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Department of Physics and Astronomy

Andrew S. Ware, Chair

Physics is considered to be the most fundamental of all the disciplines in the natural sciences. In physics we try to describe and understand a myriad of physical phenomena ranging from subatomic to cosmological scales by quantifying the relationships among different physical quantities. Not only does physics have its own merit as a challenging but exciting scientific endeavor, it provides the basis for understanding underlying processes in astronomy, biology, chemistry, geology, computer science, engineering, and even in behavioral sciences. Applications of physics are virtually unlimited: computers, communications, energy production, medical technology, and space flight, to name just a few. The Department of Physics and Astronomy offers a range of physics courses from introductory to advanced undergraduate level in both experimental and theoretical physics with computational methods in mind. In addition, we offer introductory to advanced astronomy and astrophysics courses in which astronomical applications of physics are emphasized. These courses deal with the Universe, from the solar system to clusters of galaxies, both theoretically and observationally. The Department of Physics and Astronomy offers the Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in physics. Graduates with this degree are prepared for further study in physics or related fields at the masters or Ph.D. level, as well as a wide variety of technical positions in industry. In addition, the department offers two other degree paths that combine a solid background in the study of physics with in-depth study in other fields. These options allow for specialization in related fields and provide appropriate background for certain employment opportunities and for continued graduate or professional study:

Astronomy: The astronomy option provides a thorough study of astronomy and astrophysics as well as a solid background in physics and mathematics. Graduates from this program have gone on to graduate programs in astronomy and astrophysics while others have found career opportunities at national astronomical observatories.

Computational Physics: The computational physics option provides a thorough study of computer science and computational physics as well as a solid background in physics and mathematics. Graduates from this program have gone on to graduate programs in physics and computer science while others have found career opportunities in technical fields.

Special Degree Requirements

Refer to graduation requirements listed previously in the
catalog. See index.

All majors must meet the Upper-division Writing Expectation
by successfully completing PHSX 330 (PHYS 330) or another upper division
writing course from the approved list.

Bachelor of Arts with a major in Physics

Forty-three credits in physics must be earned for the Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in physics. Required courses in physics are: PHSX 215-216N-217N-218N (PHYS 211N-212N-213N-214N) or PHSX 205N-206N-207N-208N (PHYS 111N-113N-112N-114N), PHSX 215-216N-217N-218N (PHYS 211N-212N-213N-214N) strongly recommended, PHSX 301, 311, 322, 327, 343, 320, 423 (PHYS 301, 311, 321, 325, 341, 375, 414), PHSX 425 (PHYS 415) strongly recommended), PHSX 444, 461, and 499 (PHYS 444, 461, 480). M 171, 172, 273, 311 (M ATH 152, 153, 251, 311) also must be taken.

Physics majors must satisfy successfully the general education requirements.  An additional requirement is in the completion of at least one computer science language course: PSHX 333 (PHYS 331) (strongly recommended), or CSCI 100 or 135 (CS 101, 131).  Recommended courses in other departments include M 317, 412, 418 (MATH 317, 412, 418).

Bachelor of Arts with a major in Physics: Astronomy Option

During their first two years, students in the astronomy option should take ASTR 142N (or 132N and 135N), PHSX 215N-216N-217N-218N (PHYS 211N-212N-213N-214N), or 205N-206N-207N-208N (PHYS 111N-113N-112N-114N), PHSX 343 (PHYS 341), and M 171, 172, 273 (MATH 152, 153, and 251), M 151 (MATH 121), if necessary).  Forty-seven credits in astronomy and physics courses are required for the B.A. degree in physics with astronomy option. Required courses in physics are: PHSX 215N-216N-217N-218N, 301, 311, 343, 461, 499 (PHYS 211N-212N or 213N-214N, 301, 311, 341, 461, 480) plus at least three courses from the following: PHSX 327, 320, 423, 425, 446 and 462 (PHYS 325, 375, 414, 415, 446, and 462). Required astronomy courses are: 142N (or 132N and 135N), 353, 363, and 365 (351 and 362 recommended). At least one lab course must be taken from ASTR 362, PHSX 322 or 444 (PHYS 321 or  444).  M 171, 172, 273, and 311 (MATH 152, 153, 231, 311) also must be taken. Physics with Astronomy option majors must satisfy successfully the general education requirements.  An additional requirement is in the completion of at least one computer science language course: PSHX 333 (PHYS 331) (strongly recommended), or CSCI 100 or 135 (CS 101, 131). 

Bachelor of Arts with a major in Physics: Computational Physics Option:

The purpose of the computational physics option is to provide a thorough background in both physics and computer science and to inculcate a deeper understanding of their goals and methods. A student earns the computational physics option by completing at least 50 credits in the two disciplines, 30 of these credits in physics courses and 20 of these in computer science courses. The following courses are required: Physics 215N-216N-217N-218N (PHYS 211N-212N-213N-214N), or 205N-206N-207N-208N (PHYS 111N-113N-112N-114N), PHSX 301, 311, 333,343,320,423, and 499 (PHYS 301, 311, 331, 341, 375, 414, and 480) (PHSX 322, 444 and 423 (PHYS 321, 444, and 415) are highly recommended); Computer Science 135-136, 232, 332 (CS 131-132, 241, 332), and seven credits of computer science electives selected from courses numbered 200 and above CSCI 205, 361, 415, and 477 (CS 242, 281, 315E and 477) recommended); M 171, 172, 273, 311 and 325 (MATH 152, 153, 251,311, 325) M 307, STAT 458 and STAT 341 (Math 305, 448 and 341) recommended). Physics with Computational Physics option majors must satisfy successfully the general education requirements.   

Teacher Preparation in Physics

Major Teaching Field of Physics: For an endorsement in the major teaching field of Physics, a student must complete the following course requirements: 35 credits in Physics including Physics 205N-206N-207N-208N or 215N-216N-217N-218N (PHYS 111N-113N-112N-114N or 211N-214N) and PHSX 301, 327, 330, 343, 320, 423, 461, and 499 (301, 325, 330, 341, 375, 414, 461, and 480). Also required are Astronomy 131N-132N; M 171, 172, 273, 311, STAT  216 or 341 (MATH 152, 153, 251, 311, 241 or 341); Computer Science 100 or 135 (CS 101 or 131); EDU 497 (C&I 426); CHMY 121N and 485 (CHEM 151N and 485); BIOB 170N or 160N (BIOL 108N or 110N) or BIOO 105N (BIOL120N) or BIOE 172N (BIOL 221N); GEO 101N-102N (GEOS 100N-101N); and ENSC 105 N (EVST 101N) or Science 350 or GEO 105 (GEOS 105) Or GEO 108 (GEOS 108). Students also must gain admission to Teacher Education Program and meet the requirements for teaching licensure (see the College of Education section of this catalog).

Minor Teaching Field of Physics: For an endorsement in the minor teaching field of Physics, a student must complete Physics 205N-206N-207N-208N or 215N-216N-217N-218N (111N-113N-112N-114N or 211N-212N-213N-214N), PHSX 327, 330, 343 and 320 (PHYS 325, 330, 341 and 375). Also required are Astronomy 131N or 132N; BIOB 170N or 160N (BIOL 108N or 110N) or BIOO 105N (BIOL120N) or BIOE 172N (BIOL 121N); CHMY 121N, 485 (CHEM 151N, 485); M 171, 172, 273, 311, STAT  216 or 341  (MATH 152, 153, 251, 311, 241 or 341); CSCI 100 135, (CS 101, 131); and EDU 497 (C&I 426). Students also must gain admission to Teacher Education Program and meet the requirements for teaching licensure (see the College of Education section of this catalog).

Suggested Course of Study

Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Physics

For physics majors with four years of college preparatory mathematics or exemption from M 151 (MATH 121) by examination:

First Year A S
PHSX 101 Freshman Physics Experience  1 -
*WRIT 101 (ENEX 101) College Writing I 3 -
M 171-172 (MATH 152-153) Calculus I, II 4 4
PHSX 215N-216N, 217N-218N (PHYS 211N-212N, 213N-214N) Fundamentals of Physics 5 5
Electives and General Education 2 6
 Total 15 15
*Semester of enrollment depends on beginning letter of student's last name.
Second Year A S
M 273 (MATH 251) Multivariable Calculus 4 -
PHSX 301 (PHYS 301)Introduction to Theoretical Physics - 3
PHSX 311 (PHYS 311) Oscillations and Waves 2 -
PHSX 327 (PHYS 325) Optics - 3
PHSX 343 (PHYS 341) Modern Physics 3 -
Foreign Language* 5
Electives and General Education 1 4
 Total 15 15
*Can be waived with appropriate testing through MCLL.
Third Year A S
M 311, 412 (MATH 311, 412) Ordinary Differential Equations/Systems, Partial Differential Equations  3 3
PHSX 322 (PHYS 321) Electronics for Scientists 3 -
PHSX 330 (PHYS 330) Communicating Physics - 3
PHSX 320 (PHYS 375) Classical Mechanics - 3
PHSX 423-425 (PHYS 414-415) Electromagnetism 3 3
PHSX 446 (PHYS 446) Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics * 3 -
Electives and General Education 3 3
* PHSX 446 (PHYS 446) and PHSX 330 (PHYS 330) are offered every other year and may be taken in the third or fourth year.
 Total 15 15
Fourth Year A S
PHSX 333 (PHYS 331) Computational Physics* 3 -
PHSX 444 (PHYS 444) Advanced Physics Laboratory - 3
PHSX 461-462 (PHYS 461-462) Quantum Mechanics I & II 3 3
PHSX 491 (PHYS 463) Selected Topics or PHSX 462 (PHYS 462) Quantum Mechanics II - 3
PHSX 499 (PHYS 480) Senior Capstone Seminar 1 -
Electives and General Education 8 9
* PHSX 446 (PHYS 446) and PHSX 333 (PHYS 330) are offered every other year and may be taken in the third or fourth year.
 Total 15 15

Physics majors with fewer than four years of college preparatory mathematics (students who begin M 171 (MATH 152) in the second semester) can use this suggested course of study for physics courses:

First Year A S
PHSX 101 Freshman Physics Experience
1 -
PHSX 141N (PHYS 141N) Relativity: From Galileo to Einstein and Beyond - 3
CSCI 100 (CS 101) or CSCI 135 (CS 131) Fundamentals of Computer Science - 3
*WRIT 101 (ENEX 101) College Writing I 3 -
M 151 (MATH 121) Precalculus 4 -
M 171 (MATH 152) Calculus I - 4
Foreign language+ 5 5
Electives and General Education 2 -
 Total 15 15
* Semester of enrollment depends on beginning letter of students last name.
+Can be waived with appropriate testing through MCLL.
Second Year A S
M 172 (MATH 153) Calculus II 4 -
M 273 (MATH 251) Calculus III - 4
PHSX 215N-216N, 217N-218N  (PHYS 211N-212N, 213N-214N) Fundamentals of Physics 5 5
Electives and General Education 6 6
 Total 15 15
Third Year A S
M 311, 412 (MATH 311, 412) Ordinary Differential Equations/Systems, Partial Differential Equations  3 3
PHSX 311 (PHYS 311) Oscillations and Waves 2 -
PHSX 322 (PHYS 321) Electronics for Scientists 3 -
PHSX 327 (PHYS 325) Optics - 3
PHSX 330 (PHYS 330) Communicating Physics - 3
PHSX 343 (PHYS 341) Modern Physics 3 -
PHSX 301 (PHYS 301) Mathematical Methods for Physical Scientists - 3
Electives and General Education 3 -
* PHSX 330 (PHYS 330) is offered every other year and may be taken in the third or fourth year. 4 3
 Total 15 15
Fourth Year A S
PHSX 320 (PHYS 375) Classical Mechanics - 3
PHSX 423-425 (PHYS 414-415) Electromagnetism 3 3
PHSX 444 (PHYS 444) Advanced Physics Laboratory - 3
PHSX 446 (PHYS 446) Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics * 3 -
PHSX 461-462 (PHYS 461-462) Quantum Mechanics I, II 3 3
PHSX 499 (PHYS 480) Senior Capstone Seminar 1 -
Electives and General Education 5 3
Total 15 16
 * PHSX 446 (PHYS 446) is offered every other year and may be taken in the third or fourth year.

Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Physics and an Option in Astronomy

For physics with astronomy option majors with four years of college preparatory mathematics or exemption from M 151 (MATH 121) by examination:

First Year A S
ASTR 142N The Evolving Universe - 4
PHSX 101 Freshman Physics Experience 1 -
PHSX 215N-216N, 217N-218N (PHYS 211N-212N, 213N-214N) Fundamentals of Physics 5 5
WRIT 101 (ENEX 101) Composition* 3 -
M 171-172 (MATH 152-153) Calculus I, II 4 4
Electives and General Education 2 2
 Total 15 15
* WRIT 101 (ENEX 101) is required unless exempted by testing. Semester of enrollment depends on beginning letter of student's last name.
Second Year A S
PHSX 311 (PHYS 311) Oscillations and Waves 2 -
PHSX 343 (PHYS 341) Modern Physics 3 -
PHSX 301 (PHYS 301) Introduction to Theoretical Physics - 3
PHSX 327 (PHSX 325) Optics - 3
M 273 (MATH 251) Multivariable Calculus 4 -
Foreign language+ 5 5
General Education 7 5
 Total 15 15
*+Can be waived with appropriate testing through MCLL.
Third Year A S
ASTR 362 Observational Astronomy* 3 -
ASTR 363-365 Stellar Astronomy and Astrophysics* 3 3
M 311, 412 (MATH 311, 412) Ordinary Differential Equations/Systems, Partial Differential Equations 3 3
PHSX 330 (PHYS 330) Communicating Physics* - 3
Physics electives, chosen from PHSX 320 (PHYS 375), PHSX 327 (PHYS 320), PHSX 423-425 (PHYS 414-415), or PHSX 446 (PHYS 446) 3 3
General Education or electives 3 3
 Total 15 15
Fourth Year A S
ASTR 351 Planetary Science* 3 -
ASTR 353 Galactic Astrophysics and Cosmology* - 3
PHSX 333 (PHYS 331) Computational Physics+ 3 -
PHSX 461 (PHYS 461) Quantum Mechanics I 3 -
Physics electives, chosen from PHSX 320 (PHYS 375), PHSX 327 (PHYS 320), PHSX 423-425 (PHYS 414-415), PHSX 446 (PHYS 446)  
- 3
PHSX 499 (PHYS 480) Senior Capstone Seminar 1 -
General Education or electives 8 9
 Total 15 15
*Upper-division astronomy courses can be taken in a different order, as they are offered only in alternate years.
+PHSX 333 (PHYS 330) is offered every other year and may be taken in the third or fourth year.

Physics with astronomy option majors with fewer than four years of college preparatory mathematics (students who begin M 171 (MATH 152) in the second semester) can use this suggested course of study for physics courses:

First Year A S
ASTR 142N The Evolving Universe - 4
PHSX 101 Freshman Physics Experience 1 -
CSCI 100 or 135 (CS 101or 131) Intro to Programming or Fundamentals of Computer Science I 3 -
WRIT 101 (ENEX 101) Composition* 3 -
M 151 (MATH 121) Precalculus 4 -
M 171 (MATH 152) Calculus I - 4
Electives and General Education 2 2
 Total 15 15
* WRIT 101 (ENEX 101) is required unless exempted by testing. Semester of enrollment depends on beginning letter of student's last name.
Second Year A S
M 172, 273 (MATH 153, 251) Calculus II, Multivariable Calculus 4 4
PHSX 215N-216N, 217N-218N (PHYS 211N-212N, 213N-214N) Fundamentals of Physics with Calculus 5 5
Foreign language+ 5 5
Electives and General Education 1 1
 Total 15 15
+Can be waived with appropriate testing through MCLL.
Third Year A S
ASTR 351 Planetary Science or * 3 -
ASTR 353 Galactic Astrophysics and Cosmology* - 3
ASTR 362 Observational Astronomy* 3 -
M 311 (MATH 311) Ordinary Differential Equations/ Systems 3 -
PHSX 301 (PHYS 301) Introduction to Theoretical Physics - 3
PHSX 327 (PHYS 325) Optics - 3
PHSX 311 (PHYS 311) Oscillations and Waves 2 -
PHSX 330 (PHYS 330) Communicating Physics* - 3
PHSX 343 (PHYS 341) Modern Physics 3 -
Electives and General Education 1 3
 Total 15 15
Fourth Year A S
ASTR 363-365 Stellar Astronomy and Astrophysics* 3 3
PHSX 461 (PHYS 461) Quantum Mechanics I  3 -
Physics electives, chosen from PHSX 320 (PHYS 375), PHSX 327 (PHYS 320), PHSX 423-425 (PHYS 414-415), PHSX 446 (PHYS 446) and PHSX 462 (PHYS 461)  3 3
PHSX 499 (PHYS 480) Senior Capstone Seminar 1 -
General Education or electives 5 9
 Total 15 15
*Upper-division astronomy courses can be taken in a different order, as they are offered only in alternate years.

Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Physics with an Option in Computational Physics

For physics with computational physics option majors with four years of college preparatory mathematics or exemption from M 151 (MATH 121) by examination:

First Year A S
CSCI 135-136 (CS 131-132) Fundamentals of Computer Science I, II 3 3
WRIT 101 (ENEX 101) College Writing I* - 3
M 171, 172 (MATH 152-153) Calculus I, II 4 4
PHSX 101 Freshman Physics Experience 1 -
PHSX 215N-216N, 217N-218N (PHYS 211N-212N, 213N-214N) Fundamentals of Physics with Calculus* 5 5
Electives and General Education 2 -
 Total 15 15
* Semester of enrollment depends on beginning letter of student's last name.
Second Year A S
CSCI 232 (CS 241) Data Structure and Algorithms 4 -
M 225 (MATH 225) Introduction to Discrete Math 3 -
M 273 (MATH 251) Multivariable Calculus - 4
PHSX 301 (PHYS 301) Introduction to Theoretical Physics - 3
PHSX 343 (PHYS 341) Fundamentals of Modern Physics 3 -
Foreign language+  5 5
Electives and General Education - 3
 Total 15 15
+Can be waived with appropriate testing through MCLL.
Third Year A S
CSCI 205 (CS 242) Programming Languages w/C/C++ - 4
CSCI 361 (CS 281) Computer Architecture 3 -
M 311 (MATH 311) Ordinary Differential Equations/Systems 3 -
M 325 (MATH 325) Discrete Mathematics - 3
PHSX 311 (PHYS 311) Oscillations and Waves 2 -
PHSX 322 (PHYS 321) Electronics for Scientists 3 -
PHSX 333 (PHYS 331) Computational Physics # 3 -
PHSX 320 (PHYS 375) Classical Mechanics - 3
PHSX 330 (PHYS 330) Methods of Communicating Physics# - 3
Electives and General Education 3 2
 Total 15 15
# PHSX 333 (PHYS 331) and PHSX 330 (PHYS 330) are offered every other year and may be taken in the third or fourth year.
Fourth Year A S
CSCI 332 (CS 332) Design/Analysis of Algorithms 3 -
CSCI 415 (CS 415E) Computers, Ethics, and Society* - 3
PHSX 423-425 (PHYS 414-415) Electricity & Magnetism I, II * 3 3
PHSX 499 (PHYS 480) Senior Capstone Seminar 1 -
Electives and General Education 8 9
 Total 15 15
* CSCI and PHSX courses marked with * are recommended. Other courses in physics and computer science can be substituted for them.

Physics with computational physics option majors with fewer than four years of college preparatory mathematics (students who begin M 171 (MATH 152) in the second semester) can use this suggested course of study for physics courses:

First Year A S
CSCI 135-136 (CS 131-132) Fundamentals of Computer Science I, II 3 3
WRIT 101 (ENEX 101) College Writing I* - 3
M 151 (MATH 121) Precalculus  4 -
M 171 (MATH 152) Calculus I - 4
PHSX 101 Freshman Physics Experience 1 -
Foreign Language+ 5 5
Electives and General Education 2 -
 Total 15 15
* Semester of enrollment depends on beginning letter of student's last name.
+ Can be waived with appropriate testing through MCLL.
Second Year A S
CSCI 232 (CS 241) Data Structure and Algorithms 4 -
CSCI 205 (CS 242) Programming Languages w/C/C++ - 4
M 225 (MATH 225) Introduction to Discrete Math 3 -
M 172 (MATH 153) Calculus II 4 -
M 273 (MATH 251) Multivariable Calculus - 4
PHSX 215N-216N, 217N-218N (PHYS 211N-212N, 213N-214N) Fundamentals of Physics with Calculus*
5 5
Electives and General Education - 2
 Total 16 15
Third Year A S
CSCI 332 (CS 332) Design/Analysis of Algorithms 3 -
M 311 (MATH 311) Ordinary Differential Equations/Systems 3 -
M 325 (MATH 325) Discrete Mathematics - 3
PHSX 311 (PHYS 311) Oscillations and Waves 2 -
PHSX 343 (PHYS 341) Fundamentals of Modern Physics
3 -
PHSX 333 (PHYS 331) Computational Physics # 3 -
PHSX 301 (PHYS 301) Introduction to Theoretical Physics
- 3
PHSX 330 (PHYS 330) Methods of Communicating Physics# - 3
Electives and General Education 1 6
 Total 15 15
# PHSX 333 (PHYS 331) and PHSX 330 (PHYS 330) are offered every other year and may be taken in the third or fourth year.
Fourth Year A S
CSCI 415 (CS 415E) Computers, Ethics, and Society*
- 3
PHSX 322 (PHYS 321) Electronics for Scientists
3 -
PHSX 320 (PHYS 375) Classical Mechanics
- 3
PHSX 423-425 (PHYS 414-415) Electricity & Magnetism I, II*
3 3
PHSX 499 (PHYS 480) Senior Capstone Seminar 1 -
Electives and General Education 8 6
 Total 15 15
* CSCI and PHSX courses marked with * are recommended. Other courses in physics and computer science can be substituted for them.

Requirements for a Minor in Astronomy

To earn a minor in astronomy the student must complete PHSX 205N-206N-207N-208N or 215N-216N-217N-218N (PHYS 111N-113N-112N-114N or 211N-212N-213N-214N); ASTR 131N- 132N (ASTR 134N-135N strongly recommended); and eight credits from ASTR 351, 353, 362, or 363-364. (Mathematics prerequisites for the astronomy minor are M171, 172, and 273 (MATH 152, 153, and 251)).

Requirements for a Minor in Physics

1)  To earn a minor in physics the student must complete PHSX 215N-216N-217N-218N (PHYS 211N-212N-213N-214N) (or PHSX 205N-206N-207N-208N (PHYS 111N-112N-113N-114N)); PHSX 301 (PHYS 301);

2)   Eleven additional physics credits, at least eight of which must be upper division. (Mathematics prerequisites for the physics minor are M 171, 172, 273, and 311 (MATH 152, 153, 251, and 311).  Possible concentrations for the eleven additional physics credits include:

Classical Physics:

  • PHSX 311 (PHYS 311)       Oscillations and Waves  2 cr
  • PHSX 327 (PHYS 325)       Optics  3 cr
  • PHSX 320 (PHYS 375)       Classical Mechanics  3 cr
  • PHSX 423 (PHYS 414)       Electricity and Magnetism I  3 cr

Quantum Physics

  • PHSX 311 (PHYS 311)        Oscillations and Waves  2 cr
  • PHSX 343 (PHYS 341)         Fundamentals of Modern Physics  3 cr
  • PHSX 461 (PHYS 461)         Quantum Mechanics I  3 cr
  • PHSX 462 (PHYS 462)         Quantum Mechanics II  3 cr

Experimental Physics

  • PHSX 322 (PHYS 321)         Electronics  for Scientists 3 cr
  • PHSX 327 (PHYS 325)         Optics  3 cr
  • PHSX 343 (PHYS 341)         Modern Physics  3 cr
  • PHSX 444 (PHYS 444)         Advanced Physics Lab  3 cr

Electrical and Computational Physics

  • PHSX 322 (PHYS 321)         Electronics for Scientists 3 cr
  • PHSX 330 (PHYS 330)         Communicating Physics  3 cr
  • PHSX 333 (PHYS 331)         Computational Physics  3 cr
  • PHSX 423 (PHYS 414)         Electricity and Magnetism I  3 cr

Engineering Physics

  • PHSX 291 (PHYS 295)         Engineering Mechanics - Statics 3 cr
  • PHSX 311 (PHYS 311)         Oscillations and Waves 2 cr
  • PHSX 322 (PHYS 321)         Electronics  for Scientists 3 cr
  • PHSX 446 (PHYS 446)         Thermodynamics & Stat. Mechanics 3 cr

These concentrations are meant to be suggestive only.  All meet the Minor in Physics requirements of eleven additional credits with at least eight of these being upper-division.  For additional possibilities, a student can consult with a physics advisor.


R- before the course description indicates the course may be repeated for credit to the maximum indicated after the R. Credits beyond this maximum do not count toward a degree.

Astronomy (ASTR) - Course Descriptions

131N, 132N, 134N, 135N, 142N, 191, 198, 351, 353, 362, 363, 365, 391, 392, 398, 492, 494, 499

Physics (PHSX) - Course Descriptions

101, 121N, 122N, 123N, 124N, 141N, 191, 192, 198, 205N, 206N, 207N, 208N, 215N, 216N, 217N, 218N, 251, 291, 292, 301, 311, 320, 322, 327, 330, 333, 343, 391, 392, 423, 425, 444,  446, 461, 462, 491, 492, 499,595, 597, 598, 599



Eijiro Uchimoto, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, 1988

Andrew S. Ware, Ph.D., University of California, San Diego, 1992 (Chair)

Associate Professors

Daniel B. Reisenfeld, Ph.D., Harvard University, 1998

Michael L. Schneider, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, 2003

Assistant Professor

Nate McCrady, Ph.D., University of California - Berkeley, 2005

Adjunct Associate Professors

David E. Andrews, Ph.D., Cornell University 1972

Bradford L. Halfpap, Ph.D., Arizona State University, 1987

Adjunct Assistant Professors

Alexander P. Bulmahn, Ph.D., University of Iowa, 2010

Benjamin N. Grossman, Ph.D., Oklahoma State University, 2010

Lecturer/Research Assistant Professor

Diane S. Friend, M.S., The University of Montana, 2000

Research Assistant Professor

Paul H. Janzen, Ph.D., Harvard University, 2002

Emeritus Professors

Richard J. Hayden, Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1948

James P. Jacobs, Ph.D., University of Washington, 1991

Mark J. Jakobson, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 1951

Randolph H. Jeppesen, Ph.D., New Mexico State University, 1980

Registrar's Office

Lommasson Center 201

Phone: (406) 243-2995

Fax: (406) 243-4807