Human and Family Development Minor

Minor - Human and Family Development (Minor)

College Humanities & Sciences

Catalog Year: 2016-2017

Degree Specific Credits: 24

Required Cumulative GPA: 2.5

Note: To earn a minor the student must complete 24 credits, with 11 at the 300 level or above. All students are required to take a 12-credit core curriculum and, with the help of a faculty advisor, to develop a written statement of goals and interests along with a planned curriculum that includes 12 additional credits of electives consistent with the stated goals and interests. At least 6 credits of electives must be outside of the student's major.

Core Courses

Rule: Must complete the following subcategories

12 Total Credits Required

Subcategory 1

Rule: Must complete 1 of the following courses

Show All Course Descriptions Course Credits
Show Description PSYX 230 - Developmental Psychology
Offered autumn, spring, summer. Prereq., PSYX 100S. The study of human physical, cognitive and psychosocial development throughout the life span. Content covers major theories, the influence of genetics, and the environment from a chronological aspect. Appropriate for Social Work, Nursing, Addiction Studies, Education, and Psychology.
3 Credits
Show Description PSYX 233 - Fund of Psychology of Aging
Offered every term. An overview of theories and research findings in the psychology of adulthood and aging.
3 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C 3 Total Credits Required

Subcategory 2

Rule: Must complete all of the following courses:

Note: HFD 494 may be taken for 1 credit. HFD 498 must be taken for a minimum of 2 credits. Education majors may take EDEC 396 to fulfill this requirement.

Show All Course Descriptions Course Credits
Show Description HFD 494 - Seminar in Human Development
(R-3) Offered autumn. Discussion of selected problems in human development. Emphasis on integrating theory and practice.
1 To 3 Credits
Show Description HFD 498 - Internship
(R-4) Prereq., consent of chair. Extended classroom experience which provides practical application of classroom learning during placements off campus.  Prior approval must be obtained from the faculty supervisor and the Internship Services office.  A maximum of 6 credits of Internship (198, 298, 398, 498) may count toward graduation.
1 To 4 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C 3 Total Credits Required

Subcategory 3

Rule: Must complete 1 of the following courses

Show All Course Descriptions Course Credits
Show Description COMX 311 - Family Communication
Offered yearly. An examination of communication in marriage/romantic partnership, parent-child, and extended family relationships. Topics include intimacy, power, decision-making, problem solving, identity formation, and interpersonal perception.
3 Credits
Show Description SOCI 332 - Sociology of the Family
Offered autumn. Prereq., SOCI 101S. Historical, cross-cultural, and analytical study of the family. Emphasis on ideology, social structures, and agency affecting family composition and roles.
3 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C 3 Total Credits Required

Subcategory 4

Rule: Must complete 1 of the following courses

Show All Course Descriptions Course Credits
Show Description C&I 520 - Educational Research
Offered every term. Same as EDLD 520. Open to graduate level students in Education Leadership, Counseling, or Curriculum and Instruction majors. An understanding of basic quantitative and qualitative research methodology and terminology, particularly as they are used in studies presented in the professional literature. Level: Graduate
3 Credits
Show Description COMX 460 - Research Methods
Offered autumn and spring. Open only to majors in COMM. Prereq., Grade of C- or better in EDLD 486 or PSYX 222 or SOCI 202 or STAT 216. Introduction to the major types of communication research and the foundations of quantitative research methods.
3 Credits
Show Description PSYX 120 - Research Methods I
Offered every term. Prereq., PSYX 100S. Experimental and other quantitative methods employed in the scientific study of behavior.
3 Credits
Show Description PSYX 320 - Research Methods III
Offered every term. Prereq., PSYX 222. An appreciation of the experimental approach to the scientific study of behavior through student-conducted experiments.
3 Credits
Show Description S W 400 - Social Work Research
Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., SW 360; Social Work major. Utilization of social research findings in social work practice. Techniques for the collection and analysis of clinical data. Special emphasis on research methodology for the assessment of practitioner and program effectiveness.
3 Credits
Show Description SOCI 318 - Sociological Research Methods
Offered every term. Prereq., SOCI 101S, Sociology majors only, or consent of instr. Methods of research in the social sciences including naturalistic observation, interviewing, measurement, experiments, surveys, content analysis, and basic data analysis. Required of all majors.
3 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C 3 Total Credits Required

Elective Courses

Rule: Must complete 12 credits from any of the courses listed in the subcategories below; at least 6 credits must be taken outside of the student's major

Note: The list of electives is categorized to assist the student wishing to focus on one of these areas. Students may plan curricula which do not correspond to these categories, but should choose among courses from this list. Occasionally "special topics" courses are offered. Students may use these as electives with the consent of their advisors.
Check with departments regarding variable-credit 395 and 495-Special Topics listings.

12 Total Credits Required

Early Childhood

Rule: May complete any of the following courses

Note: Must complete all course work prior to taking HFD 498

Show All Course Descriptions Course Credits
Show Description C&I 421 - Issues in Early Intervention
Offered autumn odd-numbered years. Issues involved when serving young children with disabilities; family and child advocacy; least restrictive placements in early childhood settings; transitions concerning families, special education service providers and receiving schools; ;case management in rural communities; transdisciplinary teaming process; and preschool individualized education programs.  Includes practicum hours in campus-based CO-TEACH preschool.
3 Credits
Show Description CSD 210 - Speech & Lang Devel
Offered autumn. Sophomore standing or greater. Topics include typical speech and language development, phonology, semantic, morphological, syntax, and pragmatics, along with individual differences, second language acquisition and literacy.
3 Credits
Show Description EDEC 310 - Child in the Family
Offered spring even-numbered years. Prereq., PSYX 100S. Physical, social, emotional and intellectual development, learning theories and child rearing practices related to children 0-6 years of age.
3 Credits
Show Description EDEC 330 - Early Childhood Education
Offered spring odd-numbered years. Theory and techniques of teaching in pre-school and primary levels of education. Observation and participation in pre-school programs. Recommended for kindergarten and primary teachers.
3 Credits
Show Description EDEC 396 - EC Fieldwork/Practicum
Offered autumn and spring. Practicum experiences including observational assessment of children, study of the planning process, team teaching of a one week unit plan, and planning and directing parent/teacher conferences. Students will complete selected readings and assignments on child development, early childhood ecological arrangements, and classroom management. Weekly seminars include early childhood pedagogy, adapted and regular physical education. Must attend mandatory meeting at 12:00 or 4:00 p.m. on first day of the semester.
3 Credits
Show Description EDSP 403 - Curric/Mthds Early Spec Educ
Offered autumn even-numbered years. Principles in selecting and adapting early childhood curriculum materials for young children with disabilities; development, implementation and evaluation of individualized education programs; and appropriate teaching strategies for the early childhood special education classroom. Includes a practicum.
3 Credits
Show Description EDSP 462 - Spec Ed Law, Policy, Practice
Offered autumn and even-numbered summers.  Historic and current perspectives on laws, policies and practices of the special education and related fields.  Coverage of all aspects of the special education process including collaborative practices.
3 Credits
Show Description EDU 345 - Excptnlty & Clsrm Mgmt
Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., Admission to the Teacher Education Program in secondary and K-12. Focus on classroom management and the characteristics and instructional adaptations for exceptional students in the regular classroom. Addresses the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and subsequent reauthorizations, presents practices for working with students who are at-risk and students with disabilities in inclusive settings, and includes technological considerations.
3 Credits
Show Description EDU 491 - Special Topics/Exp Courses
(R-6) Offered intermittently.  Special courses experimental in nature dealing with a relatively narrow, specialized topic of particular current interest.  Credit not allowed toward a graduate degree.
1 To 6 Credits
Show Description EDU 494 - Seminar:Refl Pract & App Rsrch
(R-9) Required seminar during student teaching. Prereq., admission to the Teacher Education Program. Focuses on learning to conduct research on P-12 student performance to determine teaching effectiveness. Includes on-campus and/or on-line planning, conducting, and analyzing classroom practice.
1 To 9 Credits
Show Description HFD 498 - Internship
(R-4) Prereq., consent of chair. Extended classroom experience which provides practical application of classroom learning during placements off campus.  Prior approval must be obtained from the faculty supervisor and the Internship Services office.  A maximum of 6 credits of Internship (198, 298, 398, 498) may count toward graduation.
1 To 4 Credits
Show Description PSYX 290 - Supervised Research
(R-6) Offered every term. Prereq., consent of instr.
1 To 6 Credits
Show Description PSYX 378 - Intro to Clinical Psyc
Offered intermittently. Prereq., PSYX 340. Clinical psychology as a science and a profession. Theoretical models and techniques of assessment and intervention. Case illustrations.
3 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C 0-12 Total Credits Required


Rule: May complete any of the following courses

Show All Course Descriptions Course Credits
Show Description EDU 221 - Ed Psych & Measuremnt
Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., admission to Teacher Education program in secondary and K-12. Analysis of fundamental psychological concepts underlying classroom teaching and management, learning and evaluation including educational measurement. Emphasis on cognition, developmental, and motivational aspects of learning.
3 Credits
Show Description EDU 345 - Excptnlty & Clsrm Mgmt
Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., Admission to the Teacher Education Program in secondary and K-12. Focus on classroom management and the characteristics and instructional adaptations for exceptional students in the regular classroom. Addresses the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and subsequent reauthorizations, presents practices for working with students who are at-risk and students with disabilities in inclusive settings, and includes technological considerations.
3 Credits
Show Description PHAR 110N - Use & Abuse of Drugs
Offered autumn and spring. Drug dependence and abuse.
3 Credits
Show Description PSYX 339 - Curr Tpcs/Development Psyc
Offered intermittently. Prereq., PSYC 240S or 245. Topical reviews of theories, research and applications in developmental psychology.
3 Credits
Show Description PSYX 376 - Prin Cognit Behav Mod
Offered intermittently. Prereq., PSYX 270S. Study of basic principles, assumptions, methodology and applications of behavior modification. Discussion of current literature relevant to behavioral assessment and treatment of major psychological disorders.
3 Credits
Show Description PSYX 378 - Intro to Clinical Psyc
Offered intermittently. Prereq., PSYX 340. Clinical psychology as a science and a profession. Theoretical models and techniques of assessment and intervention. Case illustrations.
3 Credits
Show Description S W 300 - Hum Behav & Soc Environ
Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., SW 100 and 200, and junior standing in Social Work. Using the ecological-social systems framework, the integration of knowledge and concepts from the social and behavioral sciences for analysis and assessment of problems and issues relevant to professional social work practice.
3 Credits
Show Description S W 420 - Child Abuse/Child Welfare
Offered autumn. Prereq., junior standing or consent of instr. Signs and symptoms of physical and sexual abuse and neglect, family dynamics in abuse and neglect, the legal context, programs of prevention and intervention, foster care, special needs adoptions and related issues in child welfare.
3 Credits
Show Description SOCI 330 - Juvenile Delinquency
Offered spring. Prereq., SOCI 101S. The study of juvenile delinquency as a social phenomenon, including the emergence of "juvenile delinquency" as a social and legal concept, the nature of delinquency, and theoretical explanations of delinquent behavior.
3 Credits
Show Description SOCI 332 - Sociology of the Family
Offered autumn. Prereq., SOCI 101S. Historical, cross-cultural, and analytical study of the family. Emphasis on ideology, social structures, and agency affecting family composition and roles.
3 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C 0-12 Total Credits Required


Rule: May complete any of the following courses

Show All Course Descriptions Course Credits
Show Description EDSP 462 - Spec Ed Law, Policy, Practice
Offered autumn and even-numbered summers.  Historic and current perspectives on laws, policies and practices of the special education and related fields.  Coverage of all aspects of the special education process including collaborative practices.
3 Credits
Show Description EDU 221 - Ed Psych & Measuremnt
Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., admission to Teacher Education program in secondary and K-12. Analysis of fundamental psychological concepts underlying classroom teaching and management, learning and evaluation including educational measurement. Emphasis on cognition, developmental, and motivational aspects of learning.
3 Credits
Show Description EDU 345 - Excptnlty & Clsrm Mgmt
Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., Admission to the Teacher Education Program in secondary and K-12. Focus on classroom management and the characteristics and instructional adaptations for exceptional students in the regular classroom. Addresses the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and subsequent reauthorizations, presents practices for working with students who are at-risk and students with disabilities in inclusive settings, and includes technological considerations.
3 Credits
Show Description PHAR 110N - Use & Abuse of Drugs
Offered autumn and spring. Drug dependence and abuse.
3 Credits
Show Description PSYX 339 - Curr Tpcs/Development Psyc
Offered intermittently. Prereq., PSYC 240S or 245. Topical reviews of theories, research and applications in developmental psychology.
3 Credits
Show Description PSYX 345 - Child & Adolescent Psych Dis
Offered intermittently. Prereq., PSYX 100S and 230. Study of causes, characteristics, assessment and treatment of emotional, social and intellectual disorders. The age span studied will range from infancy through adolescence.
3 Credits
Show Description PSYX 376 - Prin Cognit Behav Mod
Offered intermittently. Prereq., PSYX 270S. Study of basic principles, assumptions, methodology and applications of behavior modification. Discussion of current literature relevant to behavioral assessment and treatment of major psychological disorders.
3 Credits
Show Description PSYX 378 - Intro to Clinical Psyc
Offered intermittently. Prereq., PSYX 340. Clinical psychology as a science and a profession. Theoretical models and techniques of assessment and intervention. Case illustrations.
3 Credits
Show Description S W 300 - Hum Behav & Soc Environ
Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., SW 100 and 200, and junior standing in Social Work. Using the ecological-social systems framework, the integration of knowledge and concepts from the social and behavioral sciences for analysis and assessment of problems and issues relevant to professional social work practice.
3 Credits
Show Description S W 450 - Children and Youth at Risk
Offered autumn or spring. Focus on the aspects of society that pose a threat to today’s youth and the ramification of those threats on youth development and behavior. Resilience and protective factors for youth at risk and strategies to work with those youth. Attention to related systems in Missoula and Montana, including juvenile justice, mental health, child protection, substance abuse, and education.
3 Credits
Show Description SOCI 330 - Juvenile Delinquency
Offered spring. Prereq., SOCI 101S. The study of juvenile delinquency as a social phenomenon, including the emergence of "juvenile delinquency" as a social and legal concept, the nature of delinquency, and theoretical explanations of delinquent behavior.
3 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C 0-12 Total Credits Required


Rule: May complete any of the following courses

Show All Course Descriptions Course Credits
Show Description AHHS 325 - Introduction to Gerontology
Offered spring. Prereq., junior standing or consent of instr. An interdisciplinary discussion of the health and social issues of older persons, utilizing didactic presentations, clinical demonstrations, and curricular modules.
3 Credits
Show Description AHHS 327 - MGS Meeting
(R-3) Offered spring. Attendance and participation in the Montana Gerontology Society meeting held annually in April.
1 Credits
Show Description AHHS 430 - Health Aspects of Aging
Offered spring. Overview of the health aspects of aging in the United States including biological theories of aging, normal physiological changes associated with aging systems, common pathological problems associated with aging, cultural and ethnic differences in the health of elders, health promotion and healthy aging, and the health care continuum of care for older persons.
3 Credits
Show Description PSYX 233 - Fund of Psychology of Aging
Offered every term. An overview of theories and research findings in the psychology of adulthood and aging.
3 Credits
Show Description PSYX 339 - Curr Tpcs/Development Psyc
Offered intermittently. Prereq., PSYC 240S or 245. Topical reviews of theories, research and applications in developmental psychology.
3 Credits
Show Description S W 455 - Social Gerontology
Offered autumn. Examination of the field of social gerontology, including an examination of the major bio/psycho/social/cultural/spiritual theories of aging, the service system, social and health issues, family and care-giving dynamics, social policy, and end of life concerns.
3 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C 0-12 Total Credits Required

Family Development

Rule: May complete any of the following courses

Show All Course Descriptions Course Credits
Show Description COMX 311 - Family Communication
Offered yearly. An examination of communication in marriage/romantic partnership, parent-child, and extended family relationships. Topics include intimacy, power, decision-making, problem solving, identity formation, and interpersonal perception.
3 Credits
Show Description COMX 414 - Comm in Personal Relationshps
Offered yearly. Prerequisite, COMX 115S or consent of instructor. An examination of the functions, types, and historical context of close personal relationships with an in-depth study of the role of communication in friendships and romantic relationships.
3 Credits
Show Description EDEC 310 - Child in the Family
Offered spring even-numbered years. Prereq., PSYX 100S. Physical, social, emotional and intellectual development, learning theories and child rearing practices related to children 0-6 years of age.
3 Credits
Show Description PSYX 348 - Psychology of Family Violence
Offered spring. Prereq., PSYX 100S. Same as WGS 385. Exploration of theoretical explanations for the presence of violence in American families; research and interventions in such areas as child physical and sexual abuse, battering of women, marital rape, spousal homicide, etc.
3 Credits
Show Description S W 423 - Addiction Studies
Offered spring. Same as PSYX 441 and SOCI 433. Examination of chemical dependency and behavioral compulsions, including alcohol and other drugs, gambling, eating disorders, sexual addictions. Ecosystems perspective on etiology, treatment, prevention, family dynamics, community response, and societal contributors. Students engage in a service learning community project which is integrated into the classroom through initial training, regular reflection, and other activities.
3 Credits
Show Description SOCI 332 - Sociology of the Family
Offered autumn. Prereq., SOCI 101S. Historical, cross-cultural, and analytical study of the family. Emphasis on ideology, social structures, and agency affecting family composition and roles.
3 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C 0-12 Total Credits Required