April 17, 2017

Dear members of the UM community,

As Chair of the Academic Program & Administrative Services Prioritization (APASP) Task Force, I would like to give you an update on our work. The Task Force has met twice in the past ten days. We are getting acquainted both with one another as well as with the daunting task before us: conducting a meaningful and thorough prioritization process that will have long-lasting and beneficial effects for the University of Montana.

I am keenly aware that the success of the Task Force’s work hinges on communicating with the campus community about what we are doing at every step in the process, in addition to gathering and responding to stakeholder input in a purposeful manner. I have asked the Task Force members to immediately start on various tasks through sub-committee assignments, so we can engage the campus community well before Commencement. In our first request for feedback, we will be sharing information about, and seeking input from the campus community on the following:

  • the processes the Task Force will use for prioritization,
  • the metrics and other components to be used,
  • the timeline by which actions must be accomplished, and
  • other aspects of the Task Force’s work.

Those of you who have worked with me since I arrived on campus last June know that I strive to be transparent about every project I undertake. As chair of the APASP Task Force, I will provide you with frequent updates on our progress. Given that much of our work will take place over the summer months, I invite you to visit the APASP website frequently to stay abreast of developments and remain engaged with the process. I encourage you to read some of the documents posted on the APASP website to better understand the process and how it will unfold. These include:

  • A PowerPoint presentation developed as an orientation for members of the Task Force
  • A list of current sub-committees, their task assignments and membership
  • A list of Task Force members, including additional members who will work as advisors and in an ex officio capacity to the Task Force.

Many of you will be involved in prioritization in one way or another, and your engagement is important to the success of this initiative. I am confident that together, we will create a process and outcomes that are valuable to UM and its future.

Beverly Edmond, Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs