Biomedical /Pharmaceutical Sci (BMED)
BMED 545 - Research Lab Rotations PharmSci. 2-3 Credits.
(R-6) Offered autumn and spring. Experience in research methods in departmental research laboratories. Level: Graduate
BMED 581 - Research Seminar PharmSci. 1 Credit.
(R-9) Offered autumn and spring. Oral and written presentations of experimental research results and selected literature topics in biomedical science. Level: Graduate
BMED 582 - Research Seminar Neurosci.. 1 Credit.
(R-9) Offered autumn and spring. Oral and written presentations of experimental research results and selected literature topics in neuroscience. Level: Graduate
BMED 583 - Research Seminar Toxicol. 1 Credit.
(R-9) Offered autumn and spring. Oral and written presentations of experimental research results and selected literature topics in toxicology. Level: Graduate
BMED 593 - Current Research Literature. 1 Credit.
(R-6) Offered autumn and spring. Readings and discussion of current research literature. Level: Graduate
BMED 594 - Seminar. 1 Credit.
(R 6) Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., senior or graduate standing. Level: Graduate
BMED 595 - Special Topics. 1-9 Credits.
(R 9) Offered intermittently. Prereq., senior or graduate standing. Experimental offerings of visiting professors, experimental offerings of new courses, or one time offerings of current topics. Level: Graduate
BMED 596 - Independent Study. 1-9 Credits.
(R 9) Offered every term. Level: Graduate
BMED 597 - Research (MS). 1-9 Credits.
(R 10) Offered every term. Level: Graduate
BMED 599 - Thesis (MS). 1-9 Credits.
(R 10) Offered every term. Level: Graduate
BMED 605 - Biomedical Research Ethics. 1 Credit.
Offered spring. Overview of biomedical research ethics and regulations. Topics include ethics and morality in science, scientific integrity, conflicts of interest, human and animal experimentation, intellectual property, plagiarism. Level: Graduate
BMED 609 - Biomedical Statistics. 3 Credits.
Offered autumn. Experimental design and statistical analysis relevant to the biomedical sciences. Level: Graduate
BMED 610 - Neuropharmacology. 3 Credits.
Offered alternate years. Prereq., BMED 613 or 661 or consent of instr. Focus on current areas of research and research technologies in neuropharmacology. Development of presentations and research grant proposals. Level: Graduate
BMED 613 - Pharmacology I. 4 Credits.
Offered autumn. Prereq., BIOC 380 or equiv. Fundamentals of pharmacology and drug action. Level: Graduate
BMED 614 - Pharmacology II. 4 Credits.
Offered spring. Prereq., BMED 613. Fundamentals of pharmacology and drug action. Continuation of BMED 613. Level: Graduate