Reports, Reviews & Responses

Reports, Reviews & Responses


Below are links to the reports units submitted in October 2017 as well as the reviewer comments, scores, and APASP Task Force votes on each unit report. Units of analysis are organized by number. To find the number for the unit of analysis you are looking for, please visit our Units of Analysis webpage.
Responses from deans, sector heads, and report authors are posted below as well.

Reports (Phases 1 and 2)

To find a report for a specific unit of analysis:

  1. Find the number of the unit you are looking for on the Units of Analysis webpage and note the number that relates to the program or service in the left hand column of the table.
  2. Click on "Academic Program Reports" or "Administrative Service Reports" below.
  3. Find the folder in which the report number you noted would be found. For example, if you are looking for the report for academic program #25, you will find it in the folder AP_Reports_021-30.

Review Information (Phases 1 and 2)

To find the reviewer comments, scores, and APASP Task Force votes for a specific unit of analysis:

  1. Find the number of the unit you are looking for on the Units of Analysis webpage and note the number that relates to the program or service in the left hand column of the table.
  2. For units reviewed in Phase 1:
    1. Click on "Academic Program Reviewer Comments, Scores, and Votes" or "Administrative Service Reviewer Comments, Scores, and Votes" below.
    2. The documents are organized by school/college for academic programs, and by sector for administrative services.
  3. For units reviewed in Phase 2:
    1. Click on "Phase 2 Reviewer Comments, Scores, and Votes" below.
    2. The documents are organized by sector.
  4. To quickly find the document for your unit of analysis, use the Control+F function to "find" the number of the unit you are looking for.

Responses (Phases 1 and 2)

The APASP Task Force solicited responses from deans, sector heads, and report authors on the placement of units in the various prioritization categories. Links to dean and sector head responses and author responses for Phase 1 units, and sector head and author responses for Phase 2 units, are provided below.