Forensic Studies Certificate

The certificate in forensic studies is designed so that students may complete the requirements either as resident students at UM-Missoula or completely online through UM-Missoula's online facility.

To earn a certificate in forensic studies the student must complete a minimum of 18 credits, including 6 credits in core forensic science courses.

Certificate of Art - Forensic Studies

College Humanities & Sciences

Catalog Year: 2016-2017

Degree Specific Credits: 18

Required Cumulative GPA: 2.0

Note: The Certificate in Forensic Studies is primarily designed as a step toward a baccalaureate degree for those interested in a career in the forensic sciences or a related field. It is also designed as an avenue for law enforcement agents, forensic scientists, or other professionals in the justice system to satisfy mandatory continuing education requirements for continued employment or promotion.

Core Courses

Rule: All courses required.

Show All Course Descriptions Course Credits
Show Description CJUS 125N - Fund of Forensic Science
Offered autumn and online spring. A survey of the forensic sciences and related disciplines and their use in criminal investigations, the role of forensic scientists in the investigative process and as expert witnesses.
3 Credits
Show Description CJUS 488 - For Sci Crime Lab & Beyond
Offered springĀ and online in autumn. Examination of the forensic sciences with emphases on the non-crime lab forensic sciences, new technologies, and new directions in the forensic sciences.
3 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C 6 Total Credits Required

Science Electives

Rule: Must complete 6 credits

Note: To meet this requirement, students must complete six credits in courses with a suffix of "N" (courses that have been designated as University of Montana- Missoula General Education Group XI, Natural Sciences) in any department. Any Criminology courses offered through the Sociology department also count towards meeting this requirement. Courses numbered under 100 may not be counted toward meeting this requirement. Minimum grade required is C-.

Minimum Required Grade: C
6 Total Credits Required

Communication Elective

Rule: Must complete a 3 credit course

Note: To meet this requirement, student must complete one, 3-credit course related to written, oral, or pictorial communication, including selected courses in Art, Curriculum & Instruction, Communication Studies, Computer Science, English, Forestry, Journalism, Linguistics, and Media Arts. Courses numbered under 100 may not be counted toward meeting this requirement. WRIT 101 will not be accepted as fulfilling this requirement.

Minimum Required Grade: C-
3 Total Credits Required

Ethics Elective

Rule: Must complete a 3 credit course

Note: To meet this requirement, student must complete one, 3-credit course that has been designated as a University of Montana - Missoula General Education Group VIII (Ethics and Human Values) course in any department.

Minimum Required Grade: C
3 Total Credits Required