Astronomy Minor

Minor - Astronomy (Minor)

College Humanities & Sciences

Catalog Year: 2016-2017

Degree Specific Credits: 25

Required Cumulative GPA: 2.0

Note: Mathematics prerequisites for the Astronomy minor are M 171, M 172, and M 273

Lower Division Physics Courses

Rule: Must complete all of the courses in one of the two options:

Note: The Physics with Calculus series (PHSX 215N - 218N) is strongly recommended.

10 Total Credits Required

College Physics

Rule: May complete all of the following courses:

Show All Course Descriptions Course Credits
Show Description PHSX 205N - College Physics I
Offered autumn and spring.  Prereq., M 122 or 151 or equivalent, and prereq. or coreq. PHSX 206N.  Mechanics, sound, and heat.  For non-physical science majors.  This course satisfies the lecture portion of medical school requirements in general physics.  Credit not allowed for both PHSX 205N-207N and 215N-217N.
4 Credits
Show Description PHSX 206N - College Physics I Laboratory
Offered autumn and spring.  Prereq. or coreq., PHSX 205N.  Mechanics, sound, and heat.  For non-physical science majors.  This course satisfies the laboratory portion of medical school requirements in general physics.  Credit not allowed for both PHSX 206N-208N and 216N-218N.
1 Credits
Show Description PHSX 207N - College Physics II
Offered autumn and spring.  Prereq. PHSX 205N and prereq. or coreq., PHSX 208N.  Electricity, magnetism, light, and modern physics.  For non-physical science majors.  This course satisfies the lecture portion of medical school requirements in general physics.  Credit not allowed for both PHSX 205N-207N and 215N-217N.
4 Credits
Show Description PHSX 208N - College Physics II Laboratory
Offered autumn and spring.  Prereq., PHSX 206N, prereq, or coreq., PHSX 207N.  Electricity, magnetism, light and modern physics.  For non-physical science majors.  This course satisfies the laboratory portion of medical school requirements in general physics.  Credit not allowed for both PHSX 206N-208N and 216N-218N.
1 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C- 10 Total Credits Required

Physics with Calculus

Rule: May complete all of the following courses:

Show All Course Descriptions Course Credits
Show Description PHSX 215N - Fund of Physics w/Calc I
Offered autumn. Prereq. or coreq., PHSX 216N and M 171 or equiv. This course satisfies the lecture portion of medical and technical school requirements in general physics. Mechanics, fluids, waves and sound. Credit not allowed for both PHSX 215N-216N-217N-218N and 205N-206N-207N-208N.
4 Credits
Show Description PHSX 216N - Physics Laboratory I w/Calc
Offered autumn. Coreq., PHSX 215N. This course satisfies the laboratory portion of medical and technical school requirements in general physics. Mechanics, fluids, waves, and sound. Credit not allowed for both PHSX 215N-216N-217N-218N and 205N-206N-207N-208N.
1 Credits
Show Description PHSX 217N - Fund of Physics w/Calc II
Offered spring. Prereq., PHSX 215N, and prereq. or coreq. PHSX 218, and prereq. or coreq., M 172 or equivalent. This course satisfies the lecture portion of medical and technical school requirements in general physics. Heat, electricity, magnetism, and light. Credit not allowed for both PHSX 215N-216N-217N-218N and 205N-206N-207N-208N.
4 Credits
Show Description PHSX 218N - Physics Laboratory II w/Calc
Offered spring. Prereq., PHSX 215N, coreq., PHSX 217N. This course satisfies the laboratory portion of medical and technical school requirements in general physics. Heat, electricity, magnetism, and light. Credit not allowed for both PHSX 215N-216N-217N-218N and 205N-206N-207N-208N.
1 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C- 10 Total Credits Required

Lower Division Astronomy Courses

Rule: Complete the following subcategories of courses

6-7 Total Credits Required

Core Course

Rule: Complete all of the following courses

Show All Course Descriptions Course Credits
Show Description ASTR 131N - Elementary Astronomy I
Offered autumn. Prereq., high school algebra and geometry. An introduction to observational, historical, and planetary astronomy. Students will have a chance to visit UM's state-of-the-art planetarium and observe with our 0.4 meter telescope.
3 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C- 3 Total Credits Required

Core Elective

Rule: Choose 1 of the following courses

Show All Course Descriptions Course Credits
Show Description ASTR 132N - Elementary Astronomy II
Offered spring. Prereq., high school algebra and geometry. An introduction to stars, stellar evolution, galaxies, and cosmology. Students will have a chance to visit UM’s state-of-the-art planetarium and observe with our 0.4 meter telescope.
3 Credits
Show Description ASTR 142N - The Evolving Universe
Offered spring. Prereq., working knowledge of precalculus (ie., college algebra and college trigonometry). Overview of recent developments in planetary system formation, stars, galaxies, and cosmology. Some astronomical observing required outside of normal class hours.
4 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C- 3-4 Total Credits Required


Rule: Must complete 3 of the following courses

Show All Course Descriptions Course Credits
Show Description ASTR 351 - Planetary Science
Offered autumn even-numbered years. Prereq., PHSX 215N-216N or 205N-206N and M 162 or 171. Same as GEO 317. Physical and geological characteristics of planets, satellites, asteroids, comets, and meteoroids, with an emphasis on comparative planetology.
3 Credits
Show Description ASTR 353 - Galactic Astrophysics
Offered spring odd-numbered years. Prereq., ASTR 132N, PHSX 217N-218N, M 273. The nature of the Milky Way galaxy and other galaxies, galactic evolution, the large scale structure of the universe, active galaxies and quasars, and cosmology, including the early universe.
3 Credits
Show Description ASTR 362 - Observational Astronomy
Offered autumn even-numbered years.  Prereq., ASTR 132N or 142N, PHXS 217N-218N.  Laboratory study of the probabilistic behavior of light, data acquisition with telescopes, digital imaging and spectroscopy.  Emphasis on fundamental statistical tools, scientific computer programming, and written and oral presentation of scientific results.
3 Credits
Show Description ASTR 363 - Stellar Astr & Astrophys I
Offered autumn odd-numbered years. Prereq., ASTR 132N, M 273, and PHSX 217N-218N; PHSX 343 recommended. Detailed application of physical laws to determine the nature of the stars; analysis of stellar spectra and atmospheres; solar astrophysics; structure of stars and their evolution.
3 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C- 9 Total Credits Required