
Bachelor of Arts - Theatre

College of Visual & Perf Arts

Catalog Year: 2016-2017

Degree Specific Credits: 43

Required Cumulative GPA: 2.0

BA Theatre Major LD Core

Rule: Must complete the following subcategories

24 Total Credits Required

Required Courses

Rule: All courses are required.

Show All Course Descriptions Course Credits
Show Description THTR 102A - Introduction to Theatre Design
Offered autumn. Basic understanding of the principles of design for the theatre and television, including the production elements of scenery, costumes and lighting.
3 Credits
Show Description THTR 103 - Introd to House Management
(R-3) Offered autumn and spring. Introduction to the skills and experience of the front-of-house staff for a theatrical production.
1 Credits
Show Description THTR 106A - Theat Prod I:Run Crew
(R-6) Offered autumn and spring. Operation and running a show backstage on a scenery, costume, or prop crew for a major school production.
1 Credits
Show Description THTR 202 - Stagecraft I: Lightng/Costumes
Offered autumn. Fundamental theories and hands-on application in the areas of costuming, lighting, scenery, and properties.
3 Credits
Show Description THTR 203 - Stagecraft II: Scenery & Props
Offered spring. Fundamental theories and hands-on application in the areas of scenery, properties, and rigging.
3 Credits
Show Description THTR 206 - Theat Prod II: Run Crew
(R-6) Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., THTR 106A. Operation and running a show backstage, as in scenery, costumes, or props for a major school production.
1 Credits
Show Description THTR 220 - Acting I
Offered autumn. Intensive development of basic acting skills through psycho-physical technique: dramatic action, image-making and improvisation.
3 Credits
Show Description THTR 235L - Dramatic Literature
Offered autumn and spring. The study of representative texts in dramatic literature as a foundation for play analysis.
3 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C- 18 Total Credits Required

Shop Experience I

Rule: Select 1 of 6 different sections.

Note: Section 01: Scene Shop on MW; Section 02: Costume Shop on MW; Section 03: Light Shop on MW;
Section 04: Scene Shop on TR; Section 05: Costume Shop on TR; Section 06: Light Shop on TR.

Show All Course Descriptions Course Credits
Show Description THTR 107A - Theat Prod I:Constr Crew
(R-9) Offered autumn and spring. The construction and completion of scenery/props, costumes, and/or lighting under supervision. Most assignments involve very basic construction techniques and/or maintenance duties found in professional shop. Involves minimum of two 4-hour labs a week.
3 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C- 3 Total Credits Required

Shop Experience II

Rule: Select 1 of 6 different sections. Should be a different shop than the one taken for THTR 107A.

Note: Section 01: Scene Shop on MW; Section 02: Costume Shop on MW; Section 03: Light Shop on MW;
Section 04: Scene Shop on TR; Section 05: Costume Shop on TR; Section 06: Light Shop on TR.

Show All Course Descriptions Course Credits
Show Description THTR 207 - Theat Prod II:Constr Crew
(R-6) Offered autumn and spring. The construction and completion of scenery/props, costumes, and/or lighting. Advanced construction assignments and/or maintenance duties found in professional shop; possible supervision of a small construction crew. Involves minimum of two 4-hour labs a week.
3 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C- 3 Total Credits Required

BA Theatre Major UD Core

Rule: Must complete the following subcategories

10 Total Credits Required

Required Courses

Rule: All courses are required.

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Show Description THTR 330H - Theatre History I
Offered autumn. Prereq., WRIT 101 (or higher) or equivalent, or consent of instr. A survey of the major developments of the theatre from primitive beginnings to the 19th century, including various cultures and their representative plays and performances throughout the world.
3 Credits
Show Description THTR 331Y - Theatre History II
Offered spring. Prereq., THTR 330H or theatre minor. Continuation of 330H. The many and varied periods since the 19th century as reflected in the theatre of the times in America and Europe.
3 Credits
Show Description THTR 375 - Directing I
Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., THTR 120A or THTR 220A; THTR 235L. Open to juniors and seniors. Introduction to the analytical skills, staging, and conceptual techniques of the director; includes some practical application in scene work.
3 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C- 9 Total Credits Required

Senior Project

Rule: Must be taken during student's final semester.

Show All Course Descriptions Course Credits
Show Description THTR 499 - Senior Project
Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., senior-level theatre major. The student, with approval from his/her advisor, will begin a project during the semester prior to the semester of his/her graduation. An in-depth paper and brief defense of the project are required.
1 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: Pass 1 Total Credits Required

BA Theatre Major Focused Area (acting, costumes, literature/history, scenery, etc.)

Rule: Minimum of 9 credits required.

Note: Dance or Media Arts courses may count toward these required electives with approval from advisor.

Minimum Required Grade: C-
9 Total Credits Required