Allied Health Respiratory Care (AHRC)
AHRC 101 - Communication Management. 1 Credit.
Offered autumn. Offered at Missoula College. Prereq., Acceptance into Respiratory Care Program. Study of respiratory care departmental organization and administration procedures, effective communication strategies, and legal and ethical issues for the Respiratory care professional.
AHRC 115 - Blood Gas Analysis. 2 Credits.
Offered autumn. Offered at Missoula College. Prereq., acceptance into the Respiratory Care program. Study of the indications, rational, methods, instrumentation, and analysis of Blood Gases. Emphasis will be placed on the physiology and clinical implications of acid-base abnormalities.
AHRC 129 - Patient Care & Assessment. 4 Credits.
Offered autumn. Offered at Missoula College. Prereq., BIOH 201N-202N. Introduction to nursing- related knowledge and skills with emphasis on application of microbiology to aseptic technique. Assessment of the respiratory system with cardiopulmonary diagnostic and laboratory tests interpretation. Observation and interpretation of overall patient condition is integrated throughout the course.
AHRC 130 - Respiratory Care Lab IB. 1 Credit.
Offered autumn. Offered at Missoula College. Prereq., acceptance into the Respiratory Care program. Basic clinical competencies taught in RES 129 are studied in a laboratory setting. Peer and instructor review of competencies included. Students focus on patient assessment skills and techniques/equipment.
AHRC 131 - Resp Care Fundamentals. 5 Credits.
Offered autumn. Offered at Missoula College. Prereq., acceptance into the Respiratory Care program. Orientation to basic respiratory care science including the application of principles of physics and chemistry. Emphasis on theory, operation and troubleshooting of equipment used at the entry level of practice. Microbiology in relation to equipment processing, pulmonary rehabilitation and home care included.
AHRC 133 - Resp Care Pharmacology. 3 Credits.
Offered spring. Offered at Missoula College. Prereq., acceptance into the Respiratory Care Program or consent of instr. Principles of basic chemistry introduced with an application to pharmacology as related to the pulmonary system. Cardiovascular and related pharmacology studied in preparation for ACLS and ventilator management.
AHRC 150 - Respiratory Care Lab I. 1 Credit.
Offered autumn. Offered at Missoula College. Prereq., acceptance into the Respiratory Care program. Basic clinical competencies taught in RES 131 are studied in a laboratory setting. Peer and instructor review of competencies included. Students earn their BLS certification.
AHRC 191 - Special Topics. 1-6 Credits.
Offered at Missoula College.
AHRC 231 - Resp Crit Care. 4 Credits.
Offered spring. Offered at Missoula College. Continuation of AHRC 131. Physiology, indication, contraindications, and application of mechanical ventilation. Emphasis on patient assessment, monitoring, stabilization and weaning during assisted pressure breathing. Analysis of the various modes of ventilation, including optimizing the patient-ventilator interface in the adult through various advanced airway techniques.
AHRC 232 - Resp Path & Disease. 3 Credits.
Offered spring. Offered at Missoula College. Special lectures in medicine and disease as related to the cardiopulmonary system. Emphasis on recognition of signs and symptoms of disease and implications for treatment through the study of selected case studies.
AHRC 235 - Cardiopulm Anat & Phys. 3 Credits.
Offered spring. Offered at Missoula College. Principles of physiologic chemistry are introduced and applied to the macro and micro anatomy of the cardiopulmonary system with a focus on structure and function. Application made to pathology and assessment of patients receiving mechanical ventilation.
AHRC 243 - Perinat & Pediat Res Care. 3 Credits.
Offered autumn. Offered at Missoula College. Study of perinatal and pediatric respiratory care with emphasis on assessment, resuscitation and mechanical ventilation of the neonate and pediatric patient. The theory of Neonatal Resuscitations (NRP) will be presented. Neonatal and pediatric diseases will be studied.
AHRC 250 - Respiratory Care Lab II. 2 Credits.
Offered spring. Offered at Missoula College. A continuation of RES 150 with emphasis on adult critical care. Clinical competencies taught in RES 231 and RES 235 are studied in a laboratory setting. Peer and instructor review of competencies included.
AHRC 252 - Respiratory Care Review. 2 Credits.
Offered autumn. Offered at Missoula College. A review of respiratory care in preparation for credentialing exams. Students must take an Entry Level Self-Assessment Exam, a Written Registry Self- Assessment Exam, and a Clinical Simulation Self-Assessment Exam.
AHRC 255 - Clinical Experience I. 5 Credits.
Offered spring. Offered at Missoula College. Emphasis on the student directly performing basic clinical skills in a patient care setting to include hospitals, home care, and pulmonary function laboratories. Students also participate in physician rounds.
AHRC 260 - Resp Care Lab III. 1 Credit.
Offered summer. Offered at Missoula College. Students study principles and theory of advanced life support. Peer and instructor review are included. Students will be Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) and Pediatric Advance Life Support (PALS) certified at the end of this class.
AHRC 265 - Clinical Experience II. 5 Credits.
Offered summer. Offered at Missoula College. Continuation of clinical skills learned in RES 255. Introduction to adult critical care along with sleep and cardiac diagnostics. Students also participate in physician rounds.
AHRC 270 - Resp Care Lab IV. 1 Credit.
Offered autumn. Offered at Missoula College. Emphasis on neonatal and pediatric critical care. Clinical competencies introduced in RES 241 are studied. Peer and instructor review of competencies are included.
AHRC 275 - Clinical Exp III. 6 Credits.
Offered autumn. Offered at Missoula College. Continuation of RES 265 with critical care of the adult. Neonatal and pediatric critical care experiences are emphasized. Students also participate in physician rounds.
AHRC 291 - Special Topics. 1-8 Credits.
(R-6) Offered intermittently. Offered at Missoula College. Experimental offerings of visiting professors, experimental offerings of new courses, or one-time offerings of current topics.
AHRC 292 - Independent Study. 1-6 Credits.
Offered at Missoula College. Course material appropriate to the needs and objectives of the individual student.