Economics Department

Jeff Bookwalter, Chairperson

The department considers its teaching goals to be three-fold: (1) To present students with the basic theoretical tools of economic analysis, relevant facts and institutional material, which will assist them as civic leaders. (2) To introduce students majoring in economics to the various special fields of study within economics. This training, along with extensive work in the other liberal arts and sciences, is intended to instill breadth of intellectual interest, critical habits of thought, a problem-solving attitude and facility of expression. (3) To help meet, through graduate work, the increasing demands for competent professional economists in industry, commerce, government and education.

Courses cover general economic theory, environmental economics, monetary theory, international economics, public finance, labor economics, economic development, comparative economic systems, econometrics, and industrial organization.

Students major in economics leading to a Bachelor of Arts degree. Graduate work leads to a Master of Arts degree in economics (see Graduate School catalog).

Undergraduate Degrees Available

Subject Type Option Track
Economics Bachelor of Arts
Economics Bachelor of Arts Teaching Economics
Economics Minor
Economics Minor Teaching Economics

Department Faculty


  • Douglas Dalenberg, Professor

Associate Professor

  • Jeff Bookwalter, Associate Professor, Chair
  • Amanda Dawsey, Associate Professor, Graduate Advisor
  • Derek Kellenberg, Professor
  • Helen Naughton, Associate Professor

Assistant Professor

  • Katrina Mullan, Assistant Professor
  • Ranjan Shrestha, Assistant Professor
  • Matthew Taylor, Assistant Professor


  • Jennifer Muser, Adjunct Instructor


  • Richard Erb, Faculty Affiliate
  • Joanna Shelton, Faculty Affiliate


  • Thomas M. Power, Research Professor
  • Kay Unger, Emeritus