Communicative Sciences and Disorders B.A.

Bachelor of Arts - Commun Sci & Disorders

College of ED & Human Sciences

Catalog Year: 2016-2017

Degree Specific Credits: 67

Required Cumulative GPA: 2.0

Lower Core Courses

Rule: All courses listed are required

Show All Course Descriptions Course Credits
Show Description CSD 110 - The Field of CSD
Offered autumn. Introduction to the scientific study of human communi­cation and its disorders and to the professions of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology.  Overview of biological systems of speech, language, and hearing and the nature and treatment of communication disorders.
3 Credits
Show Description CSD 210 - Speech & Lang Devel
Offered autumn. Sophomore standing or greater. Topics include typical speech and language development, phonology, semantic, morphological, syntax, and pragmatics, along with individual differences, second language acquisition and literacy.
3 Credits
Show Description CSD 221N - Fundamentals of Acoustics
Offered spring. Provides students with a basic and working knowledge of acoustics and the physics of sound.  Provides the basis for measurement and description of speech stimuli.  Direct application to Speech Hearing and Language intervention as well as application into communicative sciences.
3 Credits
Show Description CSD 222 - Intro to Audiology
Offered autumn. Introduction to prin­ciples of acoustics as a basis for understanding hearing assess­ment.  Development of ability to interpret audiograms as well as the results from a hearing evaluation.  Includes pure tone and speech audiometry, acoustic immittance and reflex test­ing.  Hearing screening procedures are also included.
3 Credits
Show Description LING 270S - Intro to Ling
Offered autumn and spring.  An introduction to the field of modern linguistics and to the nature of language. Emphasis on the ways different cultures develop symbol systems for representing meaning.
3 Credits
Show Description PSYX 100S - Intro to Psychology
Offered every term. Introduction to the scientific study of behavior in humans and other animals. Credit not allowed for both PSY 100S and PSYC 100S.
4 Credits
Show Description PSYX 120 - Research Methods I
Offered every term. Prereq., PSYX 100S. Experimental and other quantitative methods employed in the scientific study of behavior.
3 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C- 22 Total Credits Required

Upper Core Courses

Rule: All courses listed are required

Show All Course Descriptions Course Credits
Show Description BIOH 330 - Anat & Phys Speech Mech
Offered autumn. Introduction to anat­omy and physiology of the speech and hearing mechanisms including the anatomical orientation and embryological devel­opment, the breathing mechanism, structures of phonation, articulators, audition and the nervous system.
3 Credits
Show Description CSD 320 - Phono Devel & Phonetics
Offered autumn. Junior standing or higher. Exploration of the sounds and sound structure of American English and some of its dialects. Introduction to the theory and practice of phonetic and phonological analysis and trained in the transcription of speech into the International Phonetic Alphabet. 
3 Credits
Show Description CSD 345 - Dev. Speech & Lng Dis
Offered spring. Prereq., CSD 210, CSD 320. Nature of developmental speech and language disorders and basic understanding of principles underlying assessment and treatment of these disorders.
3 Credits
Show Description CSD 405 - The Clinical Process
Offered spring. Prereq., CSD 210, CSD 222, CSD 320, CSD 345, CSD 365. The underlying principles of clinical methods and practice including: the observation of human behavior and clinical processes, assessment of communication differences, clinical management of these differences, delays and disorders, behavior, interviewing/counseling, lesson planning, and writing skills.
3 Credits
Show Description CSD 411 - Neuroanatomy & Physiology
Offered spring. Prereq.,BIOH 330. Focused study on the anatomy of the nervous system and how the nervous system supports behaviors inherent to communication. Students will be introduced to anatomical terms, structures, and functions. Clinical implications will be discussed as well.
3 Credits
Show Description CSD 420 - Speech Science
Offered spring. Prereq., CSD 222, CSD 320, BIOH 330. Physiologic, neurologic, and acoustic aspects of human communication, theoretical framework for speech science, and principles of acoustics applied to speech pathology.
3 Credits
Show Description CSD 430 - Senior Capstone
Offered autumn. Prereq., senior status. Part one of a two course sequence where the student completes an independent project. Students will prepare a literature review, and ethics application, and a proposal in preparation for a major research project of their design.
3 Credits
Show Description CSD 450 - Intro to Aural Rehabilitation
Offered spring. Prereq., CSD 210, CSD 222, CSD 345, & CSD 365 or graduate standing. Fundamental skills in speech reading, various types of hearing aids, and the tools necessary to assess and implement auditory training. Management of the client with hearing impairment including psycho-social development and educational intervention. Both children and adults are included.
3 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C- 27 Total Credits Required

Degree Electives

Rule: Must complete the following subcategories

18 Total Credits Required

Biological Science Requirement

Rule: Choose 1 of the listed courses

Show All Course Descriptions Course Credits
Show Description BIOB 101N - Discover Biology
Offered every term. Contemporary exploration of the organization and complexity of living organisms and the systems in which they live.  The central question of biology--relationship between form and function, acquisition and use of energy, and continuity between generations will be addressed through lectures and laboratory investigations.  Credit not allowed toward a major in biology. Credit not allowed for both BIOB 101N and BIOB 160N.
3 Credits
Show Description BIOB 160N - Principles of Living Systems
Offered autumn and summer. Unifying principles of biological structure-function relationships at different levels of organization and complexity. Consideration of reproduction, genetics, development, evolution, ecosystems, as well as the inter-relationships of the human species to the rest of life. Students requiring a laboratory should also register for BIOB 161N. Credit not allowed for both BIOB 101N and 160N.
3 Credits
Show Description BIOB 161N - Prncpls of Living Systems Lab
Offered autumn and summer. Prereq., or Coreq., BIOB 160N. Lab experiences illustrate biological principles underlying growth, reproduction, development, genetics and physiology, and are designed to give students practice in scientific methods of description, development of hypotheses, and testing.
1 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C- 3 Total Credits Required

Physical Science Requirement

Rule: 1 chemistry or physics course, which must be at the 100-level or above and a minimum of 3 credits

Note: Student may take another approved physical science course.

Statistics Requirement

Rule: Choose 1 of the listed courses

Show All Course Descriptions Course Credits
Show Description PSYX 222 - Psychological Statistics
Offered every term. Prereq., PSYX 120; M 115, M 162 or 171. Application of statistical techniques to psychological data. Credit not allowed for both PSYX 222 and SOCI 202.
3 Credits
Show Description SOCI 202 - Social Statistics
Offered every term. Prereq., M 115, Sociology majors only, or consent of instr. Application of descriptive and inferential statistical techniques to sociological data. Required of all majors.
3 Credits
Show Description STAT 216 - Introduction to Statistics
Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., M 115 (preferred), or one of M 121, 132, 151, 162 or 171, or ALEKS placement >= 4. Introduction to major ideas of statistical inference. Emphasis is on statistical reasoning and uses of statistics.
4 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C- 3 Total Credits Required

Psychology Requirement

Rule: Choose 1 of the listed courses

Show All Course Descriptions Course Credits
Show Description PSYX 230 - Developmental Psychology
Offered autumn, spring, summer. Prereq., PSYX 100S. The study of human physical, cognitive and psychosocial development throughout the life span. Content covers major theories, the influence of genetics, and the environment from a chronological aspect. Appropriate for Social Work, Nursing, Addiction Studies, Education, and Psychology.
3 Credits
Show Description PSYX 233 - Fund of Psychology of Aging
Offered every term. An overview of theories and research findings in the psychology of adulthood and aging.
3 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C- 3 Total Credits Required

Modern and Classical Language Requirement

Rule: Choose a sequence of 2 semesters

Note: Student must take a sequence (2 semesters) of a modern or classical language.

Suggested Course of Study

First Year A S
CSD 110 The Field of CSD 3 -
PSYX 100S (PSYC100S) Introduction to Psychology - 4
M 115 (MATH 117) Probability and Linear Math - 3
WRIT 101 (ENEX 101) College Writing I 3 -
LING 270 Introduction to Linguistics - 3
BIOB 101N (BIOL 100N) Discovery Biology or BIOB 160N (BIOL 110N) Principles of Living Systems 3 -
General Education/Electives 6 6
Total Credits 15 16
Second Year    
BIOH 330 (CSD 330) Anat & Phys Speech Mech 3 -
CSD 210 Speech & Language Development 3 -
CSD 221N Foundations of Acoustics - 3
CSD 222 Introduction to Audiology 3 -
PSYX 230S (PSYC 240S) Developmental Psychology or PSCX 233 (PSYC 245) Fundamentals of Psychology of Aging 3 -
PSYX 120 (PSYC 120) Research Methods I - 3
General Education/Electives 3 9
Total Credits 15 15
Third Year    
STAT 216 (MATH 241) Introduction to Statistics or PSYX 222 (PSYC 220) Psychological Statistics or SOCI 202 (SOC 202) Social Statistics 4 -
CSD 320 Phonological Development & Phonetics 3 -
CSD 340 Speech Disorders - 3
CSD 360 Language Disorders - 3
General Education/Electives (Students must complete 9 total upper-division credits outside of the CSD major) 9 9
Total Credits                            16 15
Fourth Year    
CSD 405 The Clinical Process - 3
CSD 411 Neuroanatomy & Physiology for Communication - 3
CSD 420 Speech Science - 3
CSD 430 Senior Capstone I 3 -
CSD 440 Senior Capstone II - 3
CSD 450 Introduction to Aural Rehabilitation - 3
CSD 480 Multicultural Issues in Speech Language and Hearing 3 -
Electives (Students must complete 9 total upper-division elective credits) 9 -
Total Credits 15 15