joseph Benjamin Morrison to Bronwyn "Beth" Price Morrison '90 and Heath Morrison '90, November 18, 1999, Great Falls Bridger Robert Bell to Shannon Friia Bell '81 and Robert T. "Rob" Bell '90, J.D. '93, November 29, 1999, Missoula Mikayla Diane Schaefer to James M. Schaefer '66 and Kimberly Schaefer, December 7, 1999, Schenectady, N.Y. Dakota Kirby Christian to Barbara Currie Christian '85 and Kirby Christian '84, J. D. '87, December 7, 1999, Missoula
Benjamin Hunthausen to Andrew J. Hunthausen '88 and Pam Ponich Hunthausen, January 10, 2000, Helena AROUND THE OVAL SPORTS CLASS NOTES ALUMNI NOTES FEEDBACKSTAFF ABOUT THE MONTANAN ARCHIVES HOME CONTENTS