Forensic Chemistry

Bachelor of Science - Chemistry; Forensic Chemistry Option

College Humanities & Sciences

Catalog Year: 2016-2017

Degree Specific Credits: 100

Required Cumulative GPA: 2.0

Lower Core Courses

Rule: All courses in all subcategories listed are required

General Chemistry

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Show Description CHMY 141N - College Chemistry I
Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., ALEKS Placement Level 4 or M 095 Intermediate Algebra w/ C- or better. For science majors and other students intending to take more than one year of chemistry. Properties of elements, inorganic compounds, liquid solutions, chemical equilibria and chemical kinetics. Includes laboratory.
5 Credits
Show Description CHMY 143N - College Chemistry II
Offered spring and summer. Prereq., "C-" or better in CHMY 141N or consent of instr. A continuation of CHMY 141N. Includes Laboratory.
5 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C- 10 Total Credits Required

Organic Chemistry

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Show Description CHMY 221 - Organic Chem I
Offered autumn. Prereq., CHMY 123N or 143N. The chemical and physical properties of organic compounds.
3 Credits
Show Description CHMY 222 - Org Chm I Lab
Offered autumn. Coreq., CHMY 221; prereq., one semester of 100-level laboratory. Microscale techniques are emphasized.
2 Credits
Show Description CHMY 223 - Organic Chm II
Offered spring. Prereq., CHMY 221. Continuation of 221.
3 Credits
Show Description CHMY 224 - Org Chm II Lab
Offered spring. Prereq., CHMY 222; prereq. or coreq., CHMY 223.
2 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C- 10 Total Credits Required

Biochemistry and Biology

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Show Description BCH 110 - Intro Biology for Biochemists
Offered spring. Prereq. CHMY 141N or equivalent. Prereq. or Coreq., CHMY 143N. Coreq., BCH 111.  An introductory course that explores biomolecules and their roles in life processes.  Provides a foundation for Cellular and Molecular Biology (BIOB 260), Genetics and Evolution (BIOB 272), Introductory Biochemistry Seminar (BCH 294), and many other advanced science courses.
3 Credits
Show Description BCH 111 - Intro Biol for Biochemists Lab
Offered spring.  Prereq., CHMY 141N or equivalent. Prereq., or Coreq., CHMY 143N. Coreq., BCH 110. Introduction to the experimental techniques used to study biomolecules and their roles in life processes.  Provides a foundation for other advanced level laboratory courses in chemistry and biochemistry.
1 Credits
Show Description BIOB 260 - Cellular and Molecular Biology
Offered autumn and summer. Prereq. BIOB 160N (preferred) or BCH 110/111 (preferred) or B- or higher in BIOH 112; and either CHMY 123 or CHMY 143. Analytical exploration of the structure and function of the cell, the fundamental unit of life, with an emphasis on energy transformations and information flow. Topics include molecular building blocks, membranes, organelles, and mechanisms of replication, gene expression, metabolism, signal transduction, cell birth, cell death, and cell differentiation.
4 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C- 8 Total Credits Required


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Show Description PHSX 215N - Fund of Physics w/Calc I
Offered autumn. Prereq. or coreq., PHSX 216N and M 171 or equiv. This course satisfies the lecture portion of medical and technical school requirements in general physics. Mechanics, fluids, waves and sound. Credit not allowed for both PHSX 215N-216N-217N-218N and 205N-206N-207N-208N.
4 Credits
Show Description PHSX 216N - Physics Laboratory I w/Calc
Offered autumn. Coreq., PHSX 215N. This course satisfies the laboratory portion of medical and technical school requirements in general physics. Mechanics, fluids, waves, and sound. Credit not allowed for both PHSX 215N-216N-217N-218N and 205N-206N-207N-208N.
1 Credits
Show Description PHSX 217N - Fund of Physics w/Calc II
Offered spring. Prereq., PHSX 215N, and prereq. or coreq. PHSX 218, and prereq. or coreq., M 172 or equivalent. This course satisfies the lecture portion of medical and technical school requirements in general physics. Heat, electricity, magnetism, and light. Credit not allowed for both PHSX 215N-216N-217N-218N and 205N-206N-207N-208N.
4 Credits
Show Description PHSX 218N - Physics Laboratory II w/Calc
Offered spring. Prereq., PHSX 215N, coreq., PHSX 217N. This course satisfies the laboratory portion of medical and technical school requirements in general physics. Heat, electricity, magnetism, and light. Credit not allowed for both PHSX 215N-216N-217N-218N and 205N-206N-207N-208N.
1 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C- 10 Total Credits Required


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Show Description M 171 - Calculus I
Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., M 122 or 151 or ALEKS placement >= 5.  Differential calculus, including limits, continuous functions, Intermediate Value Theorem, tangents, linear approximation, inverse functions, implicit differentiation, extreme values and the Mean Value Theorem.  Integral Calculus including antiderivatives, definite integrals, and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.
4 Credits
Show Description M 172 - Calculus II
Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., M 171 or 181. Techniques of Integration. Area computations. Improper integrals. Infinite series and various convergence tests. Power series. Taylor's Formula. Polar coordinates. Parametric curves.
4 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C- 8 Total Credits Required

Forensic Science and Criminal Justice

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Show Description CJUS 125N - Fund of Forensic Science
Offered autumn and online spring. A survey of the forensic sciences and related disciplines and their use in criminal investigations, the role of forensic scientists in the investigative process and as expert witnesses.
3 Credits
Show Description SOCI 221 - Criminal Justice System
Offered spring.  A systematic survey of crime and the administration of justice in the United States, including the organizational structures, processes, and dynamics of law enforcement, criminal adjudication, and corrections.
3 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C- 6 Total Credits Required

Upper Core Courses

Rule: All subcategories must be completed

Analytical Chemistry

Rule: Complete all of the following courses

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Show Description CHMY 311 - Analytical Chem-Quant Analysis
Offered autumn. Prereq., one year of college chemistry, including laboratory. Classroom and laboratory work in gravimetric, volumetric, colorimetric and electrochemical methods of analysis; theory of errors; ionic equilibria in aqueous solutions.
4 Credits
Show Description CHMY 421 - Advanced Instrument Analysis
Offered spring. Prereq., CHMY 311. Theory and use of instrumental methods in the study of analytical and physical chemistry.
4 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C- 8 Total Credits Required

Physical Chemistry

Rule: Choose 1 of the listed courses

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Show Description CHMY 360 - Applied Physical Chemistry
Offered spring. Prereq., CHMY 123 OR 143 AND M 162. Basic thermodynamics and chemical kinetics with applications in the biological and environmental sciences. Credit not allowed for both 360 and 373.
3 Credits
Show Description CHMY 373 - Phys Chem-Kntcs & Thrmdynmcs
Offered autumn. Prereq., CHMY 143N, M 273, PHSX 207N or 217N. Systematic treatment of the laws and theories relating to chemical phenomena. Credit not allowed for both CHMY 360 and 373.
4 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C- 3 Total Credits Required

Inorganic Chemistry

Rule: Complete the following course

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Show Description CHMY 401 - Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
Offered autumn. Prereq., CHMY 223 AND 360 OR 373 or consent of instr. Theory and principles of inorganic chemistry and a systematic coverage of descriptive inorganic chemistry in the context of the periodic table.
3 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C- 3 Total Credits Required


Rule: Complete the following courses

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Show Description BCH 480 - Advanced Biochemistry I
Offered autumn. Prereq., CHMY 223. Primarily for science majors. The chemistry of biomolecules, with emphasis on the structure and function of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and nucleic acids. The chemistry and regulation of the transfer and expression of genetic information, protein synthesis. Credit not allowed for both BCH 380 and 480-482.
3 Credits
Show Description BCH 482 - Advanced Biochemistry II
Offered spring. Prereq., BCH 480 or equiv. Continuation of BCH 480. Enzyme kinetics, metabolism, especially macromolecule biosyntheses and energy acquisition pathways, and the associated energetics and molecular physiology. Credit not allowed for both BCH 380 and BCH 480-482.
3 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C- 6 Total Credits Required

Experiential Learning

Rule: Choose 1 of the listed courses for 3 credits

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Show Description CHMY 488 - Forensic Research
Offered autumn, spring and summer.  Prereq., consent of instr.  Laboratory investigations and research on forensic chemistry topics under the direction of a faculty member.
3 Credits
Show Description CHMY 498 - Internship/Cooperative Educ
Prereq., consent of department. Extended non-classroom experience which provides practical application of classroom learning during placements off campus. Prior approval must be obtained from the faculty supervisor and the Internship Services office. A maximum of 6 credits of Internship (198, 298, 398, 498) may count toward graduation.
1 To 6 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C- 3 Total Credits Required


Rule: Complete the following course

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Show Description CHMY 489 - Forensic Research Seminar
Offered autumn.  Prereq., CHMY 421 and ANTH 286N.  Seminar speakers on forensic science topics in the areas of ethics, law, anthropology and criminology; tours of the Montana State Crime Laboratory.
1 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C- 1 Total Credits Required


Rule: Complete the following courses

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Show Description STAT 451 - Statistical Methods I
Offered autumn. Prereq., one year of college mathematics including M 115 or equiv. course in probability or consent of instr. May not be counted toward a major in mathematics. Intended primarily for non-mathematics majors who will be analyzing data. Graphical and numerical summaries of data, elementary sampling, designing experiments, probability as a model for random phenomena and as a tool for making statistical inferences, random variables, basic ideas of inference and hypothesis testing. Level: Undergraduate-Graduate
3 Credits
Show Description STAT 457 - Computer Data Analysis I
Offered autumn. Coreq., STAT 451 or consent of instr. An introduction to software for doing statistical analyses. Intended primarily for students in STAT 451. Level: Undergraduate-Graduate
1 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C- 4 Total Credits Required

Advanced Electives

Rule: Choose 11 credits from the listed courses. 8 of the credits must be numbered 300 or above

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Show Description BIOB 440 - Biological Electron Microscopy
Offered spring.  Prereq., senior standing or consent of instr. Theory of electron microscopy, recent developments in transmission and scanning electron microscopy. Limited experience with the instruments.
2 Credits
Show Description CHMY 465 - Organic Spectroscopy
Offered intermittently. Prereq., CHMY 360 or 373 and one year of organic chemistry or consent of instr. Theory and interpretation of the NMR, IR, UV, and mass spectra of organic compounds with the goal of structure identification.
3 Credits
Show Description CHMY 466 - FT-NMR Optn for Undrgrd Rsrch
Offered intermittently. Prereq., CHMY 221-222; research project using NMR; consent of instr. Operation of the FT-NMR spectrometer and brief background of NMR spectroscopy.
1 Credits
Show Description CHMY 542 - Separation Science
Offered autumn odd-numbered years.  Prereq., CHMY 421, CHMY 360 or 373.  Theory, method development, and application of analytical separations; solvent extraction; solid phase extraction; various forms of chromatography; electrophoresis. Level: Graduate
3 Credits
Show Description CJUS 488 - For Sci Crime Lab & Beyond
Offered spring and online in autumn. Examination of the forensic sciences with emphases on the non-crime lab forensic sciences, new technologies, and new directions in the forensic sciences.
3 Credits
Show Description PHAR 110N - Use & Abuse of Drugs
Offered autumn and spring. Drug dependence and abuse.
3 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C- 11 Total Credits Required

Expressive Art - Public Speaking

Rule: Complete the following course

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Show Description COMX 111A - Intro to Public Speaking
Offered every term. Preparation, presentation, and criticism of speeches. Emphasis on the development of public speaking techniques through constructive criticism. Credit not allowed for both COMM 111A and COM 160A.
3 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C- 3 Total Credits Required

Social Science - Criminology

Rule: Complete the following course

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Show Description SOCI 211S - Introduction to Criminology
Offered autumn. A critical examination of crime in society: how crime is defined, the extent and distribution of crime, theoretical explanations of criminal behavior, and crime control efforts.
3 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C- 3 Total Credits Required


Rule: Complete the following course

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Show Description CHMY 305E - Ethics and Writing in Science
Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., CHMY 223 and chemistry or biochemistry majors. Practicum for developing and improving skills in scientific writing and evaluation. Presentation, discussion and written evaluations of standard ethics traditions and ethical issues related to the professional practice of science. Use of library and search tools to access current literature in chemistry.
3 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C- 3 Total Credits Required