Rural and Environmental Change

Rural environments, residents and agencies are facing rapid social, economic, demographic and political change. This option develops analytical and practical skills for understanding rural and environmental change globally and in the American West, and its policy implications in such areas as rural health, welfare and work; community development and assessment; native peoples and natural resource management. An option in rural and environmental change prepares students for employment with either a government, private, or non-profit agency concerned with the above topics or for pursuing an advanced degree in sociology.

Requirements, in addition to courses in the core and content areas, include:

Bachelor of Arts - Sociology; Rural and Environmental Change Option

College Humanities & Sciences

Catalog Year: 2016-2017

Degree Specific Credits: 39

Required Cumulative GPA: 2.0

Note: No more than 60 sociology credits may count toward graduation.

Lower Core Courses

Rule: All courses are required

Show All Course Descriptions Course Credits
Show Description SOCI 101S - Introduction to Sociology
Offered every term. Overview of the principles and concepts used in the study of human social interaction, groups, communities and societies. Required of all majors.
3 Credits
Show Description SOCI 202 - Social Statistics
Offered every term. Prereq., M 115, Sociology majors only, or consent of instr. Application of descriptive and inferential statistical techniques to sociological data. Required of all majors.
3 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C- 6 Total Credits Required

Upper Core Courses

Rule: All courses are required

Show All Course Descriptions Course Credits
Show Description SOCI 318 - Sociological Research Methods
Offered every term. Prereq., SOCI 101S, Sociology majors only, or consent of instr. Methods of research in the social sciences including naturalistic observation, interviewing, measurement, experiments, surveys, content analysis, and basic data analysis. Required of all majors.
3 Credits
Show Description SOCI 455 - Classical Sociological Theory
Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., SOCI 101S, or consent of instr. Exploration of the classical foundations of sociological theories, emphasizing Marx, Durkheim, and Weber. Required of all sociology majors.
3 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C- 6 Total Credits Required

Major Content Courses

Rule: Choose 4 courses from those listed. 2 must be numbered 300 or above.

Note: Students may count only 1 course from their respective option as a major content course.

Note: SOCI 211S or SOCI 330 can count towards the 12 credits but not both.

Show All Course Descriptions Course Credits
Show Description SOCI 211S - Introduction to Criminology
Offered autumn. A critical examination of crime in society: how crime is defined, the extent and distribution of crime, theoretical explanations of criminal behavior, and crime control efforts.
3 Credits
Show Description SOCI 220S - Race, Gender & Class
Offered autumn. Same as WGS 220S. Analysis of the intersecting structure and dynamics of race, gender and class. Focus on power relationships, intergroup conflict and minority-group status.
3 Credits
Show Description SOCI 270 - Intro Development Sociology
Offered autumn.  Introduction to sociological perspectives on international development, globalization, and sustainability.  Rural and environmental issues emphasized.
3 Credits
Show Description SOCI 275S - Gender and Society
Offered spring. Exploration of the social construction of gender, especially in western, post-industrial societies such as the U.S.; gender ideologies affect the social definition and position of gendered individuals in work, family, sexual relationships, gendered divisions of labor, and social movements.
3 Credits
Show Description SOCI 306 - Sociology of Work
Offered intermittently.  An introduction to contemporary sociological debates on work including overwork, working poor, housework, globalization, mechanization, routinization, surveillance, and unions. Special focus on gender and class impacts on working life.
3 Credits
Show Description SOCI 308 - Soc of Education
Offered intermittently. Prereq., SOCI 101S. The structure and operation of the educational system in the United States, with special attention to the organization and effectiveness of schools.
3 Credits
Show Description SOCI 325 - Social Stratification
Offered intermittently. Prereq., SOCI 101S or SOCI 220S or SOCI 275S. The origins, institutionalization and change of class, status, prestige, power and other forms of social inequality. Special attention to the effects of stratification on individuals.
3 Credits
Show Description SOCI 330 - Juvenile Delinquency
Offered spring. Prereq., SOCI 101S. The study of juvenile delinquency as a social phenomenon, including the emergence of "juvenile delinquency" as a social and legal concept, the nature of delinquency, and theoretical explanations of delinquent behavior.
3 Credits
Show Description SOCI 332 - Sociology of the Family
Offered autumn. Prereq., SOCI 101S. Historical, cross-cultural, and analytical study of the family. Emphasis on ideology, social structures, and agency affecting family composition and roles.
3 Credits
Show Description SOCI 345 - Sociology of Organizations
Offered intermittently. Prereq., SOCI 101S. Historical and analytical study of organizations as social systems, with an emphasis on applying theoretical models to analyzing organizational behavior and change.
3 Credits
Show Description SOCI 346 - Rural Sociology
Offered intermittently. Prereq., SOCI 101S recommended. Demographic, economic and sociocultural change in rural communities with an emphasis on global economy, political structure, urbanization, and economic and social infrastructure. Special attention given to the rural west and Montana.
3 Credits
Show Description SOCI 350 - The Community
Offered intermittently. Prereq., SOCI 101S. The study of families, peer groups, neighborhoods, voluntary associations, power structures, social classes and large scale organizations as they come together in local communities.
3 Credits
Show Description SOCI 355 - Population and Society
Offered spring. Prereq., SOCI 101S. An introduction to contemporary world population problems including population growth, trafficking, fertility, mortality, population policy, and the relationship between population and environment. Emphasizes gender issues in international context.
3 Credits
Show Description SOCI 382 - Soc Psych and Social Structure
Offered autumn. Prereq., SOCI 101S. The study of the behavior of individuals in social contexts ranging from small groups to societies. Topics include attitude change, conformity, power, status, self-concept formation, and decision-making.
3 Credits
Show Description SOCI 470 - Environmental Sociology
Offered autumn. Introduction to environmental sociology and the social dimensions of environmental change.  Case studies of major environmental problems as applications of environmental sociological perspectives.
3 Credits
Show Description SOCI 485 - Political Sociology
Offered spring odd-numbered years. Prereq., junior or senior standing. Analysis of power; states; institutional interrelationships; production and transmisison of ideologies; political participation and membership; social movements.
3 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C- 12 Total Credits Required

Upper Division Writing Course

Rule: Must complete 1 of the following courses

Note: A non-sociology upper division writing course from another department may be substituted for this requirement with departmental consent.

Show All Course Descriptions Course Credits
Show Description SOCI 438 - Seminar in Crime & Deviance
Offered every term. Consent of instructor. Advanced studies in criminology theory, research, and practice. This course will meet the upper-division writing expectation for sociology majors only.
3 Credits
Show Description SOCI 441 - Capstone: Inequal and Soc Just
Offered spring. SOCI 101S and two inequality and social justice courses and consent of instr. Research and writing on Inequity and Social Justice. Students bring together readings from other inequality content courses and/or independent readings, research methods training, and data and/or internship experience to write a final research paper on a topic of their choice within the ISJ area. Meets advanced writing expectation.
3 Credits
Show Description SOCI 460 - Capstone: Rural and Env Change
Offered spring. Prereq., SOCI 101S and consent of instr.  Advanced study of issues in rural, environmental, and development sociology with an emphasis on theoretical perspectives and applications. Meets upper-division writing expectation for sociology majors only.
3 Credits
Show Description SOCI 488 - Writing for Sociology
Offered autumn and spring. Consent of instr.  Advanced study of variable topics or issues in sociology, with emphasis on writing for the discipline. This course satisfies the upper-division writing expectation for sociology majors only.
3 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C- 3 Total Credits Required

Rural and Environmental Change Option

Rule: Complete 15 Option Credits

Minimum Required Grade: C-
15 Total Credits Required

Option Core

Rule: The following courses are required

Note: Students should take SOCI 270 first and complete at least 2 Rural and Environmental Change electives prior to taking SOCI 460.

Show All Course Descriptions Course Credits
Show Description SOCI 270 - Intro Development Sociology
Offered autumn.  Introduction to sociological perspectives on international development, globalization, and sustainability.  Rural and environmental issues emphasized.
3 Credits
Show Description SOCI 460 - Capstone: Rural and Env Change
Offered spring. Prereq., SOCI 101S and consent of instr.  Advanced study of issues in rural, environmental, and development sociology with an emphasis on theoretical perspectives and applications. Meets upper-division writing expectation for sociology majors only.
3 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C- 6 Total Credits Required

Option Electives

Rule: Choose 3 of the following courses

Show All Course Descriptions Course Credits
Show Description SOCI 346 - Rural Sociology
Offered intermittently. Prereq., SOCI 101S recommended. Demographic, economic and sociocultural change in rural communities with an emphasis on global economy, political structure, urbanization, and economic and social infrastructure. Special attention given to the rural west and Montana.
3 Credits
Show Description SOCI 350 - The Community
Offered intermittently. Prereq., SOCI 101S. The study of families, peer groups, neighborhoods, voluntary associations, power structures, social classes and large scale organizations as they come together in local communities.
3 Credits
Show Description SOCI 355 - Population and Society
Offered spring. Prereq., SOCI 101S. An introduction to contemporary world population problems including population growth, trafficking, fertility, mortality, population policy, and the relationship between population and environment. Emphasizes gender issues in international context.
3 Credits
Show Description SOCI 443 - Sociology of Poverty
Offered autumn. Prereq. junior or senior standing or consent of instr. An examination of the roots, prevalence, and social characteristics of poverty. Analysis of policies intended to end poverty.
3 Credits
Show Description SOCI 470 - Environmental Sociology
Offered autumn. Introduction to environmental sociology and the social dimensions of environmental change.  Case studies of major environmental problems as applications of environmental sociological perspectives.
3 Credits
Show Description SOCI 471 - Gender and Global Development
Offered every other year. Prereq., SOCI 270 or consent of instructor. Advanced perspectives on the relationships between gender and colonization, international development, and globalization.
3 Credits
Show Description SOCI 498 - Internship
(R-6) Offered every term. Prereq., SOCI 101S, 318 and 202; 2.75 GPA; junior standing and consent of instr. Supervised placement in an agency or business which involves work experience related to criminology, sociology, rural and environmental change and/or inequality and social justice.
1 To 6 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C- 9 Total Credits Required