Mathematical Sciences-Computer Science (Combined Major)

The purpose of the combined program is to provide a thorough background in both allied disciplines and to inculcate a deeper understanding of their goals and methods.  A student must complete 60 credits in the two disciplines: 30 of these credits in Computer Science courses and 30 of these credits in Mathematical Sciences courses. Each student plans a program in consultation with both a Computer Science and a Mathematical Sciences advisor.  Students planning to attend graduate school in computer science or the mathematical sciences should consult with their respective advisors.

Bachelor of Science - Mathematical Sci-Computer Sci

College Humanities & Sciences

Catalog Year: 2014-2015

Degree Specific Credits: 73

Required Cumulative GPA: 2.0

Mathematical Sciences

Rule: Complete the following subcategories.

31 Total Credits Required

Mathematical Sciences Core

Rule: Complete all of the following courses.

Note: The following substitutions are allowed: M 181 for M 171, M 182 for M 172, and M 225 for M 307.

Show All Course Descriptions Course Credits
Show Description M 171 - Calculus I
Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., M 122 or 151 or ALEKS placement >= 5.  Differential calculus, including limits, continuous functions, Intermediate Value Theorem, tangents, linear approximation, inverse functions, implicit differentiation, extreme values and the Mean Value Theorem.  Integral Calculus including antiderivatives, definite integrals, and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.
4 Credits
Show Description M 172 - Calculus II
Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., M 171 or 181. Techniques of Integration. Area computations. Improper integrals. Infinite series and various convergence tests. Power series. Taylor's Formula. Polar coordinates. Parametric curves.
4 Credits
Show Description M 221 - Introduction to Linear Algebra
Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., M 172 or 182. Vectors in the plane and space, systems of linear equations and Gauss–Jordan elimination, matrices, determinants, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, vector spaces, linear transformations. Calculators and/or computers used where appropriate.
4 Credits
Show Description M 273 - Multivariable Calculus
Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., M 172 or 182. Calculus of functions of several variables; differentiation and elementary integration. Vectors in the plane and space.
4 Credits
Show Description M 307 - Intro to Abstract Mathematics
Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., M 172 or 182. Designed to prepare students for upper–division proof–based mathematics courses. Topics include proof techniques, logic, sets, relations, functions and axiomatic methods. Students planning to take both M 221 and 307 are encouraged to take M 221 first.
3 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C- 19 Total Credits Required

Mathematical Sciences Electives

Rule: Complete 12 credits from the following courses.

Note: The combined nine credits of Computer Science Electives and twelve credits of Mathematical Sciences Electives must include at least three 3– or 4–credit courses numbered 400 or above, with at least one chosen from each department (not including M 429 and STAT 451, 452).

Show All Course Descriptions Course Credits
Show Description M 311 - Ordinary Diff Equations/System
Offered autumn. Prereq., M 273. Ordinary differential equations. Systems of linear differential equations from a matrix viewpoint.  Series solutions. Existence and uniqueness for initial value problems.  Numerical methods. Stability and selected topics. M 317 computer lab recommended.
3 Credits
Show Description M 325 - Discrete Mathematics
Offered spring. Prereq., M 171 and 225 or 307. Continuation of 225 and topics from graph theory, Boolean algebras, automata theory, coding theory, computability and formal languages.
3 Credits
Show Description M 326 - Number Theory
Offered spring. Prereq., M 225 or 307. Congruences, Diophantine equations, properties of primes, quadratic residues, continued fractions, algebraic numbers.
3 Credits
Show Description M 361 - Discrete Optimization
Offered spring. Prereq., one of M 162, 172 or 182 (221 or 225 recommended). Intended for non–mathematics majors as well as mathematics majors. Introduction to discrete optimization and modeling techniques with applications. Topics from combinatorics and graph theory, including enumeration, graph algorithms, matching problems and networks.
3 Credits
Show Description M 362 - Linear Optimization
Offered autumn. Prereq., one of M 162, 172 or 182 (221 recommended). Coreq., M 363 recommended. Intended for non–mathematics majors as well as majors. Introduction to linear programming and modeling techniques with applications. Topics include the simplex method, duality, sensitivity analysis and network models.
3 Credits
Show Description M 381 - Advanced Calculus I
Offered autumn .  Prereq., M 307.  Rigorous development of single-variable calculus with formal proof.  Functions, sequences, limits, continuity, differentiation, and integration.
3 Credits
Show Description M 412 - Partial Differential Equations
Offered spring. Prereq., M 311. Fourier series, Sturm–Liouville and boundary value problems. Partial differential equations:  Cauchy problems and the method of characteristics, separation of variables and Laplace transform methods. Numerical methods and selected topics.  M 418 computer lab recommended.
3 Credits
Show Description M 414 - Deterministic Models
Offered autumn or spring. Prereq., M 274 or 311 or consent of instr. Linear and nonlinear difference and differential equations: stability, phase–plane analysis, oscillatory behavior, limit cycles, and chaos.  Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions. Emphasis on models in biology.
3 Credits
Show Description M 429 - History of Mathematics
Offered spring. Prereq., M307. Historical study of the development of mathematics from the Egyptian and Babylonian eras to the 20th century.
3 Credits
Show Description M 431 - Abstract Algebra I
Offered autumn. Prereq., M 221 and 307 or consent of instr. An introduction to modern ideas of algebra through the study of groups, rings, and fields.
4 Credits
Show Description M 432 - Abstract Algebra II
Offered spring. Prereq., M 431. Continues the investigation of groups, rings, and fields begun in M 431.  Further topics include vector spaces and field extensions.
4 Credits
Show Description M 439 - Euclidean & Non-Euclidean Geo
Offered autumn. Prereq., M 307; M 231 recommended. Euclidean geometry from a rigorous, axiomatic viewpoint and Non–Euclidean geometries chosen from Lobachevskian, projective, finite and Riemannian.
3 Credits
Show Description M 440 - Numerical Analysis
Offered intermittently. Prereq., M 307, 311, one computer language. Error analysis; approximation and interpolation, numerical solution of linear and non-linear equations, numerical integration of ordinary and partial differential equations.
4 Credits
Show Description M 445 - Stat/Math/Comp Modeling
Offered autumn odd-numbered years. Prereq., consent of instr. An interdisciplinary course on the integration of statistical and dynamical models with applications to biological problems. Linear and nonlinear models, estimation, systems of ordinary differential equations, numerical integration, bootstrapping, MCMC methods. Intended both for students in mathematics and the natural sciences.
4 Credits
Show Description M 472 - Intro to Complex Analysis
Offered spring. Prereq., M 273, M 307. Analytic functions, complex integration, singularities and application to contour integration, harmonic functions, spaces of analytic functions.
4 Credits
Show Description M 473 - Introduction to Real Analysis
Offered autumn odd-numbered years. Prereq., M 273, M 307. Theory of metric spaces and point set topology, Riemann-Stieltjes integral, sequences and series of functions. Stone-Weierstrass theorem, theorem of Arzela-Ascoli, introduction to Lebesgue integration.
4 Credits
Show Description M 485 - Graph Theory
Offered autumn.  Prereq., M 325, or M 307 and M 361, or consent of instr.  Theory and applications of graphs.  Topics chosen from trees, matchings, connectivity, coloring, planarity, Ramsey theory, random graphs, combinatorial designs and matroid theory.
3 Credits
Show Description STAT 341 - Intro to Probability and Stat
Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., one of M 162, 172 or 182. Probability, probability models and simulation, random variables, density functions, special distributions, and a brief survey of estimation and hypothesis testing. Computer use integrated throughout.
3 Credits
Show Description STAT 421 - Probability Theory
Offered autumn. Prereq., M 273 and STAT 341 or consent of instr. An introduction to probability, random variables and their probability distributions, estimation and hypothesis testing.  This course is the foundation on which more advanced statistics courses build.
3 Credits
Show Description STAT 422 - Mathematical Statistics
Offered spring. Prereq., STAT 421. Continuation of 421.
3 Credits
Show Description STAT 451 - Statistical Methods I
Offered autumn. Prereq., one year of college mathematics including M 115 or equiv. course in probability or consent of instr. May not be counted toward a major in mathematics. Intended primarily for non-mathematics majors who will be analyzing data. Graphical and numerical summaries of data, elementary sampling, designing experiments, probability as a model for random phenomena and as a tool for making statistical inferences, random variables, basic ideas of inference and hypothesis testing.
3 Credits
Show Description STAT 452 - Statistical Methods II
Offered spring. Prereq., STAT 451. Continuation of STAT 451. May not be counted toward a major in mathematics.  Multiple regression, experimental design, analysis of variance, other statistical models.
3 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C- 12 Total Credits Required

Computer Science

Rule: Complete the following subcategories.

30 Total Credits Required

Computer Science Core

Rule: Complete all of the following courses.

Show All Course Descriptions Course Credits
Show Description CSCI 106 - Careers in Computer Science
Offered autumn.  Exploration of various careers available in the general area of Computer Science.  Includes discussion of strategies for success in the major.  Computer Science faculty members also will discuss possible undergraduate research opportunities and motivation for graduate education.
1 Credits
Show Description CSCI 135 - Fund of Computer Science I
Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., computer programming experience in a language such as BASIC, Pascal, C, etc.; coreq., M 095 or consent of instr. CSCI 104 highly recommended as prereq. or coreq.  Fundamental computer science concepts using the high level structured programming language, Java.
3 Credits
Show Description CSCI 136 - Fund of Computer Science II
Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., CSCI 135; coreq., M 115 or M 151 or consent of instr. Continuation of CSCI 135. Survey of computer science topics including recursion, algorithms, basic data structures, operating systems, artificial intelligence, graphics, user interfaces, and social and ethical implications of computing.
3 Credits
Show Description CSCI 205 - Programming Languages w/ C/C++
Offered spring.  Prereq., CSCI 232 and M 225.  Concepts and principles of programming languages with an emphasis on C, C++, and object-oriented programming.  Syntax and semantics of object-oriented languages.  Principles and implementation of late binding, memory allocation and de-allocation, type-checking, scope, polymorphism, inheritance.
4 Credits
Show Description CSCI 232 - Data Structures and Algorithms
Offered autumn. Prereq., CSCI 136; prereq. or coreq., M 225 or consent of instr. Abstract data types, recursion, linked lists, trees, hashing, graphs, and applications of data structures in algorithm development. Emphasis on object oriented programming techniques.
4 Credits
Show Description CSCI 332 - Design/Analysis of Algorithms
Offered spring. Prereq., CSCI 232 and M 225 or consent of instr. Algorithm design, analysis, and correctness. Commonly used algorithms including searching and sorting, string search, dynamic programming, branch and bound, graph algorithms, and parallel algorithms. Introduction to NP-complete problems.
3 Credits
Show Description CSCI 361 - Computer Architecture
Offered spring.  Prereq., CSCI 136 or consent of instr.  Functional view of computer system components, BCPU, ALU, memory, bus, cache, I/O module.  Instruction set design: formats, addressing modes.  Basic circuit design.  Pipelining and assembly language.  Interrupt handling.  Implementation of ALU and control unit.  Detailed design of an RISC-like instruction set.  Datapath and performance comparisons.  Basic multiprocessor design.
3 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C- 21 Total Credits Required

Computer Science Electives

Rule: Complete 9 credits from the following courses.

Note: (1) A total of at most three of the nine credits of Computer Science Electives may be in CSCI 398 or 498.
(2) The combined nine credits of Computer Science Electives and twelve credits of Mathematical Sciences Electives must include at least three 3– or 4–credit courses numbered 400 or above, with at least one chosen from each department (not including M 429 and STAT 451, 452).

Show All Course Descriptions Course Credits
Show Description CSCI 315E - Computers, Ethics, and Society
Offered autumn. Prereq., WRIT 222 or university approved lower-division writing course and successful completion of the Upper-Division Writing Proficiency Assessment, or consent of instr.  Ethical problems that computer scientists face.  The codes of ethics of professional computing societies.  The social implications of computers, computing, and other digital technologies.
3 Credits
Show Description CSCI 323 - Software Science
Offered autumn. Prereq., CSCI 136. Study, implementation, and assessment of software processes, techniques, methods, and CASE tools.  Project management and cost estimation techniques will be examined.  A group project may be required.
3 Credits
Show Description CSCI 340 - Database Design
Offered spring.  Prereq., CSCI 232 or consent of instr.  Fundamentals of data modeling, the relational mode, normal forms, file organization, index structures and SQL.  Major project involving the design and implementation of a relational database.
3 Credits
Show Description CSCI 390 - Research
(R-6) Offered intermittently. Prereq., consent of instr. Directed individual research and study appropriate to the back ground and objectives of the student.
1 To 6 Credits
Show Description CSCI 391 - Special Topics
(R-6) Offered intermittently. Prereq., junior standing. Experimental offerings of visiting professors, experimental offerings of new courses, or one-time offerings of current topics.
1 To 6 Credits
Show Description CSCI 392 - Independent Study
(R-6) Offered intermittently. Prereq., consent of instr. Course material appropriate to the needs and objectives of the individual student.
1 To 6 Credits
Show Description CSCI 394 - Seminar
(R-6) Offered intermittently. Prereq., consent of instr. Guidance in special work.
1 To 6 Credits
Show Description CSCI 398 - Internship
(R-3) Offered intermittently. Prereq., consent of department. Business or government internship. Prior approval must be obtained from faculty supervisor and the Internship Services office. Only three credits applicable to computer science major or minor. A maximum of 6 credits of Internship (198, 298, 398, 498) may count toward graduation.
1 To 3 Credits
Show Description CSCI 411 - Advanced Web Programming
Offered intermittently. Prereq., CSCI 136.  Programming and software development techniques for developing web-based applications.  Scripting and other programming languages that are used for web-based development.
3 Credits
Show Description CSCI 412 - Game and Mobile App
Offered intermittently. Prereq., CSCI 232 and 323. Programming and software development techniques for developing gaming and mobile applications. Multiple gaming environments and mobile programming languages are introduced and examined to build modern applications.
3 Credits
Show Description CSCI 426 - Adv Prgrmng Theory/Practice I
Offered autumn. Prereq., CSCI 205, 232, 323 and M 225, or consent of instr. Examination and implementation of modern best practices in the areas of software design, coding, testing and maintenance. Focus on design patterns and design pattern languages used to build modern software systems in a variety of areas.
3 Credits
Show Description CSCI 427 - Adv Prgrmng Theory/Practice II
Offered spring. Prereq., CSCI 426. Design and implementation of a major software project in a group setting, with required documentation, presentation, installation, and approval by the instructor.
3 Credits
Show Description CSCI 438 - Theory of Computation
Offered intermittently. Prereq., M 225 or M 307. This course focuses on understanding the limitations & capabilities of abstract models of computation, through rigorous mathematical analysis. Topics will include finite & pushdown automata, nondeterministic computation, regular expressions, generative grammars, Turing machines, undecidability, and computational complexity.
3 Credits
Show Description CSCI 441 - Computer Graphics Programming
Offered intermittently. Prereq., CSCI 232 and M 221 or consent of instr. Hardware and software elements of graphics systems. Basic computer graphics algorithms for transformations, clipping, windowing and polygon filling. Straight line, circle generation. Parametrical representations of curves and surfaces. Three-D viewing. Hidden line and surface removal, shading and color models.
3 Credits
Show Description CSCI 443 - User Interface Design
Offered intermittently. Prereq., CSCI 232 or consent of instr. Introduction to usability and key concepts of human behavior. Focus on the process of user-centered design, including requirements specification, prototyping, and methods of evaluation. Incorporation of regular design critiques of classmates' work, and emphasis on both oral and written communication skills. Credit not allowed for CSCI 543 and this course.
3 Credits
Show Description CSCI 444 - Data Visualization
Offered intermittently. Prereq., M 171; programming experience; and junior, senior, or graduate status; or consent of instr. Visualization fundamentals and applications using special visualization software; formulation of 3-D empirical models; translation of 3-D models into graphical displays; time sequences and pseudo-animation; interactive versus presentation techniques; special techniques for video, CD and other media.
3 Credits
Show Description CSCI 446 - Artificial Intelligence
Offered intermittently. Prereq., M 225 or M 307, and CSCI 232, or consent of instr. Using computers and software to solve problems that require intelligence. Specific topics may include knowledge representation, logical and probabilistic reasoning, machine learning, planning, game playing, information retrieval, computer vision, and robotics.
3 Credits
Show Description CSCI 447 - Machine Learning
Offered intermittently.  Prereq., CSCI 232 or consent of instr.  Introduction to the framework of learning from examples, various learning algorithms such as neural networks, and generic learning principles such as inductive bias, Occam's Razor, and data mining.  Credit not allowed for both CSCI 447 and CSCI 547.
3 Credits
Show Description CSCI 448 - Pattern Recognition
Offered intermittently. Prereq., Junior or Senior status. Introduction to the framework of unsupervised learning techniques such as clustering (agglomerative, fuzzy, graph theory based, etc.), multivariate analysis approaches (PCA, MDS, LDA, etc.), image analysis (edge detection, etc.), as well as feature selection and generation. Emphasis will be on the underlying algorithms and their implementation. Credit not allowed for both CSCI 448 and CSCI 548.
3 Credits
Show Description CSCI 451 - Computational Biology
Offered Autumn.  Designed for attendance by both computer scientists and biologists.  The course will explore the importance of interdisciplinary partnerships between these two fields.  Students will learn to use various existing computational tools for investigating genomic and other biological data.  This will include tools for performing sequence alignments and searches, building phylogenetic trees, predicting RNA secondary structure, and predicting protein tertiary structure.  The underlying algorithmic approaches taken by these tools will be discussed, and in some cases, actually implemented by the class participants.  The course will examine the data repositories where genomic and other biological data are stored.  There will be some light programming required using PERL as the language of choice.  It is assumed that the class participants have no experience programming in PERL and will learn this skill as part of the course. Credit not allowed for CSCI 558 and this course.
3 Credits
Show Description CSCI 460 - Operating Systems
Offered autumn. Prereq., CSCI 232, or consent of instr. Operating system design principles. Processes, threads, synchronization, deadlock, memory management, file management and file systems, protection, and security, comparison of commonly used existing operating systems, writing programs that make use of operating system services. It is recommended, but not required, that the student also attend Programming Languages (in order to be prepared to write C programs) and Architecture (in order to understand interactions between the operating system and processor hardware) prior to attending this course.
3 Credits
Show Description CSCI 466 - Networks
Offered spring. Prereq., CSCI 232. Concepts and practice of computer networking, network protocol layers, switching, routing, flow, and congestion control.  Network programming.
3 Credits
Show Description CSCI 473 - Cryptography
Prereq., CSCI 332 and either M 225 or M 307; or consent of instr. Theory and practice in modern cryptography. Statistical analysis of classical ciphers. Design practice of modern block ciphers and hash functions, and their theoretical justifications. Linear and differential cryptanalysis. Public-key cryptography based on number-theoretic problems. Zero-knowledge proofs and secure multi-party computation protocols. Credit not allowed for both CSCI 473 and CSCI 573.
3 Credits
Show Description CSCI 477 - Simulation
Co-convene with CSCI 577. Prereq., M 172, CSCI 135, or consent of instr. Matrix languages. ODE solving; Euler-Richardson, Runge-Kutta, PDE solving; finite differences, finite elements, multi-grid techniques. Discrete methods for solution, renormalization group method, critical phenomena. Emphasis on presentation of results and interactive programs. Credit not allowed for CSCI 577 and this course.
3 Credits
Show Description CSCI 478 - Multimedia Data Processing
Offered intermittently.  Prereq. CSCI 232 or consent of instr. Introduction to fundamental concepts of multimedia data.  Focus on principles and techniques of multimedia data (image, audio, and video) processing and retrieval.  Implementation of multimedia applications.  Credit not allowed for CS 578 and this course. 
3 Credits
Show Description CSCI 490 - Research
(R-6) Offered intermittently. Prereq., consent of instr. Directed individual research and study appropriate to the back ground and objectives of the student.
1 To 6 Credits
Show Description CSCI 491 - Special Topics
(R-6) Offered intermittently. Prereq., consent of instr. Experimental offerings of visiting professors, experimental offerings of new courses, or one-time offerings of current topics.
1 To 6 Credits
Show Description CSCI 492 - Independent Study
(R-6) Offered intermittently. Prereq., consent of instr. Course material appropriate to the needs and objectives of the individual student.
1 To 6 Credits
Show Description CSCI 494 - Seminar
(R-6) Offered intermittently. Prereq., consent of instr. Guidance in special work.
1 To 6 Credits
Show Description CSCI 498 - Internship
(R-3) Offered Intermittently. Prereq., consent of department. Business or government internship. Prior approval must be obtained from the faculty supervisor and the Internship Services office. Only three credits of CSCI 398 and/or CSCI 498 applicable to computer science major or minor. A maximum of 6 credits of Internship (198, 298, 398, 498) may count toward graduation.
1 To 3 Credits
Show Description CSCI 499 - Senior Thesis/Capstone
(R-6) Offered every term.  Prereq., consent of thesis/project director and chair of the Computer Science Department.  Senior thesis for computer science majors and/or Watkins scholars.
1 To 6 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C- 9 Total Credits Required

Science Requirement

Rule: Complete the course work from 1 of the following subcategories.

9-10 Total Credits Required


Rule: If you choose biology, complete all of the following courses.

Show All Course Descriptions Course Credits
Show Description BIOB 160N - Principles of Living Systems
Offered autumn and summer.  Unifying principles of biological structure-function relationships at different levels of organization and complexity. Consideration of reproduction, genetics, development, evolution, ecosystems, as well as the inter-relationships of the human species to the rest of life.  Lab experiences illustrate biological principles underlying growth, reproduction, development, genetics and physiology.  Credit not allowed for both BIOB 101N and 160N.
4 Credits
Show Description BIOB 170N - Princpls Biological Diversity
Offered spring and summer.  Survey of the diversity, evolution and ecology of life including prokaryotes, viruses, protista, fungi, plants and animals.
3 Credits
Show Description BIOB 171N - Princpls Biological Dvrsty Lab
Offered spring and summer.  Coreq., BIOB 170N. The diversity of life including prokaryotes, viruses, protista, fungi, plants and animals including structure and evolutionary relationships.
2 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C- 9 Total Credits Required


Rule: If you choose chemistry, complete all of the following courses.

Show All Course Descriptions Course Credits
Show Description CHMY 141N - College Chemistry I
Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., high school algebra. For science majors and other students intending to take more than one year of chemistry. Properties of elements, inorganic compounds, liquid solutions, chemical equilibria and chemical kinetics. Includes laboratory.
5 Credits
Show Description CHMY 143N - College Chemistry II
Offered spring and summer. Prereq., "C-" or better in CHMY 141N or consent of instr. A continuation of CHMY 141N. Includes Laboratory.
5 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C- 10 Total Credits Required


Rule: If you choose physics, complete all of the following courses.

Show All Course Descriptions Course Credits
Show Description PHSX 215N - Fund of Physics w/Calc I
Offered autumn. Prereq. or coreq., PHSX 216N and M 171 or equiv. This course satisfies the lecture portion of medical and technical school requirements in general physics. Mechanics, fluids, waves and sound. Credit not allowed for both PHSX 215N-216N-217N-218N and 205N-206N-207N-208N.
4 Credits
Show Description PHSX 216N - Physics Laboratory I w/Calc
Offered autumn. Coreq., PHSX 215N. This course satisfies the laboratory portion of medical and technical school requirements in general physics. Mechanics, fluids, waves, and sound. Credit not allowed for both PHSX 215N-216N-217N-218N and 205N-206N-207N-208N.
1 Credits
Show Description PHSX 217N - Fund of Physics w/Calc II
Offered spring. Prereq., PHSX 215N, and prereq. or coreq. PHSX 218, and prereq. or coreq., M 172 or equivalent. This course satisfies the lecture portion of medical and technical school requirements in general physics. Heat, electricity, magnetism, and light. Credit not allowed for both PHSX 215N-216N-217N-218N and 205N-206N-207N-208N.
4 Credits
Show Description PHSX 218N - Physics Laboratory II w/Calc
Offered spring. Prereq., PHSX 215N, coreq., PHSX 217N. This course satisfies the laboratory portion of medical and technical school requirements in general physics. Heat, electricity, magnetism, and light. Credit not allowed for both PHSX 215N-216N-217N-218N and 205N-206N-207N-208N.
1 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C- 10 Total Credits Required

Public Speaking Requirement

Rule: Complete 1 of the following courses.

Show All Course Descriptions Course Credits
Show Description COMX 111A - Intro to Public Speaking
Offered every term. Preparation, presentation, and criticism of speeches. Emphasis on the development of public speaking techniques through constructive criticism. Credit not allowed for both COMM 111A and COM 160A.
3 Credits
Show Description COMX 242 - Argumentation
Offered autumn and spring on the Mountain campus, offered intermittently on the Missoula College campus. Development of argumentation skills and critical judgment in decision-making and debate. Includes criticism, construction, presentation, and refutation of spoken and written arguments.
3 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C- 3 Total Credits Required

Upper-Division Writing Requirement

Rule: Complete 1 of the following courses.

Note: Any other approved General Education upper-division writing course will also fulfill this requirement.

Show All Course Descriptions Course Credits
Show Description CSCI 315E - Computers, Ethics, and Society
Offered autumn. Prereq., WRIT 222 or university approved lower-division writing course and successful completion of the Upper-Division Writing Proficiency Assessment, or consent of instr.  Ethical problems that computer scientists face.  The codes of ethics of professional computing societies.  The social implications of computers, computing, and other digital technologies.
3 Credits
Show Description CSCI 499 - Senior Thesis/Capstone
(R-6) Offered every term.  Prereq., consent of thesis/project director and chair of the Computer Science Department.  Senior thesis for computer science majors and/or Watkins scholars.
1 To 6 Credits
Show Description M 429 - History of Mathematics
Offered spring. Prereq., M307. Historical study of the development of mathematics from the Egyptian and Babylonian eras to the 20th century.
3 Credits
Show Description M 499 - Senior Thesis
(R–12) Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., consent of instr. Senior thesis for mathematics majors and/or Watkins Scholars.
1 To 12 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C- 3 Total Credits Required

Suggested Curricula

Note: Students are encouraged to choose their Computer Science and Mathematical Sciences Electives according to one of the following curricula; these tracks are suggestions only and, as such, optional.

Applied Math–Scientific Programming: M 311, 412, 414, and one course chosen from M 381, 440, 472, 473 and STAT 341. Three courses chosen from CSCI 441, 444, 460, 477.

Combinatorics and Optimization–Artificial Intelligence: M 361, 362, and two courses chosen from M 325, 414, 485 and STAT 341; and CSCI 446, 447, and 460.

Statistics–Machine Learning: STAT 341, 421, and two courses chosen from M 325, 362, 485 and STAT 422. Three courses chosen from CSCI 340, 444, 446, 447, and 451.

Algebra–Analysis: M 381, 431, and two courses chosen from M 326, 432, 472, 473; CSCI 426, 460, and one other course.